
Monday, April 19, 2010

Brother Engineer Kimeze, what can be done for Old Entebbe Road?

Engineer Kimeze Ssebbugga
Good Engineer sometime may be about a week ago; I had you on radio talking about how we should have hope of good roads by the elections’ time. I know you use Entebbe Highway as you go to Entebbe; hope you still have offices there. One of these days try a ride from around Kajjansi Progressive Secondary School – Lweza via old Entebbe road to Muchanga shortly before you get to a road leading to Kajjansi Airstrip from Kajjansi Trading Centre. You will appreciate that at times Government makes poor plans. This road I am talking about must be one of the forgotten ones and it is unfortunate that developers have so much encroached on it.
The second issue, I think it is time to put a round – about at Kajjansi Trading centre. This traffic going to Kiwamirembe and also St. Mary’s Kitende needs urgent planning. If this is worked on, the vehicles going to Kiwamirembe could use Nakigalala road (as a one way) and when going, but on coming back, there should be a route made and I think some plans had been made to the effect.
Fellow Mitchell Rat, hope you do something in your capacity as Director Operations Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). I now can see the use of calculating those forces in the soil.

Stay well.

William Kituuka

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