
Monday, May 31, 2010

President Museveni may be at 40+ but many Ugandans want a change

The polls can be conducted with whatever results, but the mood is for a change of Presidency. It is our mistakes that will fail to deliver the needed change. As for a candidate for the IPC, I think in Dr. Olara Otunnu we have a candidate who can help Uganda to make a start on a journey for the 5 years to see Uganda back to the map. If it is not the doctor, another person who can promise real change is Kibirige Mayanja. In FDC leadership, it will be like NRM under another leader. The fact that if good understanding is reached in IPC, any candidate chosen should be capable of getting support to compete favourably for the sake of getting the needed change come 2011 General elections.
William Kituuka

New poll puts Museveni vote at 43 per cent

By Monitor Reporter
Posted Monday, May 31 2010 at 00:00
President Museveni would have won the presidential election if it had been held a month ago but he would not have collected enough votes to avoid a run-off, a new poll can reveal.
The poll was commissioned by Daily Monitor and the Deepening Democracy Programme and conducted between April 19 and May 6 by TNS/Research international, an independent global research company.
Asked who they would vote for if elections were held on the day of the interviews, 43 per cent of all respondents said they would vote for President Museveni, while 35 per cent said they would vote for Dr Kiiza Besigye of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change.
Mr Olara Otunnu of the Uganda Peoples Congress and Norbert Mao of the Democratic Party were joint third with four per cent of the respondents saying they would vote for them.
Mr Abed Bwanika (Independent), Mr Jaberi Bidandi Ssali (People’s Progressive Party) and Maj. Gen. Mugisha Muntu, who lost the FDC presidential nomination to Dr Besigye in April, all received one per cent.
Mr Bwanika, who scored less than one per cent in the 2006 election, and Mr Ssali have indicated plans to run in the 2011 election but Mr Muntu is expected to throw his weight behind Dr Besigye after losing in the party primary.
President Museveni, in power since 1986, is seeking a fourth elected term in office and is expected to be nominated by the ruling NRM party as its candidate later this month.
Mr Museveni received 75.6 per cent of the vote in the 1996 election, 69.4 per cent in 2001 and 59.3 per cent in the 2006 election.
Dr Besigye won 27.7 per cent of the vote in 2001 and 37.4 per cent in 2006 but the Supreme Court found widespread irregularities in both elections, the majority in favour of the incumbent.
Tight contest
The latest poll shows a drop in support for both President Museveni and Dr Besigye but suggests that the 2011 election could be the most-tightly contested in the country’s history and could lead to a run-off between the two candidates. According to the Constitution, a presidential candidate must win more than 50 per cent of the valid votes cast at the election.
There is still plenty to fight for, though; one in 10 respondents interviewed in the survey said they did not yet know who they would vote for, suggesting that there is at least 10 per cent of swing voters for candidates to reach out to.
If the 10 per cent vote were to all go to President Museveni, he would climb to 53 per cent and avoid a run-off but should the swing vote all go to Dr Besigye, he would climb to 45 per cent.
This would not be enough for the opposition candidate to win in the first round but it would put him ahead of the incumbent and leave Mr Museveni as the underdog in the run-off.
More than seven out of every 10 respondents interviewed in this survey (73 per cent) said they had already decided on which presidential candidate to vote for in 2011 but only 66 per cent of respondents aged 18 – 25 said they had already decided, suggesting that many youth votes are still up for grabs.

The opposition, under its Inter Party Cooperation, is planning to field a single candidate in next year’s election, although Mr Mao’s Democratic Party says it is unlikely to support the move.

Dr Besigye is favourite to win the slot with six out of every 10 respondents in the survey picking him as their preferred opposition joint candidate while Mr Mao came second with 15 per cent, only slightly ahead of JEEMA’s Kibirige Mayanja on 14 per cent.

Some 46 per cent of all respondents said they support the idea of a joint opposition candidate against 40 per cent who said they were opposed to the idea. Out of the 46 per cent in favour of the idea, some 62 per cent said they would vote for the joint candidate selected while 30 per cent said they would not.

Youth vote
The survey reveals some interesting information about voting intentions by age group.
President Museveni leads Dr Besigye in each of the age groups but the gap is narrowest among young voters aged 18 – 25 and largest in the 41-45 age group where 65 per cent of respondents said they would vote for Mr Museveni against 20 per cent for Dr Besigye.
Mr Mao, 43, whose campaign team has tried to reach out to younger audiences through new media enjoys his highest support – six per cent – among the 26-29 age group and his lowest – one per cent – among the 36-40 age group.
Mr Otunnu’s biggest support – seven per cent – comes in the 46-50 age group while his support in the other age groups is between four and five per cent.
Gender politics
Some 42 per cent of all female respondents said they would vote for President Museveni compared to 36 per cent for Besigye. Mr Museveni’s score improves among male respondents to 43 per cent while Dr Besigye’s drops to 34 per cent. Both Mr Mao and Mr Otunnu have the same level of support across the gender divide; five per cent and four per cent respectively.
In keeping with findings of previous surveys, President Museveni enjoys more support in the rural areas (47 per cent) than in urban centres (21 per cent). Dr Besigye has more support than Mr Museveni in urban areas (49 per cent) but has 32 per cent support in rural areas where more than eight out of every 10 voters live.
The opposition candidate also has twice as much support in Kampala than President Museveni, with 44 per cent to 19 per cent of respondents interviewed in the survey.
President Museveni’s greatest support is in the western region, where both candidates come from, with 59 per cent to Dr Besigye’s 35 per cent.

Soya as food and medicine

Home made Soya Milk

Soya milk is used to treat several conditions as listed below:
1) Lack of vitamin B & K
2) Weakness in bones
3) Internal stomach problems
4) Skin rushes and other infections
5) Malnutrition
6) Sight problems
7) Improves resistance to diseases
8) Lack of appetite

Soya Milk can be prepared in the following way:
1) Soak the soya beans for one day
2) Pour the water and remain with the beans only
3) Pound the beans into paste
4) Mix it with water that had been boiled and cooled
5) Filter that solution with a clean piece of cloth
6) Throw away the residue and remain with the pure filtrate
7) Boil the filtrate and it will turn into milky state
8) You can take one glass three times a day
9) You can also use this soya milk as cow milk in tea, coffee, or cocoa

If you can’t drink all you prepared, remember to boil it before taking next dose as it goes bad quickly.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Uganda needs to re-incorporate vocational skills at Primary level

The majority of youth we have; a number of whom are proving a nuisance are a product of an education system which is short - sighted and producing for academics yet many of them are not even able to complete relevant levels that can earn them a living, not forgetting that job creation is at a lower rate as compared to the output from these education institutions. Time is now for the Government of Uganda to increase number of years at primary level to 8 such that in primary 5 and 6 emphasis can be put on vocational training. It is hard to start training now the youth who have not had the opportunity to learn employable skills and it is quite expensive. The emphasis on only academics is letting this country down. Some of us had carpentry; gardening; poultry and these skills are still helping us. The children of now are being given a false start on focusing only at academics and grooming then to pass exams. In the early 70's, a child with an average of 60 marks in each paper was sure of getting a Government school, we need that training back which not only emphasizes academics but vocational training so that at any level the children drop out of school they have employable skills at hand.

Voices from Mengo against talks on-going to see CBS re-opened are misplaced

It is true, the central Government made a big mistake or miscalculated in blocking Kabaka Mutebi's visit to an area in his jurisdiction (Kayunga). It is also true that some CBS presenters played a big role in creating increased enmity with the powers that be in the central Government, hence being partly responsible for the reaction from the centre. The eventual development it can be remembered led to the closure of CBS FM which up to the end of May 2010 is still closed 8 months or so after. It is also alleged that the station was earning about 30m a day, which is almost 1bn a month; a total of 8bn so far lost in money that would help on a number of developments in Buganda more so keeping the people in Buganda aware of developments in the Kingdom and disseminating development related information. I wonder, what it costs the management of CBS in the circumstances if some members of staff approach the right authority appealing for re-opening of the station. The fact of lost revenue is clear when one looks at the volume of business to Bukedde FM which has taken over many of the adverts. When one imagines that may be many of CBS staff have not got alternative employment as they wait for the station to re-open, the situation they are in is not easy. I don't have a quarrel with any staff and advertisers joining hands to see the station back on air. I am one of those at a loss on what alternative station to listen to given the absence of CBS. The making of an effort to see the educative station back on air is in the right direction as far as many of us the potential beneficiaries are concerned. It is sad that we can take 2 weeks or so without hearing from Kabaka simply because the station is off air. Mobilisation has become very hard and the revenue at its lowest. The way forward is to have the station back on air.

The issue of the station being taken out of Bulange still arises out of the fact that some presenters seem to get immunity to say anything as long as they are in Bulange. For the sake of a harmonious situation, management should agree and have CBS elsewhere. This one will not lead to loss of revenue as people would find it more accessible in city centre.
William Kituuka
Bulange is one of the most significant buildings found in the palace (Lubiri). It hosts the Kingdom’s administration and its Parliament where the Kabaka meets members of the Buganda Lukiiko (Buganda Parliament). Before Bulange building was constructed, members of the Lukiiko used to sit under trees on grass but later, they decided to build the Lukiiko sit which was grass thatched. Later, Sir Apollo Kaggwa who was the then Prime Minister decided to build a new Bulange with bricks. He gave the contract to an Indian Alidina Visram and work was started in 1902. It was constructed near the entrance to the Lubiri but its design and durability were highly criticized by the youth. However, when Kabaka’s government expanded, there was need to create a bigger Lukiiko hall. Therefore the new Bulange contrary to the Kiganda Culture was built outside the Lubiri something that saw a lot of criticism from most of the Baganda.
In the year 1953 while in exile in Scotland, Ssekabaka Muteesa II saw the plan, admired it, brought it with him on his return and he decided that the Lukiiko sit should be constructed using the plan. The construction work was started in 1953 and was completed in 1958 at a cost of 5 millions which was a vast sum of money by then. It became the administrative sit of the Kingdom and the main feature in it is the Lukiiko hall. It has no upper floors because in the Kiganda culture, no body sits above and over the Kabaka’s head “Kabaka tatulwa ku mutwe”. The spot at which Bulange stands was formally occupied by the first English Police Post and was called Namirembe. It took the name Bulange from Bulange hill due to the weaving grass that used to grow on that hill. It was built facing directly the Lubiri entrance with a mile long avenue called Kabakaanjagala linking the two. “Although it had for over 20 years been out of Buganda’s control, it still maintains its original stature despite once being gutted by fire. The symbols of the 50 clans are prominently depicted on the walls in the foyler of the Bulange.
In the year 1966, the country Uganda faced a political turmoil, the Lubiri was invaded and captured. Bulange was turned into the Uganda army headquarters and the cultural institutions were abolished. However, in the year 1993, cultural institutions were re-instated and Bulange was handed back to the Kingdom. Although the Lukiiko resumed its duties, there were restrictions in the way they were to carry out their work. The Kingdom became a constitutional monarchy. The Lukiiko was to legislate only cultural laws and to deal with other developmental issues but were barred from Politics. No political issues were to be handled by the Buganda Lukiiko. These were left for the central government. The Kabaka was made apolitical. By this time, the Lukiiko was composed of 68 directly elected members from the Buganda counties, 18 Buganda county chiefs, 6 members who were appointed by the Kabaka and members of the Buganda cabinet ministers.

Thursday, 22 April 2010 13:56
The management and staff of CBS fm radio have dissociated themselves from a group of employees who went to meet the president in state house at Entebbe over the radio’s closure early this week.
A group of employees including Davis Kiraga, Geoffrey Ndugga, Jennifer Christine Nassozi, Tamale Kkonde and Godfrey Sseguya aka Kayibanda went to state house to meet president Museveni with the help his Principal Private Secretary Amelia Kyambadde claiming to apologize to the president on behalf of other employees so that he can reopen the radio.
In a press conference held at the radio premises in Bulange, Mengo, the General Manager of the radio Kawooya Mwebe clarified that these employees were neither representing the management nor its other employees.
He stressed that the radio’s management is firm on its position with the case filed to the high court and respect the judge’s advice of settling the case out of court if the radio will be reopened.
Kawooya further stressed that as CBS management, they do not object to anyone meeting the president because it’s their right but meeting him on matters relating to the radio without their consent or that of all the employees is not acceptable.
The few employees who went to state house did not seek permission or inform the radio’s management or any of its other employees. This therefore means that they did it behind their employers’ backs. Kawooya added.
Kawooya maintained that these employees had their own agendas to fulfill because there is a respected committee led by Ex- Katikkiro Joseph Mulwanyamuli Ssemwogere which has on several occasions met the president over the reopening of CBS and therefore it did not necessitate any other person’s intervention into the same matter.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Is the new currency to see the exit of President Museveni?

In 1987, I happened to be one of those who were involved in the currency exchange as a staff of Uganda Commercial Bank (UCB) where value coins (silver and copper) were made value less on exchange! This is where the state took 30% of all people’s monetary wealth without a law properly backing this transaction which in the final analysis made useless people’s savings. It was a terrible sight seeing the badly mutilated bodies of our workmates at Mulago Hospital who died in vehicle accidents in Western Uganda as new currency was moved from one area to another. I remember the Late Mangeni, he was so friendly, I don’t know whether his children have been cared for.

In that exchange, a person who had shs 1,000,000 got 7,000/- in new currency! (the formula used was divide by 100 and multiply by 0.7. If you want to appreciate how the new currency has lost value; immediately after the exchange in 1987, the cost of traveling from Kajjansi Trading Centre to Kampala which is 8miles away was shs 50equivalent to shs 7,143 (Old currency). Today in May 2010 it costs shs 1,000 which if changed to old currency is shs 142,857! In simple terms you can say that the cost of goods and services has been multiplied by a factor of 20 given what it was on exchange. The reason for this development among others is simply politics prevailing over viable economic decisions, hence depreciating the currency; not forgetting the counterfeiting of currency. You can imagine the VAT at 17% is simply a wrong policy moreover where Government ‘invests’ in consumption by among other strategies increasing the administrative budget from time to time. We are now told each of the new districts requires shs 500m says the Electoral Commission Chief – Engineer Badru Kiggundu! There are areas that are obvious that can create value for the country hence boost the value of the shilling like Agro – processing Industrialisation, unfortunately, Government is yet to realise these. The policy which creates a favourable business climate but discourages Government from doing business should be equally scrapped. This favours mostly foreign investors not the locals without capital and trading skills.
William Kituuka

"The May 26 Daily Monitor reported that the Bank of Uganda had admitted that about Shs13 trillion circulating in Uganda was forged money, representing roughly 0001 per cent of all the money in circulation."

The question is "How is it possible to forge so much amount of money without Government being able to catch those who are big dealers?
William Kituuka

New Notes Aimed at Fighting Counterfeit
Ismail Musa Ladu
11 May 2010
Introduction of the new currency notes is aimed at guarding against counterfeit, a Bank of Uganda top official has said. Mr Juma Walusimbi, the director of communication at BoU, said after every seven to eight years, new notes with enhanced features must be introduced.
"There has been an increase in counterfeit Uganda currency because it has not been changed for a long time," he said at the KFM Hot seat show last week.
The BoU Director of Currency, Ms Naomi Nasasira, said the new currency will have the same value when it becomes a legal tender by the close of the week.
"We have only introduced new notes whose value has not changed at all," Ms Nasasira said. This means that the value of the new Shs2,000 or the enhanced Shs50,000 will locally have exactly the same value against other currencies such as dollars.

Shillings in circulation increase
By Angelo Izama
Posted Tuesday, May 11 2010 at 00:00
The total amount of money in circulation in the Ugandan economy has increased from Shs1.284 trillion (about $1 billion) in February to Shs1.85 trillion as of last week.
The amount of money in circulation is mainly owed to government spending in the last few months, a financial expert has revealed. He adds that this is seen from the actions of Bank of Uganda in reigning in on the currency by auctioning more Treasury Bills and also increasing the rate at which the TBs are sold to make them more attractive.
“Also the length of the TB has for a while been long (for example two years) but the bank has gone back for shorter 91 day TB’s to make it attractive,” the expert who preferred anonymity told Business Power last week.
Given that this is an election year - and because of the ever growing size of public administration expenditure - it is unlikely that the situation will reverse.
“I think we need a separate analysis on what the efforts to mop up excess liquidity will have on lending across the counter since commercial banks will be enticed to tie up their money in TBs,” he said.
With a further $2.7 billion in reserves, it puts total liquidity in the economy of 30 million people at approximately $4 billion, according to Bank of Uganda officials.
Mr Juma Walusimbi, the Bank of Uganda Director for Communications, told Business Power last week that the money in circulation fluctuates especially at the end of every year.
The figure of Shs1.284 trillion is from February this year while in September 2008 the total figure, known as the Mnote - or money in circulation, was Shs1.1 trillion. It rose in December 2008 to Shs1.2 trillion and to Shs1.3 trillion in December 2009.
“The figure tends to go up during holidays because people are spending more on shopping,” he said. While launching the new currency notes, the Central Bank Governor Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile said the bank had acted independently and without “government interference” hinting at the controversial timing of the currency improvements.
2010 is an election year for Uganda and could independently vary the amount of money in circulation as political parties pump billions of shillings to canvass for votes.
In suggesting that the central bank was acting on its own - Prof. Mutebile sought to reassure the country and investors that inflation - the rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time - was not a problem.
According to the bank, the new currency notes will be eased into the pool “organically’. “They will be issued against commercial bank holdings. When banks come to pick their balances, they will be given new notes where required,” Mr Walusimbi said last week.
“It’s a natural process. We are not pumping new money. Existing currency notes will be replaced this way.” Uganda has strong macro-economic credentials focusing mainly on its fiscal policy especially control of the money in supply.
However, critics - including the Governor - have in the past pointed out that a huge public administration expenditure bill means that liquidity is the main focus of the bank leaving other instruments of potential Central Bank participation in the market largely dormant.
It also worries government policy makers since government spending is still dependant for a large part on external borrowing- especially from Western donors and financial institutions.
In periods of excess liquidity, the bank moves to “mop up” by issuing Treasury Bills at attractive rates to suck up money from the market seeking to avoid large downward or upward spikes in supply.
However, the result is that interest rates- pinged on Treasury Bills have remained endemically high as commercial banks invest in Central Bank financial instruments and shift focus from across the counter customers.

Fake money, robbery linked to high inflation - Source:
Written by Jeff Mbanga
Thursday, 05 June 2008 04:22
Finance Ministry warns: investors could leave if crime is not checked
While runaway commodity prices have forced some households to delete some items from the menu, others are resorting to life threatening means of making extra money.
At the same time, as some people choose to reduce the number of meals per day, or the quantity per meal, the unscrupulous are turning to crime to make ends meet. This has exacerbated crimes such as forging bank notes and daytime street robbery.
Robert, a boda boda cyclist stationed along Clement Hill Road, has been forced to skip lunch due to the bull-run in price of food.
“Food is expensive these days. A plate of food (at open eating places) goes for Shs 2000, yet I used to spend much less than that some time ago. If you add on the cost of fuel, what will I take home?” he asked.
Critical observers have linked the suffering resulting from hard economic times to the current crime wave, warning that it could worsen if prices continue to surge.
Nicholas Kilimani, a research fellow at the Makerere University-based Economic Policy Research Centre, noted that “as people fail to adapt to these changes they might resort to unscrupulous means to survive.”
And Robert Zoellick, the World Bank Group president, recently hinted that the poor could be heading for more difficult times.
“While many are worrying about filling their gas tanks, many others around the world are struggling to fill their stomachs, and it is getting more and more difficult everyday,” he said.
Forecasts by international bodies indicate a longer spell of increased prices of commodities. “Over the next 10 years they (agricultural commodity prices) are expected to average well above their mean levels of the past decade,” notes a report by the Food Agricultural Organisation and the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development that was released last week.
Inflation has largely been pushed up by an increase in oil prices, which at more than $130 a barrel is the world’s record high.
In Uganda, fuel stations are selling diesel at more than Shs 2,500, adding to the production costs of business.
The increase in costs is usually passed on to the consumer in form of higher commodity prices.
As an indication of the tough times a head, the Bank of Uganda has stated that the desired inflation rate of 5% is unattainable in the current situation. Uganda’s inflation has recently hit double figures, the highest in recent history – presenting a tricky scenario for the struggling poor.
At least a third of Uganda’s population leaves on less than a dollar (Shs 1, 700) a day – money not enough to buy half a kilo of beef in Kampala. More than half the population lives on less than $2 a day – which is not even enough for a meal for a family of five.
These statistics could go a long way in showing the time bomb that Uganda’s economy is sitting on. Countries like Haiti, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Egypt, have seen riots break out in protest of high food prices.
The crime surge has indeed cast a bad image on Uganda’s business environment.
A top official of the Internal Security Organisation (ISO) says crime and inflation indeed go hand in hand. “There is a link between unbearable life, due to negative macroeconomic policies and increasing criminality like it is in South Africa. That is why there is strong correlation between inflation and crimes,” said Teddy Sseezi-Cheeye, the Director, Economic Affairs & Monitoring in ISO.
However, Judith Nabakoba, the Police spokesperson, disagreed that the recent spike in crime has anything to do with the hardships people are going through to afford basic needs. She said most of the people implicated had a recent criminal record.
Recently, the Police arrested more than 200 suspects in the city centre – in what has been interpreted as a move to restore confidence among the business community.
Already, the Central Bank has sent out a red alert over a rise in fake currency notes in circulation.
Juma Walusimbi, the Communications Director, Bank of Uganda, says the fraudsters are targeting the Shs10,000 and the Shs 50,000 bank notes. The notes, he says, are normally issued at fuel stations and in public transport vehicles.
The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development is worried that rising crime might keep away prospective investors.
According to the 2008/2009 National Budget Framework Paper released in March, “The overall crime rate (based on reported crime) has risen from 345 in 1999 to 748 crimes committed per 100,000 people in 2006. This increase is validated by 47% of Ugandans who perceive crime to be on the increase and which inhibit confidence and restrains the public from productive activity and investment.”
To fight crime, the minister is set to increase the budgets of ministries responsible for justice, law and order. The Ministry of Finance will push up the budgets of these institutions (Police, Judiciary, Prisons, etc.) from Shs 234bn to Shs 242bn in the next financial year.

Uganda does not seem to be one of the beneficiaries of UNICEF Schools for Africa

Initiator of „Schools for Africa“ Peter Krämer with Nelson Mandela.

UNICEF Schools for Africa was initiated by the shipowner Peter Kramer. he would like to see the UN Millenium Goal No.2 fulfilled: Universal Primary Education for children by 2015. Given the circumstances in Uganda,I wish Uganda would be added to beneficiary countries.
William Kituuka

Information on Schools for Africa can be got from:

UNICEF Schools for Africa - Source:
UNICEF SFA International Fundraising Campaign was initiated in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Hamburg Society for the promotion of Democracy and International Law.
Schools for Africa is making a significant contribution to Nelson Mandela's legacy and vision for the education of Africa's children and the alleviation of poverty, particularly in rural areas.

The problem of being Chief Executive Officer National Social Security Fund - Uganda

David Chandi Jamwa was acting MD from September 2004 until February 2007 when he was appointed MD next to him is Prof.Kagonyera

National Social Security Fund (NSSF) advertised the position of Managing Director for the Fund in the New Vision, Monday, April 26,2010. The unfortunate thing is that in recent history, all who have been appointed to this position have left with a tainted image. While they may have made their own mistakes, there is the problem of powers fromabove influencing what and where the billions of the Fund are put. This trend is likely to discredit whoever takes on the appointment.
William Kituuka

Uganda Jobline: MANAGING DIRECTOR :::: National Social Security Fund (NSSF)- Source:
MANAGING DIRECTOR :::: National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
Friday, 05 March 2010 at 10:09
National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is a Provident Fund mandated to provide social security to its members as prescribed by law under CAP 222 through the efficient and effective management of members' contributions. Its vision is To be the region's leading social security provider, delivering a wide rage of quality products and services and a real return to our members, while driving economic development and sustaining a competitive advantage in a free market". NSSF is looking for an experienced, self motivated and hardworking individual that is career and results oriented to fill the above position. REPORTS TO: MANAGING DIRECTOR This is an exceptional opportunity that calls for an experienced, innovative Executive who is responsible for all the corporate matters that include provision of Company Secretarial Services to the NSSF Board of Directors and provision of legal advisory services and support to the Fund. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE JOB: Board secretarial services: ⢠Prepares and/or reviews Board papers from other business units for quality assurance purposes, for Board and Committee meetings. ⢠In consultation with the Chairman and MD, prepares a schedule and an agenda for Board and committee meetings .Reviews agenda for board and committee meetings. ⢠Informs the Board on key issues affecting the Fund and respond to Board queries and requests with regards to areas to do with current or future legislation. ⢠Prepares Action reports for reporting back to the Board on the progress of implementation of Board decisions. ⢠He/she will ensure proper and orderly conduct of Board meetings and Board Committee meetings. Managerial responsibilities ⢠Member of the Fund's top Executive Management ⢠Allocates work in the department and monitor progress, performance, and timely quality of service. ⢠Approves all expenses relating to the Department in accordance with the Fund's standard procedures. ⢠Responsible for custody, and application of Fund's common seal. ⢠Responsible for the custody of the Fund's official documents Advisory services: ⢠Provides legal advisory services to all matters of a legal nature in the Fund. This would include areas such as new legislating, internal policies and procedures, major pending cases involving / affecting the Fund, insurance, social security issues etc. ⢠Provides legal advice on benefits payable, drawing contracts, prosecuting employers, defending the Fund in courts of law and advise on requests / applications for exemption from making contributions. ⢠Reviews and finaluzes contracts for various services from-the business units and external parties to the Fund. Negotiate with external parties on contract terms and conditions. ⢠Prepares the gazette notices and statutory instruments tor declaration of interest payable to members, by the Minister. ⢠Oversees the carrying out of legal due diligence on investment proposals for submission to the executive committee of management and subsequently to the Board. ⢠Ensures timely compliance with all statutory requirements. PERSON SPECIFICATIONS: Desirable Competencies ⢠Good judgment and decision making skills ⢠Planning and organizational skills ⢠Leadership and people management skills ⢠Quality orientation ⢠Good oral and written communication skills ⢠Negotiation and influencing skills ⢠Demonstrated high levels of integrity (candidates must provide or attach a strong recommendation or testimony of their integrity and moral uprightness) QUALIFICATIONS: LLB(Hon) Degree; Postgraduate Diploma in Legal practice and; the person MUST be an Advocate of the High Court of Uganda. A recognized management course or 1CSA would be an added advantage. EXPERIENCE Applicants should have; ⢠A working experience of over 10 years ⢠Out standing track record of having handled successful litigations or court cases. ⢠Excellent analytical skills, sound judgment and collaborative working style with capability to work in partnership with the Board, MD and other heads of department. ⢠High level of personal integrity, considerable knowledge, experience and competence in managing legal matters. ⢠Ability to lead and create a motivated and energized human resource base, with a focus on results based performance. ⢠Ability to handle corporate matters ⢠The age limit is 35 years to 55 years Other Information This is senior position job and terms and conditions of service are very attractive.

HOW TO APPLY:Ernst and Young has been retained by NSSF to assist in the short listing process. If you feel you meet the above requirements, please send them your application enclosing a detailed curriculum vitae giving three referees and copies of academic and professional certificates/testimonials, postal address and daytime telephone contact quoting Ref. 111 to address:Ernst and Young, Executive Selection Division.18 Clement Hill Road.P.O. Box 7215, Kampala so as to reach them by 19 March 2010Canvassing will lead to disqualification and applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

New NSSF MD - Source:
On December 30, 2009 the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) appointed Grace Isabirye as Acting Managing Director (MD) pending a formal appointment of a new MD by the NSSF board of directors.
Isabirye had been NSSF’s Chief Investments Officer and was taking over from Martin Bandebiire who resigned in the same month. Bandebiire on the other hand had held this position severally.
When Jamwa was suspended over his involvement in the Shs11.2 billion Temangalo land scandal, Bandebiire took over once again as Acting MD until he tendered his resignation to the Minister of Finance. Jamwa, even though suspended, had an active and running contract with NSSF. Jamwa’s contract together with that of his Deputy – Prof. Mondo Kagonyera expired in February and has not been renewed as was largely expected.
Recently, NSSF has run adverts in the local media and has appointed Earnest & Young to handle the short-listing of process of filling the position of MD. Experts are divided on whether executive searches by professional firms and newspaper adverts do not always produce the best choices. In fact, according to sources close to State House who spoke to The Independent on condition of anonymity, there is a quiet head-hunt for a new MD that has been going on since the beginning of the year.
According to the source, the head-hunt has since generated a shortlist of Ugandan executives to take over the leadership of the country’s pension fund. The Independent has been able to speak to at least four of the persons named and while one admitted having been contacted informally, they all variously said they were not interested in the job.
Head-hunts of this nature are common since for such jobs as it would be a mistake to hire an ‘experienced yet generally unknown person’.
“This is not an attempt to interfere with or short-circuit the recruitment process,” said a source close to the process, “But NSSF is an institution in which the state has a strategic interest, it is in charge of the savings of the workers of this nation and after all that has gone on there, it would be wrong for those in charge to sit by and look, only to take the blame when things go wrong. The head-hunt is in good faith and for the good of NSSF and the workers”.
While the NSSF advert lists requirement for candidates like a bachelor’s and post graduate/masters degree in either commerce, finance, business management or any other relevant degree, 10 years experience managing a top financial entity, and familiarity with current global and local regulatory environment for investing funds, it does not list the most important requirement; being acceptable to President Yoweri Museveni.
NSSF is the sole pension fund for workers in Uganda’s private sector. It has a net worth of Shs 1.4 trillion, equivalent to 25 percent of the national budget for the financial year 2009/10. Management of the fund is so critical that President Museveni moved its oversight from the Ministry of Labour, where it rightfully belongs, to the Ministry of Finance and Planning.
Unfortunately, all previous management teams of the fund have either been fired in disgrace or been charged in court and parliament and suspended over corruption. NSSF is at the centre of the most high profile financial malpractice cases in Uganda today, and a former minister responsible for it fled into exile to avoid jail.
Insiders say Allen Kagina, the Commissioner General of Uganda Revenue Authority and Simon Rutega, the Chief Executive Officer of the Uganda Securities Exchange are the front-runners for the job. Both are going to be out of their current jobs this year, are highly qualified for the job, and have generally clean records.

David Chandi Jamwa

Sources say that although David Jamwa left the Fund amidst acrimony, he is still regarded positively by Museveni who considered him bad mannered and misled but “smart and not corrupt” during the Temangalo land saga. The Auditor General in his report to Parliament has faulted Jamwa and his deputy, Mondo Kagonyera, for some of the financial losses suffered by the Fund and has recommended their prosecution. Several voices from the public and workers organisations continue to call for their prosecution, making the inclusion of Jamwa’s name on the list surprising. Jamwa is undoubtedly brilliant but carries with him a lot of reputational risk and potential prosecution.
Jamwa’s tenure at NSSF has been the most stellar because of his aggressive management of the Fund’s investment portfolio into more profitable ventures. The fund hit the Shs 1 trillion mark under him and for the first time paid savers a return above the rate of inflation of 14% from 7%.
He oversaw a US$1.95 million investment for 20% of the Kampala Serena Hotel, US$12 million in a National Farmers Association project, Shs 16 billion lent to the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), and Shs 128 billion in the redevelopment of the National Theatre. Some like the Temangalo land and the Lumumba Avenue NSSF tower have attracted negative publicity but most experts agree that they are sound investment decisions.
Before he joined NSSF, Jamwa was the youngest ever Senior Partner at PriceWaterHouseCoopers. A highly acclaimed brain, he was the best student worldwide in his professional accounting exams.
He competed for the top job of NSSF with Charles Ocici, the current Executive Director of Enterprise Uganda and Dr William Muhairwe, the current Managing Director National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC).
His stint at the Fund brought out the dangers of external interference in the internal management of any company.
NSSF hurdles
Experts say the manner in which the race to fill the NSSF MD job is being conducted is symptomatic of the malaise in many other government departments and agencies – the obsession with personalities. The person and character of an individual manager can and often turns round the fortunes of many corporations but that is not and should not be the main focus of change in any organisation.
What is lacking at NSSF is autonomous good governance. Good governance is increasingly recognised as one of the most important aspects of an efficient pension system, enhancing investment performance and benefit security. Yet despite regulatory initiatives, weaknesses persist in the management of NSSF because of the absence of well-defined governance principles and excessive external interference especially by powerful politicians.
Policy makers in Uganda have continued to have difficulties deciding the right policy framework within which the NSSF ought to operate. At the height of its many scandals, the oversight role was transferred from the Ministry of Labour to that of Finance, the argument being that the Ministry of Labour did not possess the technical competence to manage a Fund of that magnitude. The decision proved disastrous with the “Temangalo scandal”. As a knee-jerk reaction, a proposal to transfer the Fund to be supervised by the Bank of Uganda as a Financial Institution was mooted but never pursued.
The proposed liberalisation of the pension sector remains the most rational policy option whose achievement seems far from today. Because the NSSF continues to be a statutory monopoly, it lacks competition and self introspection and consequently continues to suffer the age old problems of monopolies. Just like the Fund itself, the policy has been shrouded in political in-fighting and jostling for business.
NSSF remains the most financially liquid institution in the country. Today, NSSF’s net worth is Shs1.5 trillion and has 404,000 registered members. The Fund pays out Shs 6 billion on average every month.
The main challenge facing NSSF is a lack of necessary knowledge, experience, skills and training among its managers. This inhibits their ability to appreciate the peculiar issues that relate to management of pension funds and they are unable to challenge any advice they receive from outside “experts”.
The other nagging problem at NSSF has been the composition of its various Boards. The responsibilities of board members seem not to be clearly defined. The boards have often seemed to lack a clear mission statement and regularly engage in the operational duties which should be left to internal management staff or external service providers.
The selection of board members, as in the case of the current board, was on the basis of representatives of stakeholders and was done under immense public pressure. As ever, the authorities bowed to public pressure rather than sound reason. Board members were mainly selected on the basis of their status in a trade union or employer, rather than specific knowledge or experience on pension issues.
A former top official with NSSF who did not want to be named told this reporter, “Some sobriety needs to be brought to NSSF. The problem at NSSF has majorly been the discipline of its managers. They lack financial discipline. The managers have not been looking at the Fund as an institution they should grow but rather most investment decisions taken have been mainly for the benefit of individuals.”
The former official was not supportive of a headhunt and was strongly in favour of a competitive selection process in finding a suitable MD for the Fund.

NSSF appoints new Ag. MD/ CEO -Source:

New boss: Mr. Grace IsabiryeThe National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has appointed Mr. Grace Isabirye as Ag. Managing Director/CEO effective December 30, 2009.
Mr. Isabirye, who has been the Fund’s Chief Investments Officer, takes over running of the Fund after the resignation of Mr. Martin Bandebiire.
An Accountant by profession, Mr. Isabirye has in the past held key positions in the Fund and in some of the leading banks in Uganda such Housing Finance Bank and Uganda Development Bank (UDB). Until his new assignment, he has been heading the Fund’s investment function, charged with overseeing the Fund's various investmnet interests. He had also been the Fund’s Chief Finance Officer.
Professional profile
* Certified Public Accountant
* Member of CFA Institute
* Member Global Association of Risk Professionals
* B. Com (MUK)
Key positions held before
* Chief Investments Officer: NSSF
* Chief Finance Officer: NSSF
* Finance Manager: Housing Finance Bank
* Accountant: Uganda Development Bank
* Internal Auditor: NSSF

Fresh Inquiry for Mbabazi and Former NSSF Managers - Source:
Ismail Musa Ladu and Emmanuel Gyezaho
4 April 2010
A government forensic investigation of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) appears to have awakened the ghosts of Temangalo and now charges the Fund's former managers with alleged impropriety.
Minister Mbabazi, former Managing Director Chandi Jamwa and his former deputy, Prof. Mwondo Kagonyera, find themselves in the spotlight once again over the controversial Temangalo land transaction.
In late 2008, the minister found himself embroiled in a bitter controversy over alleged influence peddling when it emerged that the Fund had been pressured into buying more than 400 acres of land in Temangalo belonging to himself and business associate, Amos Nzeyi, for more than Shs11 billion.
It was after an acrimonious and inconclusive Parliamentary inquiry into this matter, and after he had sacked former finance minister Ezra Suruma in February 2009, that President Museveni ordered a probe of the Fund's activities.
That investigation which took on the character of a forensic audit was taken up by the Auditor General and its findings are now the subject of Parliamentary scrutiny, yet again, and will form the highlight of business for Parliament's committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State enterprises for the next few weeks.
Committee Chairman Reagan Okumu told Sunday Monitor in an interview that the report, presented by Auditor General John Muwanga at a low key ceremony on March 12, will form the basis of renewed inquiry into the management of NSSF.
The investigation, carried out by Kenyan audit firm KPMG on behalf of the Auditor General, probed NSSF's major investments, investments in shares and joint ventures, and major procurements between January 2005 and November 2008, before concluding that "a lot went wrong with the management of NSSF."
In his brief to Parliament, Mr Muwanga recommended the initiation of criminal proceedings against the Fund's former managers, telling MPs: "Mr Chairman, we would like to see the Police and CID take interest in these issues that were established in our report and we will also want to see [Parliament] take action against all those found to be guilty."
With specific reference to the Shs11 billion Temangalo land transaction between the Fund and Minister Mbabazi, the AG concludes that the procurement process for the land deal started in January 2008 and yet negotiations and valuations were done in December 2007, a development that rendered the deal fishy.
"NSSF's procurement and investment in land was not in accordance with the PPDA Act," wrote the AG. "The PP (Public Procurement) Form 20s that were used for the purchase of land were dated after the NSSF had negotiated with the vendors. This form is usually used at the start or initial stages of the procurement process."
Although Parliament's earlier inquiry into the transaction absolved Mr Mbabazi and his business partner Amos Nzeyi of allegations of influence peddling in the deal having come under pressure from President Museveni to get Mr Mbabazi off the hook, Mr Okumu said the stage had now been set for fresh probe into the deal.
"Mr Mbabazi and the former managing directors of NSSF (Jamwa and Prof Kagonyera) will all be summoned next week to explain specifically their roles in the Temangalo procurement," said Mr Okumu in an interview on Friday.
MPs return from their Easter recess on Tuesday and it is understood summons to the officials will be sent out this week. "All those who participated in the shady deals, including the Temangalo, where the procurement procedures according to the Auditor General's report were flouted, will be brought to account," said Mr Okumu, adding, "I have given the CID the task to summarise what is criminal in the report so that when we start, we don't waste much time as I will be referring criminal issues to the CID."
The report accuses Mr Jamwa and Prof. Kagonyera of financial impropriety by obtaining cash advances, allowances and loans from the Fund in millions of shillings "without consideration of the organisation's policies."
The report indicates that Mr Jamwa received Shs259 million in housing advances alone, and picked up six salary advances, totaling to Shs149 million in two years and yet company rules only allow for one salary advance per year. Prof. Kagonyera received four salary advances in 2007 alone, the report said.
Huge debts
However, as at January 31, 2009, the report says, both managers owed NSSF a combined total of Shs355 million and recommends that Parliament forces the managers to refund the money.
It is still not clear whether the money has been refunded following the top managers' exit as attempts by this newspaper to obtain a comment from NSSF were fruitless.
However, Prof. Kagonyera said he was itching to face the committee to clear his name.
"I am going nowhere," said Prof. Kagonyera who is Makerere University Chancellor today. "Should Reagan [Okumu] need me, I will be there ready to answer any question but I have not received any summon or communication to appear anywhere."
Mr Jamwa and Mr Mbabazi were unavailable for comment having failed to respond to repeated calls. The committee is also expected to probe NSSF's management over the sale of government bonds and the award of various construction deals by the Fund.
Finance Minister Syda Bbumba, under whose docket the Fund falls, declined to comment on the matter and said she was "busy."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

IDA to commit an estimated US$1.97 billion to support development projects and programs in Uganda.

The Parliament of Uganda should play an active role in ensuring that the thieves who are at large are not given opportunity tosteal money meant to benefit Ugandans. This they must do because the law empowers them to perform the duty to ensure borrowed monies are put to good use.
William Kituuka

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors on May 25,2010 discussed a new Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) that will support Uganda’s National Development Plan (NDP) to help transform the economy.
The 5-year CAS covering the financial years (FYs) 2011-2015 succeeds the Uganda Joint Assistance Strategy (UJAS). Hinged on four pillars, the new CAS will support Government efforts to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth; enhance public infrastructure; strengthen human capital development; and improve good governance and value for money.
It is estimated that during the CAS period, the International Development Association (IDA) –the arm of the Bank that lends to the poorest countries – will commit an estimated US$1.97 billion to support development projects and programs in Uganda.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Your Excellence, we hope your Government will utilise US$ 130m to boost welfare of Ugandans

President Museveni, the health Sub - sector is pathetic. Kindly ensure that the value for money is seen this time.

The NRM Government is challenged. Alot of money has been got in the past where the Ugandans have not got value for money. Given how pathetic the Health sub - sector is, Government has to ensure that Ugandans who have to pay backthe US$130m get the service delivery expected. This money is not for politicking and stealing by those who can access it. It is sad to learn of one case of a woman who went to KCC Clinic to deliver and she failed to get service given her condition after being referred to Mulago Referral Hospital, this woman was taken to a Midwife/Nursing Sister who was short of words and only prayed to God that Health staff can be more sympathetic to the poor people they serve otherwise it is sad. The Government has the challenge to improve the health service delivery which is very pathetic. The cost of living is high but the health service providers get peanuts which impacts on service delivery hence getting poor output.
William Kituuka

Uganda's Health Sector Gets US$130 Million Boost from World Bank
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors yesterday approved a US$130 Million International Development Association (IDA) credit to strengthen Uganda's public health systems through improved human resources; provision of physical infrastructure; and greater accountability for service delivery.
The Uganda Health Systems Strengthening Project (UHSSP) will support the Government to renovate hospitals, improve management of health workers, strengthen leadership in the sector and provide reproductive health care including family planning services.

Uganda’s health sector gets $130m boost from The World Bank
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 25, 2010 -- The World Bank Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$130 million International Development Association (IDA) credit* to strengthen Uganda’s public health systems through improved human resources; provision of physical infrastructure; and greater accountability for service delivery.
The Uganda Health Systems Strengthening Project (UHSSP) will support the Government to renovate hospitals, improve management of health workers, strengthen leadership in the sector and provide reproductive healthcare, including family planning services.
“This project addresses some of the major bottlenecks impacting the provision of efficient health services to the Ugandan people. We hope that through this project the Bank will contribute towards improving service delivery at the frontline, and support the Government in making providers accountable for services delivered to clients,” said Kundhavi Kadiresan, World Bank Uganda Country Manager.
Uganda has registered improvements in health outcomes, though at a much slower pace than other countries in the region. The Maternal Mortality Rate is estimated at 435 deaths per 100,000 live births, while the Infant Mortality Rate is estimated at 76 deaths per 1,000 live births; while stunting in children under five is estimated at 32 percent. Without significant investments, Uganda is unlikely to achieve the Millennium Development Goal targets related to reducing child mortality and improving maternal mortality.
“Maternal and child mortality remain high in Uganda, yet many of the causes are avoidable. The project will therefore also help to strengthen and improve Uganda’s delivery of maternal and child health services,” said Dr. Peter Okwero, the Project’s Task Team Leader.
The World Bank has provided close to US$6.5 billion in loans and grants to Uganda since 1963, and has already committed US$1.2 billion to finance various programs and projects between 2009 and 2011. The Bank’s current portfolio in Uganda consists of 17 projects with a commitment of US$1.43 billion. ###

For more information about World Bank’s activities in Uganda visit:

For more information on the World Bank’s work in sub-Saharan Africa visit:

*The credit is provided on standard International Development Association (IDA) terms, with a commitment fee of 0.5 percent, a service charge of 0.75 percent over a 40 year period of maturity which includes a 10-year grace period.

Uganda's Christian Martyrs are part of the outcome of the ‘Religious’ Revolution in Buganda

On June 3,2010 we are yet to CelebrateMartyrs Day. Wish you nice time, but bear in mind that much as we have those many Martyrs,many in leadership ranks in Uganda don't live to the expectations of a country so rich with Martyrs, it is indeed sad. Many of the leadersare actually engineers of evil which is afflicting our people and they are the cause of the increasing poverty which is aterrible experience.God,as we celebrate Martyrs day touch the hearts of our leaders to do what is Godly.

William Kituuka

The religious revolution in Buganda- Source: Basic Themes in African History 1855 - 1914 by A.N.Madanda
The phenomenon of the religious revolution in Buganda started perhaps with the coming of the 1st Arabs to Buganda in 1844 namely Ahmed Bin Ibrahim. His coming led to the introduction of Islam. Later in 1877 the Protestant missionaries came followed shortly by the catholics missionaries in 1879 a coming that was to stir Buganda in the years to come. Therefore by 1880, buganda had believers in the traditional religion as well as believers in the foreign religions of Islam and Christianity. The 1880's and 1890's witnessed the named religious parties fighting against each other in what has come to be known as the religious wars.
The causes
Among the many causes for the religious wars in Buganda was the untimely death of Mutesa I in 1884 just a few years after the arrival of the Christian missionaries. His death created a political vacuum that was difficult to fill. The kingdom wasleft to Mwanga II, ayouth whose ruling style fell short of the charisma and political astuteness his late father had demonstrated in dealing with foreigners. Thus whereas Mutesa I had successfullly played the various religious factions against each other for political survival, Mwanga could not which caused trouble. secondly, the rise and character of Mwanga the new King was a problem.mwanga was too young and inexprienced to manage the dynamics of Buganda society then.

Uganda Martyrs
On 3 June 1886, thirty-two young men, pages of the court of King Mwanga II of Buganda, were burned to death at Namugongo for their refusal to renounce Christianity. Some of the men were of the Anglican faith and others were of the Catholic faith. Annually, on June 03, Christians from all parts of Uganda, East Africa and other parts of the world congregate at Namugongo to commemorate the lives of the Uganda Martyrs and their dedication to their religious beliefs. Crowds have been estimated in hundreds of thousands in some years.
Twenty two of the Catholic Martyrs were canonized by Pope Paul VI on October 18, 1964 and are regarded as Saints in the Catholic Church. A Basilica has been built at the spot where the majority of them were burned to death. A church stands at the place where the Anglican martyrs met their death, about 2 miles (3.2 km) further east from the Catholic Basilica. Documentation is available on a total of forty five (45) martyrs but it is believed that many more believers met their death at the command of Kabaka Mwanga II between 1885 and 1887.

Mwanga II of Buganda
Danieri Basammula-Ekkere Mwanga II Mukasa was Kabaka from 1884 until 1888 and from 1889 until 1897. He was the thirty-first (31st) Kabaka of Buganda.
Claim to the throne
He was born at Nakawa in 1868. His father was Kabaka Mukaabya Walugembe Muteesa I Kayiira, Kabaka of Buganda, who reigned between 1856 and 1884. His mother was Naabakyaala Abisaagi Baagal'ayaze, the tenth wife of his father's eighty five wives. He ascended to the throne on October 18, 1884, after the death of his father. He established his capital on Mengo Hill.
Married Life
He is on record as having married sixteen wives:
1. Damali Bayita Nanjobe
2. Naabakyaala Dolosi Mwaan'omu Bakazikubawa
3. Esiteri Nabunnya
4. Naabakyaala Eveliini Kulabako, Omubikka
5. Naabakyaala Loyiroosa Nakibuuka, Kaddulubaale
6. Naabakyaala Samali Namuwanga, Sabaddu
7. Nabweteme
8. Nakijoba Nabulya
9. Bezza Batwegombya
10. Naabakyaala Ntongo, Kabejja
11. Naabakyaala Nabisubi, Omuwanga
12. Namirembe
13. Lakeeri Mbekeka
14. Nalwooga, Omuyigiriza
15. Elizaabeeti Buteba
16. Nattimba Binti Juma

Kabaka Mwanga II fathered seven (7) sons and three (3) daughters including Kabaka Daudi Chwa II, Kabaka of Buganda, who reigned between 1897 and 1939. [2]

1. Prince (Omulangira) Kagolo, whose mother was Damali Bayita Nanjobe. He was killed by his uncle, Kalema, in 1889.
2. Prince (Omulangira) Mulindwa, whose mother was Nabweteme
3. Prince (Omulangira) Nganda, whose mother was Lakeeri Mbekeka
4. His Highness Sir Daudi Chwa II, Kabaka of Buganda, who reigned from 1897 until 1939. His mother was Eveliini Kulabako
5. Prince (Omulangira) Yusuufu Suuna Kiweewa, whose mother was Esiteri Nabunnya. He was born at Mengo, Uganda on 16th February 1898. Educated at Mengo High School and King's College Budo. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant on October 1914. He served served in the Great War from 1915 until 1919. Promoted to Lieutenant in the 7th Territorial Battalion on the 25th May 1939. He served in the Second World War in Eastern Africa]] and in North Africa, from 1939 until 1940. Retired on the 18th March 1940. He was implicated in the Buganda riots of 1949 and exiled to the Ssese Islands, where he died in 1949.
6. Prince (Omulangira) Tobi, whose mother was Nabisubi
7. Prince (Omulangira) Nayime?, whose mother was Loyiroosa Nakibuuka
8. Princess (Omumbejja) Najjuma Katebe, whose mother is not mentioned
9. Princess (Omumbejja) Anna Nambi Nassolo, whose mother was Samali Namuwanga
10. Princess (Omumbejja) Mboni Maliamu Kajja-Obunaku, whose mother was Nattimba. She was educated at Saint Monica's School in Zanzibar
Mwanga saw the greatest threat to his rule coming from the Christian missionaries who had gradually penetrated Buganda. His father had played-off the three religions; Catholics, Protestants and Muslims against each other and thus balanced the influence of the colonial powers that were backing each group. Mwanga II took a much more aggressive approach, expelling missionaries and insisting that Christian converts abandon their faith or face death.
On October 29, 1885, he had the incoming archbishop James Hannington murdered on the eastern border of his kingdom. Then between 1885 and 1887, over forty-five of the king's pages were put to death on the orders of Mwanga. The crime was failure to renounce their newly-found Christian beliefs.[3] Twenty-two of the men, who had converted to Catholicism, were burned alive at Namugongo in 1886 and later became known as the Uganda Martyrs. Among those executed were two Christians who held the court position of Master of the Pages, Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe and Charles Lwanga.
These murders and Mwanga's continued resistance alarmed the British, who backed a rebellion by Christian and Muslim groups who supported Mwanga's half brother and defeated Mwanga at Mengo in 1888. Mwanga's brother, Kiweewa Nnyonyintono was elevated to the throne. He lasted exactly one month and was replaced on the throne by another brother, Kabaka Kalema Muguluma. However, Mwanga escaped and negotiated with the British. In exchange for handing over some of his sovereignty to the British East Africa Company, the British changed their backing to Mwanga, who swiftly removed Kalema from the throne in 1889.
Final years
On December 26, 1890, Mwanga signed a treaty with Lord Lugard, granting certain powers over revenue, trade and the administration of justice to the Imperial British East Africa Company. These powers were transferred to the crown on April 1, 1893.
On August 27, 1894, Mwanga accepted for Buganda to become a Protectorate. However, on July 6, 1897, he declared War on the British and launched an attack, but was defeated on July 20, 1897, in Buddu (today's Masaka District). He fled into German East Africa (today it is the Republic of Tanzania), where he was arrested and interned at Bukoba.
He was deposed in absentia, on August 9, 1897. Tenacious as he was, he escaped and returned to Buganda with a rebel army, but was again defeated on January 15, 1898. He was captured and in April 1899 was exiled to the Seychelles. While in exile, he was received into the Anglican Church, was baptized with the name of Danieri (Daniel). He spent the rest of his life in exile. He died in 1903, aged 35 years. In 1910 his remains were repatriated and buried at Kasubi.

The Christian Martyrs of Uganda - Source:

The arrival of the Christian missionaries, Anglican and Catholic, set the stage for new developments, and marked a turning point in the religious life of the people of Buganda; as well as the political structure of the kingdom and the region at large. The history of Buganda from this point on took a different turn. A social revolution that was to transform all aspects of people's lives had set in, and the events that followed, unpredictable as they were, added to the discomfort the new changes had brought about. The untimely death of Mutesa I in 1884 just a few years after the arrival of the missionaries, left the kingdom in the hands of Mwanga II, a youth whose ruling style fell far short of the charisma and political astuteness his late father had demonstrated in dealing with the foreigners.
Mutesa had the astuteness and maturity of dealing with conflicting forces that struggled to influence his court. The Arabs (the Moslems), the Catholics (the French or Bafaransa as they were locally called) or the Protestants (the English or Bangereza) operated, of course not without constraint, with some minimal success during his reign. He let his subjects of all ranks to join any creed of their choice. The Arabs also having seen the Christian missionaries' efforts to convert the local people also diligently started to teach Islam. There was a competitive struggle among the preachers of the new creeds each attempting to assert more influence and recognition among the most influential officials in the inner circle of the king's court. The king himself never committed to any single creed. The Moslems denounced him for his refusal to be circumcised, and he could not be baptized in the Christian denominations because he did not want to give up polygamy. He died still a traditionalist.
The Christian religion was received with much excitement by the converts but it came with its own requirements. It denounced all the native religious behavior and practices as heathen and satanic. Therefore joining it meant a commitment to break away from the old life style, make and adopt new alliances, and adjust to new moral and religious standards, adherence and allegiance. The new flock of believers ( abasomi, or readers, as they were called) therefore, were seemingly regarded as 'rebels' who had transferred their loyalty to new religious systems thus abandoning the old tribal traditions.
Although Mwanga had shown some love for the missionaries as a young prince, his attitude changed when he became king. The once lively and enthusiastic prince in support of the missionaries turned into an intolerant and vicious persecutor of Christians and all foreigners. He felt, with good cause, that the powers and authority his predecessors had enjoyed were dwindling, and had disintegrated under the influence of the missionaries and their converts. The converts had diverted their loyalty to some other authority and their allegiance at all costs could no longer be counted on. For Mwanga, the ultimate humiliation was the insolence he received from the pages when they ( the least subservient of servants) resisted his homosexual advances. According to old tradition the king was the center of power and authority, and he could dispense with any life as he felt, hence the old saying Namunswa alya kunswaze (the queen ant feeds on her subjects). Although homosexuality is abhorred among the Baganda, it was unheard of for mere pages to reject the wishes of a king. (It is alleged that Mwanga learnt or acquired homosexual behavior from the Arabs). Given those conflicting values Mwanga was determined to rid his kingdom of the new teaching and its followers.
It was hardly a year after Mwanga's assumption of the throne that he ordered the execution of Yusufu (Joseph) Rugarama, Makko (Mark) Kakumba, and Nuwa (Noah) Serwanga the first three Christian martyrs, who were killed at Busega Natete on January 31, 1885. In October of 1885 the Anglican Bishop James Hannington recently dispatched to head the Eastern Equatorial Africa, headquartered in Buganda, was murdered in Busoga on his way to Buganda. Mwanga had ordered his death. Hannington's crime was to attempt to come to Buganda through Busoga, a shorter route than that employed by earlier visitors who took the route from south of lake Victoria. Buganda's kings regarded Busoga as a backdoor to Buganda and thought that any one coming through the backdoor must have evil intentions towards the kingdom.
Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe, a senior advisor to the king and a Catholic convert, condemned Mwanga for ordering Hannington's death without giving him (Hannington) a chance to defend himself as was customary. Mwanga was annoyed that Mukasa would question his actions, and he had him arrested and killed. On Nov. 15 1885; Mukasa became the first Catholic martyr, when he was beheaded at Nakivubo. Between December of 1885 and May of 1886 many more converts were wantonly murdered. Mwanga precipitated a showdown in May by ordering the converts to choose between their new faith, and complete obedience to his orders. Those unwilling to renounce their new faith would be subject to death. Courageously, the neophytes chose their faith. The execution of twenty six Christians at Namugongo on June 3, 1886; was the climax of the campaign against the converts. The last person killed in this crusade, was Jean-Marie Muzeeyi, who was beheaded at Mengo on Jan 27, 1887. The complete list of the known martyrs is given below. The list of forty five known Catholic and Protestant martyrs includes only those who could be formally accounted for, many more murders went unreported and without a record.

In his efforts to curb the Christian influence and try to regain the traditional and customary powers and authorities over his subjects, Mwanga was adding more chaos to an already chaotic situation. In the north Kabarega (the king of Bunyoro Kitara a traditional arch enemy of Buganda) was raging, fighting off the pending invasion from the Khedive of Egypt and for sure he never lost his intentions towards Buganda. Further south it was reported that the Germans were annexing territories in the regions of the present Tanzania, and Mwanga was caught in a threatening position. His suspicion of the missionaries was therefore real. Buganda also was experiencing internal strife, the Moslems were plotting to overthrow him and replace him with a Moslem prince. The political upheavals combined with religious instability constrained the country's moral stamina. The kingdom was thrown into turmoil; Moslems fighting Christians, traditionalists plotting against all creeds, untimely alliances concocted to survive against a common foe and later unceremoniously discarded. The kingdom broke into civil strife during which Mwanga was briefly deposed, although he was able to regain his throne later.
Rather than deter the growth of Christianity, the martyrdom of these early believers seems to have sparked its growth instead. As has been observed in many other instances, the blood of the martyrs proved to be the seed of faith. Christianity (in its various flavours) is now the dominant faith in Buganda and Uganda as a whole. The 22 known Catholic martyrs were declared "Blessed" by Pope Benedict XV in 1920. This is one of the key steps in the catholic tradition that eventually leads to canonization. The 22 Catholic martyrs were indeed canonized by Pope Paul VI on October 18, 1964; during the Vatican II conference. Thus these martyrs were now recognised by the universal church as being worthy of being honored as Saints. This was a first for modern Africa and a source of pride throughout the continent.
To honor these modern saints, Paul VI became the first reigning pope to visit sub-saharan Africa when he visited Uganda in July 1969; a visit which included a pilgrimage to the site of the martyrdom at Namugongo. He also dedicated a site for the building of a shrine church in honor of the martyrs, at the spot where Charles Lwanga was killed. The shrine church itself (shown above), was dedicated in 1975 and it was subsequently named a basilica church, a high honor in Catholicism. Archbishop Robert Runcie of Canterbury, and head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, also came on pilgrimage in January 1984. Pope John Paul II in turn honored the martyrs with his own pilgrimage in February 1993. Every year, June 3rd, when most of the martyrs were killed, is marked as a national holiday in Uganda. It is also marked worldwide on the church calender as a day to honor the Uganda Martyrs. Following is a portrait of the 22 canonized Catholic martyrs.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Betty Nambooze's long anticipated victory is an expected blow to the NRM and what remains is unity of the Opposition to see NRM leadership go.

VICTOR: Ms Nambooze after she had voted yesterday. PHOTO BY ISAAC KASAMANI

Together is strength. At last the fake Reverend has been shown the exit! It is sad that inspite of all that was found out by the Supreme Court of Uganda regarding the Mukono North polls of 2006; the NRM had no better candidate to replace Bakaluba Mukasa. The power of the people has been shown. The appeal to the opposition is that it is only when we are together that the evil in the NRM can be shown the exit. There is need to return sanity to the Pearl of Africa, but each party individually cannot go far even if power were handed over; without working collectively it may not be maintained. Meaningful change can only be got not after getting the Presidency, but the numbers in Parliament. The Movement will keep threatening people by using the forces but one day, the good Lord will help our country out of the darkness we are in. This however is only possible when those opposition leaders who want to go it alone see sense and hence look for unity to get the NRM out of the development roadblock for our dear country.

William Kituuka

Nambooze wins Mukono North - Source: The Monitor:
By M. Nalugo, H. Mugagga, F. Muzaale and Stephen Otage
Posted Wednesday, May 26 2010 at 00:45
Democratic Party candidate Betty Nambooze Bakireke yesterday won the hotly-contested Mukono North by-election, beating the National Resistance Movement’s Rev. Peter Bakaluba Mukasa by slightly more than 1,800 votes.
The Electoral Commission released results from the 157 polling stations at five minutes after midnight placing Ms Nambooze at 16,142 votes against Rev. Bakaluba’s 14,302. Invalid ballots totalled 663. Almost 30 minutes before the returning officer, Mr Francis Nkurunziza, declared the winner, a heated exchange had erupted inside the main tallying centre in Mukono town.
It transpired that the NRM candidate’s votes in Kalagala polling station, Kyampisi Sub-county, had been changed to 500 and yet the IPC had in their possession a signed declaration form which had Rev. Bakaluba winning 176 votes against Ms Nambooze’s 123.Before this, a large crowd of opposition supporters had thronged the Mukono Community Centre undeterred by the heavy police presence as EC officers counted and tallied results from the four sub-counties of Mukono Town Council, Kyampisi, Goma and Nama.
CBS chants
The crowd broke out into deafening chants, intermittently singing the Buganda Kingdom anthem while shouting “CBS, CBS” in reference to the kingdom’s closed radio station.
A visibly tired but elated Nambooze said, “I am so happy because I have worked for this achievement for a long time. Even after I was about to win, I was rigged which shows that the EC had an agenda but they have not succeeded.”
Ms Nambooze’s win will be viewed by the opposition as a testament to the vulnerability of the ruling NRM in a region where the cooling of relations between Buganda Kingdom and the central government could yet prove to be a decisive factor in next year’s general election. The DP candidate ran as a representative of local unhappiness at the perceived suppression of the kingdom’s wishes to have a federal system of government among other grievances.
Last month’s Supreme Court’s verdict affirming that Rev. Bakaluba had obtained his 22,680 votes against Ms Nambooze’s 22,232 through electoral malpractices in 2006, it is suggested, also played a role in denying him victory. Two days of last ditch rallying of the establishment support by President Museveni over the weekend were not enough to sway an electorate evidently still hurting over the run-ins Buganda had with the government in September last year.
At the time, the government stopped Buganda’s king, Ronald Mutebi, from visiting neighbouring Kayunga District on grounds that his presence there could provoke sectarian violence between the dominant Baganda population and the want-away sub-ethnic Banyala people. The blocking of this visit resulted in rioting in Kampala and a number of Buganda Districts between September 10 and 12 which officially left 27 people dead.
Ms Nambooze’s political stature has progressively grown in Buganda mainly from 2007 when she was appointed by the Kabaka as chairperson of the Kingdom’s civic education committee whose task was to educate the people about the alleged dangers posed by the Land Bill. She was arrested in 2008 along with kingdom ministers Charles Mayiga and Medard Ssegona over accusations of promoting sectarianism on the kingdom’s radio station, CBS, which was shut down following the Kayunga riots.
Other candidates who participated in this race were Zirimala Kiggundu (56 votes), Zimula Mukwaya (21), Charles Jjingo (60), Micheal Mubiru (21), Mathew Mutyaba (28) and John Ssebunya (20 votes).Yesterday’s result was being viewed by the Inter-Party Cooperation that brings together four opposition parties, and which backed Ms Nambooze’s campaign, as a victory for the country. “This result proves one point: when you work together, we can stop rigging to a very big extent. There is less confusion we cause among the electorate, because there is clarity of purpose. People should stop treating politics as a platform for individuals to shine,” said IPC spokesman Ibrahim Ssemuju.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nambooze will either win or Bakaluba will lose if the vote is not stolen

One person who the President pointed out when he met the members of Parliament shortly after the Buganda riots of September 2009 is Betty Nambooze Kireke the MP to be if today's poll is not stolen. It is no surprise that Government has deployed seriously, but the reading on the wall is simple and clear, time up for NRM under President Museveni. Getting Ugandans to the Promised Land has failed and what we witness is corruption that has eroded the morals of many who have a do with Government deals. The feeling of shame is a matter of history for many. So, the contest is equivalent to how the joint opposition would fair in a near to a free and fair election even at Presidential level.
William Kituuka

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Internet connectivity is still a problem in semi -urban and rural areas of Uganda

President Museveni ought to take seriously Internet Connectivity and affordability in semi - urban and rural areas
Uganda Government ought to be very serious about Internet Connectivity. It is true that corruption and out right theft has eaten a lot into what would go to help the welfare of Ugandans, in the circumstances, given fast connectivity via the Internet and good distribution, a number of Ugandans can fend for themselves and get financial resources and knowledge from the net. It is unfortunate that in many semi - urban and rural places, the Internet connectivity is still a big joke. The Government could go a set further and establish libraries where Call for proposals advertised on the net among other areas which normally have a lot of documentation can be accessed. The Government priorities have gone wrong, it is clear for every body who has eyes to see but then given some help, many Ugandans can use other avenues to get money so that they don't die destitutes in a country well endowed with resources.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Changing the Electoral Commissioners is not enough, the system needs overhaul

THE MEETING: President Museveni (R) on Thursday came to the defence of the EC in a meeting with Mr Carson (2nd R). PPU PHOTO

An new Electoral Commission can be put in place but may not do much to rectify the problem in cheating, the cheating is a summation of mal-practices at a number of levels which include the involvement of staff at various ranks and other parties. So, it is a complex such that even if Government changed the Commissioners the people who engineer things only if identified, the problem will not be solved. Such change of Commission would also call for new Commissioners to do a lot of ground work to unearth electoral irregularities and do something about them if they can.
William Kituuka

Museveni tells US he will not fire EC
By Tabu Butagira
Posted Friday, May 21 2010 at 00:00
The visiting top American diplomat for Africa, Ambassador Johnnie Carson, on Thursday asked President Museveni to reconstitute the Electoral Commission to include more representation of all political parties.
Sources say Mr Carson, a former US ambassador to Uganda, told President Museveni public confidence in the election process ahead of the 2011 ballot is vital.
However, Mr Museveni, according to a statement issued by State House, defended EC chairman Eng. Badru Badru and his other six commissioners as professionals properly vetted by Parliament’s Appointments Committee, comprising opposition MPs.
In Thursday’s statement, Ms Lindah Nabusayi, the deputy presidential press secretary, said during the closed-door meeting Ambassador Carson “said that some groups in Uganda had raised concern over membership of the commission. He said they feel that there should be more representation to the electoral body.”
In recent months, the Inter-Party Cooperation, a grouping of four opposition political parties, has demanded the disbandment of the current commission.
But the President, who reportedly met Ambassador Carson for close to three hours, appeared unfazed – at least in remarks captured by his press team.
Cup of coffee
“The President advised Uganda’s development partners not to allow opposition politicians to confuse them with lies,” State House said.
Mr Museveni is reported to have said: “When they come, give them a cup of coffee to boost our coffee industry and send them away because what they are complaining about can be discussed in the Inter-Party Forum [a consensus-building avenue for all parties].”
Ms Joann Lockard, the public affairs officer at the US Mission in Kampala, when asked if Ambassador Carson dropped a letter calling for outright disbandment of the EC, said: “I’m not aware and I can neither confirm nor deny that.”
Thursday’s meeting also discussed reported flaws in the ongoing biometric voter registration exercise.
Opposition meet
The four leaders of IPC; UPC’s Otunnu, Dr Kizza Besigye (FDC), Mr John Lukyamuzi (Conservative Party) and Mr Mohammed Kibirige (JEEMA) met late into the night on Thursday at their Katonga Road head office in Kampala, ahead of their meeting with Ambassador Carson on Friday.
“Mr Museveni listens more to foreign diplomats and international voices,” said Mr Ibrahim Nganda, the IPC spokesman.
“Ambassador Carson is a unique visitor and we are going to speak to him about electoral reforms, the attempts by the ruling NRM party to rig the upcoming elections and the swindling of public resources by government officials.”
Meanwhile, Reuters news agency reported last evening that Uganda’s opposition could boycott the elections.
“This EC is deeply discredited and cannot hold a free and fair election as demanded by the Constitution,” Kibirige Mayanja, chairman of the IPC told Reuters.
“We hope the government will hear the desire of Ugandans and sack the leadership of the EC. But should they remain obstinate we’ll boycott any electoral activity organised by them.”
US Ambassador to Uganda Jerry Lanier; Mr Vann Van Diepen, the acting assistant secretary for the Bureau of International Security and Non-proliferation, General William Ward, Commander of the US Africa command accompanied Ambassador Carson.
The Uganda delegation included the Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Kutesa and his Permanent Secretary, Ambassador James Mugume.
Mr Mugume later said Ambassador Carson had asked Uganda, a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, to support a draft resolution for sanctions on Iran that his country introduced on Wednesday.

Inside Politics
‘We need an Electoral Commission accepted by all’ - Source:
By Risdel Kasasira
Posted Saturday, December 19 2009 at 18:28
In Summary
First of all, the reduction is not good. The relevant amendment for displaying registers should have been use of notice boards to display names of the voters. They should have produced notice boards for display.
On Tuesday, the government presented four Bills spelling out amendments to laws critical to the holding of 2011 general elections. The Bills have been dismissed as largely lacking in fundamental substance to significantly change the political landscape that has been characterised by challenged elections in both 2001 and 2006. Inside Politics Risdel Kasasira speaks to the Forum for Democratic Change Secretary General Alice Alaso to find out how the opposition view the development.
Do you think the proposed electoral reforms are good enough to cause free and fair elections in 2011?
What happened was that, they (government) didn’t listen. They completely ignored what the Inter-Party-Cooperation has always demanded. The Attorney General ignored, what the observers of elections and Electoral Commission have said. These reforms don’t mean anything to the democratic process of this country. There were demands that constituency results be declared at the constituency, not at the district level.
The constituency elections should be announced at the constituency. Why do they want to bring everybody at the district?
Most of the rigging is done by returning officers at the district; that’s why it’s right to announce the results at the district. They have also completely left out the tenure of the commissioners of Electoral Commission for President Museveni alone to decide. They 9reforms are shallow and mean nothing to this country.]
The Presidential Amendment Bill seeks to prohibit candidates from contributing during fundraising campaigns. Is this the most important reform needed to have free and fair elections?
No. It’s not what is needed. It should have been the substantiality effect, which has let this country down. It’s not fundraising campaigns. It should have been how much rigging, how much intimidation and how much violence - not fundraising campaigns. Without this reform, elections will be rigged, there will be violence and intimidation and the Supreme Court, like it has ruled in the past, rule that there was no substantial rigging. As long as there is rigging, no matter at what level, the elections will be unfair.
I think with the so-called reforms on campaigns, they are just being apologetic to bribes they give voters. The reforms should also have stopped the incumbent from announcing and giving new districts during campaigns. Fundraising campaigns can be stopped but that won’t help to bring sanity in our electoral process.
Do you think the reduction of the days to display the registers from 21 to 15 are long enough for all the voters to cross-check their names?
First of all, the reduction is not good. The relevant amendment for displaying registers should have been use of notice boards to display names of the voters. They should have produced notice boards for display.
What we have been told is that we shall have polling assistants sitting and folding registers and then go home in the evening; that’s not display. We should have notice boards on every polling station for voters to come and check their names as and when they wish.
The opposition has been calling for an independent electoral commission. However, the new reforms are silent on this issue.
The main amendment should have been constitutional amendments, especially the tenure of the Electoral Commission, its composition, how it is originated, and composed. The Attorney General has done a disservice to this nation.
With the present Electoral Commission that operates at the mercy of President Museveni, an electoral body that can be fired or appointed by the President as and when he wishes; you will never have a free and fair elections.
The reforms should have strengthened the tenure of the commissioners to be the same as the tenure of the High Court Judges for impartial discretion. We also need an Electoral Commission accepted by all, in terms of composition and who constitutes it. Like in America, there are Republican nominees, there are Democratic nominees. We don’t want an Electoral Commission which is appointed and fired by President Museveni.
Uganda’s electoral process has in the past been marred by violence and rigging. What do you think should be done to reduce violence during campaigns?
First of all, the army should be got out of elections at all levels in the electoral process - whether monitoring or whatever. Secondly, President Museveni and his team must allow Ugandans to exercise their political rights.

Ultimate Media

The New York based Human Rights Watch has called for urgent investigation of reports of ballot stuffing, multiple voting, and potentially hundreds of thousands of people denied the right to vote in the Ugandan elections.
The human rights body also wants the Electoral Commission to publish the electoral results of the February 23 Presidential and Parliamentary elections from each polling station to facilitate a meaningful review.
According to the Electoral Commission, President Yoweri Museveni, who was the candidate of the National Resistance Movement retained his seat with more than 59 percent of the vote in Ugandas first multiparty election in the last 26 years.
His main challenger and Forum for Democratic Change President, Dr. Kizza Besigye was second with some 36 percent of the votes cast. Besigye and his party rejected the election results, citing widespread irregularities and fraud.
On Tuesday, Besigye announced that the party would file a petition with Ugandas Supreme Court. He claimed that in addition to disenfranchised voters, there were discrepancies between the tallies from polling stations and voting districts.
Human Rights Watch said that the Electoral Commission has so far refused to publish presidential election results broken down by polling station. Instead, it has referred observers to the district level tallies in each of Ugandas 69 districts, creating an impediment to full and proper public scrutiny of the results, the rights group said.
In a statement issued on Friday, Human Rights Watch wants that the Electoral Commission to publish all results by polling station as soon as possible to provide transparency of the election results.
Jemera Rone, East Africa coordinator for Human Rights Watch said that already both domestic and international observers have reported serious irregularities in the Ugandan election. To ensure that the voices of Ugandans are heard, judicial review is both appropriate and necessary, she said in a statement issued on Friday. She said that although on Election Day, violence was minimal, domestic and international observers noted major irregularities. Across the country, they observed that election officers denied possibly hundreds of thousands of registered voters the right to vote because they were allegedly not on the voter register, the statement read.
Other irregularities reported include voting by underage boys and girls, and voters illegally turned away from polling stations by presiding officers after 5 P.M. Under the law, all voters in line by 5 P.M. had the right to vote. Human Rights Watch said that the Democracy Monitoring Group (DEMGroup), a Ugandan nongovernmental organization, which deployed monitors to nearly all of the 19,786 polling stations across the country, said that more than 150,000 Ugandans were disenfranchised.
It also said that another Ugandan nongovernmental organization, the Foundation for Human Rights Initiatives, documented partisan electoral officials, Electoral Commission failure to update the register, and multiple voting, among other things.
Given credible claims from observer groups and the opposition, there must be an impartial judicial process, said Rone. An independent assessment of the facts and a prompt analysis of the legality of the events are essential to maintain citizens faith in the electoral process.