
Friday, June 4, 2010

Literature that can help you learn the values of Moringa o

The Nutritional Moringa Leaves

Moringa really works but many of our people are simply ignorant of that fact and hence look for more expensive options.
William Kituuka

Moringa leaves are highly nutritious and have been used in traditional medicine to treat a host of diseases. Some people call it a "miracle tree."
Many people who work with Moringa are realizing that further scientific studies are essential to create mass awareness. The key to making such studies a reality lies in the hands of top-level decision-makers who hold the purse strings for scientific research.
Trees for Life has compiled two powerful tools to help people like you share this information with key decision-makers in your country. These tools are:
•A book
•A PowerPoint presentation
The book
This book is designed to present essential scientific facts in a way that has proven to be meaningful for such decision-makers. The book was produced through the joint efforts of a large number of people over several years. The message was thoroughly tested in the field for its effectiveness. It is a must for anyone who wants the people of their country to gain from the benefits of Moringa.
You may preview the book at:
Printed copies to share with decision-makers are available on request.
The PowerPoint presentation
The main content of the book has also been converted into a PowerPoint presentation. It is an excellent tool for sharing the potential of Moringa with a group of people. People have shown this presentation to gatherings of hundreds of scientists, as well in small meetings with a few decision-makers. Several people are also using this presentation to share the information with civic and service groups.
To view or download the presentation, go to:
Both the book and the PowerPoint presentation are free of cost and completely copyright-free.
These materials have been prepared through the generous gifts of people who believe that Moringa can prevent untold misery for millions of people around the world -- especially women and children. You can do your part by sharing them with people who can make a difference.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Faus
Managing Editor, Trees for Life Journal

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