
Sunday, June 20, 2010

CoRSU Rehabilitation Hospital and Centre is a Hospital established with a focus on children with disabilities below 18 years of age

When I sent out an appeal to help Ritah Nankunda (20) after poor medical care from a Hospital‏; M/S CoRSU Rehabilitation Hospital responded as below:

Dear Mr. William,
Thank you for being so attentive to the problems of this young mother.
CoRSU Rehabilitation Hospital and Centre is a Hospital established with a focus on children with disabilities below 18 years of age. Nevertheless, we also provide services for adults at a non-subsidised fee in orthopaedics and plastic reconstructive surgery. Unfortunately, we have no relation to pre- or post maternity issues.
Due to this, unfortunately, I do not see where CoRSU could help.
However, I invite you to see the Hospital so that you get an impression on what we do. Below find my contacts for an appointment.
With best regards and hoping that Ritah will improve very soon.

Matthias Widmaier-Maicher
Administration Director
P.O. Box 20146
Kampala, UGANDA
Tel.: +256 782 389 280

The particulars of the appeal:
An appeal to help Ritah Nankunda (20) after poor medical care from a Hospital‏

Dear Sir/Madam,
Ritah Nankunda (20) is one of the victims of poor medical and or negligence in our health establishments due to the low moral of the health service staff. Nankunda is believed to be out of danger by a Midwife/Nursing Sister - Prossy Bulega who is attending to her at Royal Domiciliary Clinic at Seguku - 6miles Entebbe Highway in the neighbourhood of Doctors' Clinic.
Ritah had been attending clinic for expectant mothers prior to Friday 14th May 2010 when she delivered from Kampala City Council clinic near the Parliament Building where she had been paying visits. It looks like the case after delivery was beyond the authorities at the City Council hence referred her to Mulago Referral Hospital. She was admitted to award of those who had received operations, but some how, the medical staff did not give her the necessary attention. She was even told to get off the bed and put on floor. After giving her some medicines, she says, she was discharged. At the time Bulega received her at Royal Domiciliary Clinic, the state in which she was is not easy for me to explain, but Bulega can tell. According to Prossy, Nankunda will need an operation when she recovers; again the details are beyond the scope of this communication and client privacy etc.
The patient is on: 0779388929. May be I would not have made this communication, but Nankunda is a poor young woman who can be saved and needs the assistance of those with some resources that can be spared to save life.

I thank you.

William Kituuka
Good Governance Practice
P. O. Box 2678,

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