
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Better Life Centre Proposal






US $ 300,000


A1. The parents and benefactors of privately sponsored students at Makerere University who are organised under Makerere University Private Students' Parents" Association (MUPSPA) are greatly concerned about the future of the privately sponsored students at Makerere University and one area of great concern is that of HIV/AIDS and how students can be guided and counselled to overcome and or avoid contracting HIV.

A2. Against the above background, they agreed that a programme to encourage positive healthy living at the University and thereafter is in the right direction, and should be housed at the main campus for students' convenience and accessibility.

A3. The programme is to encourage prospect members to test for HIV and hence establish their status. The project, Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC) is to be called "The Better Life Centre" given that its components are meant to see students enjoy better life in totality.

A4. "The Better Life Centre" shall have a Conference Hall , a Laboratory facility for testing the HIV status, A Computer Centre and a Library facility. The project will also have a Grocery and a Stationery Shop component under one umbrella.

A5. The members who will be recruited after testing for HIV, and hence given membership cards shall enjoy the services offered at the centre at a DISCOUNT. But the HIV testing shall be a FREE SERVICE to all students.

A6. The Better Life Centre has a long term objective of seeing that it can groom a group of students "capable of living positively throughout their life". And that from this group one should be able to choose a life long marriage partner with whom he/she would be able to have about 95% chance of avoiding HIV/AIDS in their midst and as such be a living example of the possibility of having members of our society who have said NO to HIV/AIDS. This model will be replicable by the members of The Better Life Centre to other schools and eventually into the civil structures of life throughout the country and beyond. This is viewed as one way HIV/AIDS can be overcome in our midst.

A7. Services at "The Better Life Centre" shall have to be paid for by non - members at cost that is (the ruling market prices). This is to help see to the sustainability of the project.

A8. "The Better Life Centre" shall advertise the services to be offered at all Halls of residence for the students and the Schools and Institutes, the Faculties, and students' hostels. This will be aimed at creating awareness of the new facility by the project and the roles which the centre shall play.

A9. The Better Life Centre shall have counsellors to help students with the various social problems which they may encounter and implement various programmes under the project to which members shall be expected to participate positively.

A10. The Better Life Centre shall have a major mission of "demystifying stigma" associated with HIV/AIDS at campus and put in place programmes that shall address this problem which is a reality at the University.

A11. The Better Life Centre shall get involved in information dissemination and availing literature to members on social aspects of life moreso how to avoid the HIV.

A12. The Better Life Centre shall learn from other HIV/AIDS counselling organisations and adopt their good practices as well as share in their experiences.

A13. The Better Life Centre shall incorporate drama, music, seminars, in spreading the message for better and safer living and shall encourage members to play active role in these programmes.

A14. The Better Life Centre shall from time to time invite professionals to the centre to address students on the various experiences in the world of work. Programmes shall be designed such that students are taught other skills in life to enable them be a productive workforce who are capable of surviving on their own initiative to produce job creators, not seekers.

A15. The Better Life Centre shall work hand in hand with the Students' Guild, The University Hospital, and the Guidance and Counselling centre at the University. And it is expected that good relations shall be enjoyed.

A16. The Better Life Centre expects to get donor funding from international organisations that are striving to get a solution to the HIV/AIDS pandemic world wide given the diverstating effects of the disease so that viable solutions are identified to see the disease get contained and or wiped out completely.

A17. The Better Life Centre shall incorporate more programmes with time as the project takes off and as funding is realised. Among these shall be literature on Guidance and Counselling to be disseminated to schools and organisations involved in Guidance and Counselling as well as the containment of HIV/AIDS globally.

A 18. A website for the centre is an innovation that shall reflect the activities at the centre for the benefit of those that may wish to learn from the experience..


1. Introduction ....................................................................................5

2. Project Background.........................................................................7

3. The HIV/AIDS situation in Uganda................................................8

4. The HIV/AIDS situation at Makerere University...........................12

5. Beneficiaries of The Better Life Centre..........................................17

6. Problems to be solved by the project..............................................18

7. Intervention ....................................................................................19

8. Activities designed to achieve objectives.......................................21

9. Assumptions...................................................................................22

10. Implementation...............................................................................23

11. Implementation costs......................................................................24

12. Sustainability Factors......................................................................27

13. Monitoring/Evaluation....................................................................28

14. Annex..............................................................................................30


Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC) is to be called "THE BETTER LIFE CENTRE" which name is more reflective of the project's mission.

The Better Life Centre is to address the issue of HIV/AIDS, where HIV is usually transmitted through bodily fluids, most commonly through sex, blood transfusions or injections.. The virus manifests itself in a variety of forms and immune responses differ enormously from individual to individual.

B1. The Better Life Centre Mission

B1.1 Because the disease is global, a shared solution has to be found. "We need a global approach, says Dr.Pa 'o Lutero of the ACP Group. "Everyone's future will be affected if greater attention is not given to the disease."
The Better Life Centre is an attempt to see to a global solution locally "grown" at Makerere University as a case study and later disseminated.

B1.2 There is no cure, and as yet no vaccine for AIDS, so emphasis has to be on prevention, and improving and extending the lives of those infected. Communication, Information, and sharing experience is vital. The Prime Minister of Mozambique Pascoal Mocumbi, speaks of the importance of talking about sex and changing behaviour. The Better Life Centre shall put in place the Prime Minister's vision.

B1.3 The Better Life Centre has a mission to act because the disease doesn't wait, so without a great effort, and without moving faster, the consequences of the disease will be catastrophic. The programme has to be more proactive, and set up strategies to assist people. We have to stress again and again, that this is a disease that has to be taken seriously.

B1.4 The Better Life Centre is aware that, "In Uganda, AIDS has been demystified. Stigma is no longer a big issue because people have come to "own" the problem and identified it as theirs. Dispelling the myths around HIV/AIDS has been a very big achievement", said Tim Rwabuhemba, Programme Officer, HIV/AIDS, UNICEF, Uganda.
Unfortunately, the information available from Makerere University is that the HIV/AIDS stigma is high and alot needs to be done to have the problem demystified so that students easily express their problems and seek guidance and counselling.

B15. The Better Life Centre wants to learn from practices elsewhere. "It's good to be informed about HIV/AIDS. I was scared before any one talked to me about it, because I thought perhaps I would catch it. Now I know how to protect myself - and I can help my friends, too. We need to save the youth, it is killing too many of them." These words, from 22 year old Celani, of Durban, South Africa, reveal the importance of one of the most crucial tools in the fight against HIV/AIDS - education. There is generally good understanding about how the virus is caught, how to avoid contracting it, and of the scale of the problem. But actually changing the behaviour of young people is the greatest challenge of all.
B1.6. The Better Life Centre is aware that young people, the University students inclusive, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, desparetely need help with choosing healthy lifestyle options - both in and out of scchool. Issues such as sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex and contraception, gender, life planning and sexual decision making need to be explored.

B1.7 The Better Life Centre is also aware of an element of fatalism which needs urgent attention, that is, with many young people feeling so unhappy with their lives, and feeling they have little to look forward to, that the risk of unsafe sex is a price worth paying for the pleasure it brings.

B1.8. The Better Life Centre is desirous of learning from the YMCA's Better Life Options Programme in South Africa which allows young people to educate others about the issues involved. In some cases, peer educators are themselves HIV - positive. Awareness can be raised through drama and music, outreach support.
Helen Kirkland, Programme Coordinator, at Y Care International, the development agency of the YMCA movement, which supports the work in South Africa, says, "If the devastation of HIV/AIDS is to be slowed down, empowerment programmes for young people must be enhanced. There can be no doubt that much more needs to be done to help young people."

B1.9. The Better Life Centre realises that it is an important task to give a human face to a disease so stigmatised and shronded in mystery that ordinary people do not know what to expect. Placing articulate, open and often healthy HIV - positive people within other members of the community can serve to shatter any number of myths.

B1.10. The Better Life Centre is interested in the replicability by other communities of their experience and success in the HIV/AIDS fight which should be emulated and practiced as such.


1.1 The Better Life Centre or Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC) is a project proposal conceived by the parents and benefactors of the privately sponsored students under their association in the names of Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA).

1.2. The MUPOTEC proposal arises out of the concern by the parents and benefactors of the privately sponsored students of the HIV/AIDS problem in the country, which problem is currently claiming many people in their youthful years.

1.3. The parents under MUPSPA are interested in an innovation which may lead to a new generation of people with the consciousness of HIV/AIDS and can avoid the scourge through positive living moreso after being convinced initially to test for HIV and thereafter endure through positive living. This is the essence of the project theme: "Open students' eyes about HIV/AIDS before AIDS closes them for ever."

1.4. The proposal is aware of the Department of Guidance and Counselling at Makerere University, and the infrastructure associated with it. Secondly, the Makerere University Health Services. It in no way wants to interfere with their roles, but to push through the notion of "positive living" among the University students if they are to make positive career lives and also succeed.

1.5. The Better Life Centre (MUPOTEC's) approach under the background comes up with the HIV/AIDS problem in the country at large (1.6.1 to 1.6.18). This is followed by the situation at Makerere University (1.7.1 to 1.7.17).

1.6. The HIV/AIDS situation in Uganda.

1.6.1 Only a decade ago, Uganda was viewed - even feared - as the epicentre of the HIV epidemic, not only in Africa but in the world. Within Uganda, there was widespread denial of the reality of HIV/AIDS. Stigma and discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS was rife. Pessimism about the future was wide spread - and not without good reason. The HIV epidemic has indeed brought grief, pain and suffering on unprecedented scale to millions of Ugandans. An estimated 800,000 people in Uganda have died of AIDS and over 1.8 million children have lost one or both parents through AIDS since the start of the epidemic.
Source: Uganda: Promise, Performance and Future Challenges. By UN Agencies in Uganda. (Page 25)

1.6.2 HIV is still a massive problem in Uganda. An estimated 10% of the adult population are infected with HIV, and AIDS is the main cause of death among adults between the ages of 25 and 45. (Page 25 Source as in 1.6.1)

1.6.3. Positive changes have been made possible by the spirit of openness which has characterised the national response to the HIV epidemic at the level of the individual, the family, the community and the nation in Uganda. Openness about HIV has acted as a catalyst to action by a wide cross section of civil society and government. (Page 26 Source as in 1.6.1)

1.6.4. During the second half of the 1990's however, government support for - and involvement in HIV/AIDS programmes appeared to decline. As Uganda acquired the reputation of an international "success story" in HIV/AIDS prevention, other pressing problems claimed more of the government's attention. Within the general public too, attitudes were changing. For growing numbers of people, AIDS was no longer a national emergency but one problem amongst many. (Page 26 Source as in 1.6.1)

1.6.5. AIDS strikes down people in the prime of life: 85% of Ugandans diagnosed as having AIDS are aged between 20 and 55; most are economically active and have young children to support. HIV/AIDS is not only a disease with fatal consequences for individuals, it is also an economic disaster for whole families. When one or both parents are suffering from an HIV related illness, expenditure on medical treatment, drugs and traditional remedies rises dramatically. At the sametime, loss of labour due to illness or death means that the family receives less food from the farm or cash income from wages. Average households are reduced to poverty and the poor to complete destitution, lacking not only food but also basic commodities such as soap, clothes, etc. Children, especially girls, leave school to help care for younger siblings or sick parents, or to earn money, for example by selling sex. (Page 44-45 Source as in 1.6.1)

1.6.6 Nowhere have civil society organisations been more active - or more effective - than in the field of HIV/AIDS. Local NGOs such as TASO and the AIDS Information Centre have set new standards in HIV/AIDS counselling. Church based hospitals Nsambya and Kitovu have pioneered innovative strategies of care for people living with HIV, and of support for communities affected by high HIV prevalence. (Page 30 Source as in 1.6.1)
1.6.7. Adolescents in Uganda constitute one of the most vulnerable groups as regards the HIV/AIDS problem. The current status of adolescent reproductive health, including HIV/AIDS leaves alot to be desired. A few examples: unacceptably high maternal mortality rate (506/100,000); the highest adolescent pregnancy rate in sub - saharan Africa (71% of girls of 19 years of age or below have begun child bearing); very low modern contraceptive prevalence rate (9%); very high adolescent marrige rate (37% of females between 15 - 19 years of age are married, the figure for males 15 - 19 years is 6%); high fertility rate of 6.9 children per woman (highest frequency of births is by 15 - 19 years old girls); 9% of the population is HIV infected; the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in adolescent girls between the age of 15 - 19 and 20 - 24 is six and three times higher than among males of the same age group, respectively; and life expectancy is estimated to have fallen below 40 years mainly due to AIDS.
Source: UN News Uganda October 2000 - (Bill Gates to support new UNFPA youth initiative. Page 4)

1.6.8. HIV/AIDS has decimated the workforce, especially skilled personnel. It takes away the most dynamic and productive segments of the population many of whom have been trained at a great cost. In addition, HIV/AIDS is a very expensive disease which often wipes out a family's resources before the bread winner dies, leaving the childern and other dependants with nothing. An ILO study by Ssentongo (1995) on the impact of HIV/AIDS on the productive labourforce found that all organisations had been affected by the epidemic; especially through increased labour costs arising from medical treatment and care, payment of salaries and wages to sickly employees, funeral expenses, etc.
Source: Uganda Human Development Report 2000 - Page 16

1.6.9. Research has revealed that children as young as 9 years are already sexually active and many are having some sexually transmitted diseases that early. This is comfirmed by the Straight Talk Foundation and the Naguru Teenage Centre where about 41% of the children from 9 years have been found with an STD.

1.6.10. The Deputy Director Health Services in Bundibugyo District - James Ndyeziika, April 29, 2000 revealed that half of the population in Bundibugyo have HIV/AIDS. This was while presenting a paper on the Health Situation in Camps in the district. He told participants that the spread of HIV/AIDS had been fuelled by the three year insurgency in the district. Ndyeziika said, out of every ten people in Bundibugyo, five are HIV positive. And given this situation, his office had distributed 30,000 condoms to health centres, private clinics, hotels and lodges to avert the alarming situation.

1.6.11. According to statistics from UNAIDS - out of the estimated 20.7 million people in Uganda, 930,000 are assumed to be living with HIV/AIDS. Yet the proportion of adults between 15 - 49 years living with HIV/AIDS is 9.51%. The cumulative AIDS deaths since the beginning of the epidemic is 1.8 million, yet the country is loaded with the burden of caring for 1.1 million whose parents have died due to AIDS.

1.6.12. One in every five men in Uganda that have braved an HIV test have tested positive says a September 1999 Survey conducted by the Delivery of Improved Services for Health (DISH). This was conducted in 11districts in Uganda.

1.6.13. Since 1983 the HIV/AIDS pandemic has taken its toll, resulting in an average of 12 years lost for every woman, man and child in Uganda. The epidemic is responsible for 12% annual deaths in Uganda and leading cause of deaths among individuals 15 to 49 years of age.

1.6.14. There is hardly any Ugandan who has not lost a relative or friend to AIDS. Estimates from the Ministry of Health indicate that 2 million Ugandans are carrying the virus. The AIDS Information Centre has information that about 28% of those who go to test are HIV positive. Over 10% women attending antenatal clinics are HIV positive.

1.6.15. While the condom is believed to offer the users safe sex, it is generally observed that many people use the condom for sometime and afterwards abandon it on being acquainted to their partners without first testing for their HIV status. This tendency has contributed positively to the spread of HIV.

1.6.16. The dependency syndrome mostly by women leads to multiple sexual relations and a number of people are being claimed this way.

1.6.17. It is a common experience that sick people generally easily give in to sex, and others can pay any cost to spread the disease to non - suspecting partners so that they don't die alone.

1.6.18 Organisations that deal with HIV/AIDS situations in Uganda.

1. Uganda Network of AIDS - Service Organisations. (UNASO). Generating and information sharing among NGOs/CBOs. Capacity Building for NGOs/CBOs for effective delivery of their services. Advocacy and lobbying on matters of mutual concern to AIDS service organisations and strengthening the capacity of UNASO Secretariat to co - ordinate the activities of the network. P.O Box 9710
Kampala Email:
2. Traditional and Modern Health Practitioners Together against AIDS and other Diseases (THETA) To improve and strengthen traditional medicine as a complementary health care practice, research, document and desseminate information about traditional medicine and training.. Traditional healers as community counsellors and educators on sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV) as well as training for other organisations targeting Traditional Healers country wide. Mawanda Road Kamwokya
P O Box 21175
3. THE AIDS SUPPORT ORGANISATION (TASO). offering Counselling to people with HIV/AIDS and their families, train counsellors for TASO and organisations to effectively provide counselling, building & support community based efforts to respond to AIDS epidemic, compliment the available medical services for those infected and promote positive attitudes towards people with AIDS and their families. Head Office/Training Centre, Kanyanya off Gayaza road (after Mpererwe)
P.O Box 10443 Kampala.
4. National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda (NACWOLA). To fight stigma and abuse to HIV positive women in Uganda, access information on HIV/AIDS so as to reduce fear and isolation among women living with HIV/AIDS, empowering women living with HIV/AIDS economically so as to reduce their vulnerability and dependence and to unite all women living with HIV/AIDS so as to act as one strong voice in the fight against AIDS. Makindye along Lukuli Nanganda Road.
P.O Box 4485, Kampala.
5. THE DIOCESE OF NAMIREMBE Reproductive and Family Health, sanitation, Counselling and Home Care, HIV/AIDS impact management and health services delivery through church clinics. The Health Secretary
Bishop's Office
Diocese of Namirembe
P.O Box 14297, K'la.
6. ACTIONAID UGANDA. A charity working with children, families and communities to improve the quality of life in some of the poorest parts of the world. Plot 2514/2515
Gaba Road Kansanga.
Quarter London.
P.O Box 676
7. Youth Alive To work with children, youth and communities to bring about appreciation of and commitment to the ongoing process of personal and community development. P.O Box 22395,
8. ACET UGANDA Build the capacity of local communities/CBOs/NGOs to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS and to foster the development of life skills and quality provision of life skills education for young people. Kizungu Lane Makindye.
P.O Box 9710,
9. Grassland Foundation. Founded by a group of Muslim Social Workers to enhance the capacities of local communities to take control of their own health and development through sustainable and participatory approaches. Kibuli Hill
Kakungulu Memorial Hall
P.O Box 21354, Kampala.
10. Uganda Women Concern Ministry. To empower women, childern and people affected with HIV/AIDS with information and skills for sustainable development. P.O Box 1820, Mbale.

1.7 What is the HIV/AIDS situation at Makerere University?

1.7.1 Attempts to get the right position of HIV/AIDS situation at Makerere University may be referred to as futile (statistically). The reasons for this are as follows:-

i) According to Dr Jane Bosa, Director Makerere University Health Services, students house a fear of exposing their HIV status to the University authorities moreso when they are HIV positive. This according to the doctor is against the background that knowledge of their HIV status by the authorities could lead to the University terminating their scholarships mostly so those that are Government sponsored. (This is what the students assume, but it is not the University policy.)

ii) Dr Bosa says there is general stigma among the University students if they get known to be victims. This therefore discourages students from getting directly involved in transactions with the University that could expose their status, like testing from the University hospital for their HIV status.

iii) The doctor says, it is at times inevitable for some students to turn up for treatment at the hospital when they have fully blown symptoms for AIDS. However, even then the figures of this category do not constitute reliable data to show the extent of the problem of HIV/AIDs at the University.

iv) Dr Peter Matovu - the Director, Guidance and Counselling Department, Makerere University agrees that the HIV/AIDS problem is real as he has come in touch with such cases for counselling. He however says many students suffering from HIV/AIDS tend to go to other hospitals for treatment.

v) Students at Makerere University are on average very proud. With this proudness, the students are convinced that exposure of their HIV situation may sort of isolate them in the society, and to keep comfortable, this tends to call for keeping the problem as much of a secret as possible.

vi) The Makerere University Strategic Plan 2000/01-2004/05 as drawn by the Planning and Development Department - Under (THREATS) hits briefly about "Rampant diseases like AIDS that affect the population." Says, the HIV/AIDS pandemic may lead to negative trends in the economy, health of the population and available well trained labourforce on the market. All these may impact on the University performance and development.

The above is all that the Strategic Plan talks about the HIV/AIDS situation without showing that this problem is indeed serious.

1.7.2 However, today there is "Community Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS." In the case of Makerere University, information is rife among the students we have been able to talk to who clearly say that some of their members die due to AIDS. Others discontinue themselves when they are very sick. While there are those who are pushing on with the sickness. The students we have talked to however say that while there is HIV/AIDS throughout the country, the University Socialisation tends to promote HIV spread. The involvement of "mature" Private students who study while they work is one problem. These on many occasions have the means and resources to induce the girls who on a number of occasions need financial resources to meet their needs. Second, the influx of the working class who many times come to the University to pick "cute girls" complicates the problem further. Therefore, according to the students, it is not unusual to interact with a girl or boy who due to his social contacts may have HIV/AIDS.

1.7.3 Given the scanty nature of the information that specifically related to the HIV/AIDS situation on ground at Makerere University, this proposal has referred to a World Bank publication in the names of "FINDINGS" which specifically was addressing the HIV/AIDS situation in African Universities. Using the highlights of this publication, Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA) is convinced that many observations and findings by the World Bank publication equally apply to Makerere University. As a case in point already cited, the University's Strategic Plan has nothing much to show that the University is to deal with the HIV/AIDS situation which is real.

1.7.4 The University is believed not to be doing much to speak out and confront the HIV/AIDS crisis head - on. The out come of this could easily be the unravelling of hard - won development gains and crippling prospects of future economic growth.

1.7.5 The University Community remain in the dark concerning the HIV/AIDS situation on their own campus, in essence, a thick cloak of "ignorance" surrounds the presence of the disease. This is lined with layers of secrecy, silence, denial, and fear of stigmatisation and discrimination.

1.7.6 Makerere University should have realised the disruptive consequences of the disease on households, employment, health, education and other systems of fundamental importance and gone a step further to put serious plans and programmes to express concern and act on the epidemic.

1.7.7 A University which is not indifferent about HIV/AIDS should properly address the following:-

i) In what ways has the University been affected by HIV/AIDS?
ii) How has the University responded to the presence of the disease in their community?
iii) What steps are they taking to control and limit the further spread of the disease in their community?
iv) What HIV/AIDS related teaching, research, publications, and advisory services has the University undertaken?
v) How does the University propose to anticipate and address the larger impact of HIV/AIDS on the national labour market for the University graduates?
vi) Should the University increase access to its courses, including distance education courses, to compensate for expected national losses in skilled professional personnel?

1.7.8 According to some students talked to, there is a general belief that Makerere University is a high - risk institution for transmission of HIV. The reason being partly the "sugar - daddy" culture, sexual experimentation, prostitution on and off campus, multiple partners which are manifested.

1.7.9 One finding, concerns the social life of students on campus and the extreme vulnerability of the female students. There is concern about the subordinate status of female students and in particular, their inability on average to negotiate for either no sex or safer sexual practices. Because of lack of empowerment, the female student (partner) consents under duress to intercourse in order to preserve a relationship, avoid a beating, ensure financial support, or repay favours. This type of occurance easily encourages the spread of HIV.

1.7.10 Describing the University's response to the HIV/AIDS crisis, it is realised that there is "an awe - inspiring silence" at the institutional, academic, and personal levels. Consequently, the University doesnot translate an awareness that is concerned with HIV/AIDS into any form of meaningful action plan. The University seems to leave the responsibility for action to interested individuals and groups. It has not undertaken institutional response such as framing policy guidelines, taking a proactive role (seen on ground), mounting workplace education programmes for the protection of the vulnerable, or mainstreaming HIV/AIDS awareness into the University Curriculum, financal planning and management.

1.7.11 Although commendable research is being produced by the various departments of the University either to help frame National policies or community outreach and advisory services, it is clear that this information is not well shared within or among the University's various enties.

1.7.12 One big problem at the University is that some administrators and lecturers are not clean of promiscuous practices. It is for example said that some lecturers are ready to favour the female students who can give in to their sexual demands. Higher points are given to some in examinations, others get examination papers leaked to them, name it.
"One lady who is currently a qualified teacher talked of an ordeal where a male lecturer was ready to see her register a lower grade if she didnot give in to his sexual demands. The lady later gave in, however, today it is unfortunate that the lecturer looks an AIDS victim".

The University is not free of outside intruders, prominent among these are politicians who more often than not send their drivers to the University to pick girls, not forgetting the members of the business community who practice the same games.

The girls have to try to overcome all these forces. "One student reported that a parent of some girl used to call on Mary Stuart Hall, not to visit his daughter, but with the motive of visiting some girl friend. And, it is not only once that the girl and father by passed each other on the stairs of the Hall as the father was on his "hunt".

It is a fact that in Uganda , because of the promiscuous behaviour of many of the people in big positions, a number of such people have no worthy morals to show, hence lack the moral authority to decampaign behaviours that can lead to the spread of the HIV.

1.7.13 The Better Life Centre or Makerere University Post test Club (MUPOTEC) is being sought at a moment in time when the main target group, the privately sponsored students (who are over 15,000 fifteen thousand in number) find themselves in a lot of problems which problems call for monetary solutions. This makes many students vulnerable.

1.7.14 It is equally believed that many students who end up excelling for entry to Makerere University are from the rich family backgrounds where the parents/benefactors could afford education in good/excelling schools. It is therefore rational to draw a conclusion that many of the privately sponsored students are from averagely poorer backgrounds. When the parents in the case of the privately sponsored students are able to pay for the tuition fees, the student is left to look for finances to bridge the gap. There is common experience of finding students in the city at a relative's work places seeking for finance to help them sort out specific problems. Two such students for example used to take their coursework to a relative at Platinium House in Kampala to be helped with the typing. This they would do simply because they didnot have money to pay to commercial personnel. On one occasion, a student went further to tell his relative where he had taken the coursework for typing that he had not had lunch and it was 4pm then! This is common among the privately sponsored students and not an isolated case.

1.7.15 Motivation is the channelling or directing of behaviour towards satisfaction of a need or needs. It is a drive or urge to do something. Each of us has motives, the driving forces behind his actions, needs or behaviour. These needs are physiological, social and psychological. All these needs take various forms under various circumstances. When an individual is motivated he needs or moves towards a goal. When the need goes on for a long time without being fulfilled then the person is frustrated.
Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA) realises that many students are frustrated as regards the responses with the students under Makerere University Private Students' Association (MUPSA). This is partly because many of them find themselves in an environment which requires cash for each and every aspect of their lives at the University, yet many don't have income earned on their own. This situation could be solved by the evolution of MUPOTEC.

Frustration is a common thing in life, but it is the way we deal with it that determines its seriousness. A frustrated person is always worried and anxious. Such prolonged anxiety can lead to internal organic problems and abnormal behaviour, it can lead to fantasy and day dreaming. There may be wish for the good old days, and to some this leads them to taking alcohol. It is therefore very important that students are counselled regularly given the problems they are faced with, and hence helped to get out of them.

1.7.16 When a student enters an open society like Makerere University, there is alot of group influence, alot of socialisation and many students see group behaviour as a model for themselves. Through these groups, the individual satisfies his needs and acquires the group attitude, and it is not unusual that the group attitudes influence the individuals the wrong way. At the University a number of students are disco goers, many get all sorts of visitors at their residents irrespective of time, and others have taken on prostitution for money. MUPOTEC therefore is timely to address these issues if the students are to make professionals who will contribute to the country's economic development.

1.7.17 It has become absolutely important to practically show people that much as HIV/AIDS pandemic prevails, a person can live positively and happily without falling prey to this killer disease which is sparing no body, rich or poor..

1.8 The beneficiaries of The Better Life Centre.

1.8.1 The Better Life Centre or Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC) being an initiative by the parents and benefactors of Privately Sponsored students at the University is targeting mostly the private students though it will be open to all students at the University. The reason why private students are targeted most is that they are having a big constraint which is finance. Whatever a private student thinks about, money is the first consideration. The chain starts from subsccription, the tuition fees, cost of accommodation, the meals, transport, other basic requirements for survival not forgetting scholarstic materials all of which call for finance, and in the circumstances, there is a great problem by these students on how to make the ends meet.

1.8.2 The members of the club shall be those that shall have volunteered to go for HIV test.

1.8.3 Membership shall be re - newed every 12 months for the HIV negative as a measure to ensure that those who subscribe to MUPOTEC can live within the norms to ensure that they keep clear of the HIV.

1.8.4 Because of benefits that shall involve saving money like a free HIV test, then other services at a discount for the members, it is hoped that there shall be positive response to the testing and eventual behaviour change.

1.8.5 Non - members of MUPOTEC shall have access to the services provided at the club at the ruling market rates.

1.9 Problems to be solved by the project.

1.9.1 School of thought in favour of "The Better Life Centre" or Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC) anticipates reduced prostitution by students as they get counselled and comforted by the Club counsellors.

1.9.2 There is anticipated behavioural change by the students and hence there may be reduced new HIV cases as students get tested and their wish to maintain a negative HIV status.

1.9.3 There is likely to be reduced dependency by students through looking for finances to help them get their courseworks typed as a case in point, and because of the positive counselling package, many students may try to budget within the little monetary resourses they have and also be encouraged to see to positive ways and means of earning.

1.9.4 Free counselling services and the associated inducing package at the centre are expected to greatly help in behaviour change.

1.9.5 The availability of laboratory facilities free of charge to deal with all the students' problems that may require laboratory facilities.

1.9.6 The Better Life Centre or MUPOTEC is expected to inculcate within the students community reduced stigma as regards the HIV/AIDS issues. It is a fact that at the University HIV/AIDS today is seen as a curse and students therefore try to hide any identity to do with HIV/AIDS.


2.1.1 Promotion of voluntary testing and counselling is very important for people to know whether they are HIV positive or not, and in case they are; to receive early treatment and counselling. This can encourage them to access available care, joining an HIV support group, eat healthy food. People who are HIV negative and receive good counselling have better chances of reducing their risk behaviour and staying negative, and it is this major objective that Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA) is pushing for in The Better Life Centre or Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC).

2.1.2 It is absolutely important to reduce stigma and discrimination against people with HIV. People who are thought to have HIV are feared and discriminated against. Stigma can be so strong that even people who work for HIV related organisations do not tell their colleagues that they are HIV positive. One way to reduce stigma is through education. When people understand what HIV is, and how it is transmitted, they are less likely to discriminate.

2.1.3 AIDS is full blown public health catastrophe, and we are sadly lacking in resources for the costly treatment needed to stem the increasing mortality. Prevention policies are the only weapon accessible. This calls for serious counselling of the youths.

2.1.4 Any country set on the path of progress must have disciplined citizens. Without disciplined citizens in education, business, politics or social life, progress of any kind is difficult to comeby.
Discipline implies desirable habits and attitudes and adherence to established standards of behaviour . The formation of desirable habits, attitudes and behaviour is one of the basic idaels of displine. The other basic ideals of discipline are development of the faculties by instruction and exercise, control of behaviour to achieve a goal and purpose.

2.1.5 The socio - economic impact of HIV/AIDS has been enormous especially amongst women in Uganda who have been disproportionately affected by the epidemic. Women constitute 51% of the total population, and the demographic figures indicate that women get exposed to HIV infection much earlier than men. The spread of the infection is facilitated by gender and social inequalities and in turn reflects and reinforces these inequalities. As primary cares, women bear the main burden of caring for the sick and dying while trying to hold the family unit together.

2.1.6 Much as there is alot of awareness in Uganda about the HIV/AIDS, there is still a problem with behavioural change. When you break the culture of silence, infected people will come forward and talk openly about their experiences. because levels of transmission of AIDS remain high, the main strategy remains continued emphasis on behavioural change.

2.1.7 Promoting of Reproductive Health Education and STI prevention among students - this is to address the sexual and reproductive health needs of young people through information provision on reproductive health, sexuality, life planning skills HIV/AIDS, STI transmission and prevention.

2.1.8 There is hardly any Ugandan who has not lost a relative or friend to AIDS. Estimates from the Ministry of Health indicate that 2 million Ugandans are carrying the HIV. The AIDS information Centre has information that about 28% of those who go to test are HIV positive. Over 10% of women attending antenatal clinics are HIV positive.

2.1.9 Utmost effort must be given to containing the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Continued spread of the deadly virus is having devastating consequences, and unless drastic measures are taken to fight it, it could kill up to 25% of the country's population.

2.2 Activities designed to achieve the objectives.

The Better Life Centre is a proposal with the following objectives:-

2.3.1 Installation of computers to help members of the club to have their course works done very cheaply as compared to charges by commercial operators in the city.

2.3.2 Provide free and daily counselling services on HIV/AIDS problems to members of the centre.

2.3.3 Acquire HIV testing equipment where the prospect members of the club can get free testing.

2.3.4 Equip a laboratory facility to help members get free laboratory services.

2.3.5 Get a counsellor on social related problems which if not well addressed could get a student into problems with relationships that could lead to HIV/AIDS problems later.

2.3.6 Provide an environment where members can get entertainment via television, music.

2.3.7 Encourage group regular discussions and sharing of experiences by the members in an effort to keep living positively.

2.3.8 Provide literature on HIV/AIDS and developments as regards the fight against the scourge.

2.3.9 Encourage the reach out to other students to see that they join the club for living positively after testing, and also make them feel proud about it.

2.3.10 Mobilise guest speakers to talk to members.

2.3.11 Incorporate aspects of employment creation and empowerment, hence reduce chances of dependence one reason for the rapid spread of HIV.

2.3.12 Try to reach out locally and internationally to see that the members of the club are supported materially to make them remain focused on positive living.

2.3.13 Try to acquire drugs for the students who may be found positive after the HIV test, so that they are encouraged to live positively.

2.3.14 Reward the students who convince others to join the club.

2.3.15 Teach counselling techniques to the centre members so that they can reach out to the communities and counsel those they get in touch with.


The Better Life Centre is based on the following assumptions:-

3.1.1 It is believed that already some students of the Univeristy community are HIV positive given the number of people estimated to be HIV positive countrywide and that the percentage of youthful people is quite high. It is against this background among others that the students need to be reached to keep the level of new infetions at the lowest.

3.1.2 It is assumed that if testing services are brought to the students' reach , a number of them will get to test for their HIV status thereafter living positively.

3.1.3 If a number of students test for HIV status it is believed that many will want to maintain a negative status and live positively.

3.1.4 It is believed that if certain facilities like counselling can be available free of charge, plus an equipped laboratory, there will be positive response by the student community to join centre membership.

3.1.5 It is assumed that services shall be paid for at market rate by non - members. The proceeds from these services; that is the computer facilities,the photocopying, the Internet access, the laboratory faility, the grocery and stationery shop, the hiring of the hall, shall bring in finances to help with sustainability of the project.

3.1.6 It is assume that after the initial funding of the project, other organisations that have a do with HIV/AIDS programmes shall be contacted to help with sustainability, and at he sametime share valuable experiences with them.

3.1.7 As the project takes off, there are chances of a number of students joining hence increasing the chances of their surviving and avoiding the HIV.


The Better Life Centre is a project proposal aimed at seeing to it that students, mostly the privately sponsored change their attitude and hence behave positively. By encouraging students to live positively, there are chances that with good counselling a number of these students may be able to avoid contracting HIV. And for those infected, chances are that they will be given hope and their life will be enhanced.

4.1.1 Implementation of the project after funding is realised will be first to acquire land from the University authorities to house the project.

4.1.2 Plans for the building will follow.

4.1.3 With the Kampala City council's approval of the plans, the construction will follow.

4.1.4 Once the building structure is complete, furnishing will proceed plus the necessary equipment to get the centre operational.

4.1.5 Staff shall then be recruited to meet the day to day running of the centre's activities.

4.1.6 Publicity shall be made to the student community so that they get to start using the facility.

4.1.7 There shall be reach out for literature on a variety of subjects moral, social , economic, science, name them.

4.1.8 In providing a number/variety of services at a relatively lower price, there are chances that the centre will be quite popular and make a big turn over given the size of the University community in totality.

4.2 The Implementation Costs of The Better Life Centre in one year.

4.2.1 The Cost of building the structure , putting up the fixtures, and the iron sheets roof and closing it (486 square metres at US $ 150 per square metre). 131,220,000 72,900
4.2.2 The cost of 23 computers @ US $ 1,300 + VAT 62,969,400 34,983
4.2.3 The cost of a Server to the 23 computers
US $ 7,000 plus its UPS at US $ 600 + VAT 16,005,600 8,892
4.2.4 The cost of 23 UPS machines @ US $ 250 + VAT 12,110,400 6,728
4.2.5 The cost of 23 Stabilizers @ US $ 150 + VAT 7,266,600 4,037
4.2.6 The cost of Installation of computers US $ 8,000 + VAT 16,848,000 9,360
4.2.7 The cost of software - a full pack with licences, plus a Server's Operating System US $ 10,000 + VAT 21,060,000 11,700
4.2.8 The cost of two network printers. 1 colour - US $ 700 and 1 black & white US $ 2,000 plus VAT. 5,686,200 3,159
4.2.9 The cost of 25 computer tables. 1,250,000 694
4.2.10 The cost of 2 copier machines.
i) Photocopier Heavy duty:
Sharp AR-250 250 copies per minute
Printing (Incorporate a board)
Photocopying, Network printer facility,
Mail boxing, Sorting (Electronic & Manually)
High Capacity Feeder.
ii) Photocopier anology SF- 1118
18 copies per minute
50- 200 Enlargement/Reduction.
Scanning Area
to A3 16,605,000

5,760,000 9,225

4.2.11 The cost of 40 restaurant chairs. 1,200,000 667
4.2.12 The cost of 10 restaurant tables 500,000 278

4.2.13 The cost of 30 computer chairs 1,500,000 833
4.2.14 The cost of 21 office tables 1,680,000 933
4.2.15 The cost of 38 office chairs 1,900,000 1,056
4.2.16 The cost of 400 chairs for the Hall 20,000,000 11,111
4.2.17 The cost of Launching a website. Ref. Uganda Home Pages ($ 100 - Internet address, $ 400 designing fee, $ 40 monthly maintenance fee + VAT . (Cost for 1 year) 2,063,880 1,147
4.2.18 The cost of 5 dining tables for the Hall 900,000 500
4.2.19 Provision for Laboratory equipment and furnishing. 11,650,000 6,472
4.2.20 Cost of a Video deck (Akai VCR) 500,000 278
4.2.21 Cost of a TV set (Philips 25' colour TV) 1,390,000 772
4.2.22 Cost of installing 3 UTL Land lines 600,000 333
4.2.23 Cost of 1 Filing cabinet 160,000 89
4.2.24 Provision for 1 Scanner 1,000,000 556
4.2.25 Provision for UTL's IDD facility to be used by the Fax machine. 275,000 153

4.2.26 Provision for stationery items. 5,000,000 2,778
4.2.27 A Fax machine for commercial communications by the University community. Fax / FO 1660 M
Sharp - (Fax, Printer, Scanner, In built telephone, Answering component) 1,404,000 780
4.2.28 Provision for equiping a restaurant including a Deep Freezer. 8,000,000 4,444
4.2.29 Provision for stocking a Grocery & Stationery for sale. 10,000,000 5,556
4.2.30 Provision for a Public Address system. 1,000,000 556
4.2.31 Staff (salaries and allowances). For details of items (4.2.31) i, ii, and iii refer to the table on page 26.
i) Salary Bill for 1 year.
ii) Social Security Fund contribution at 10 % basic pay.
iii) Expenses on Medical at 20% of Basic pay per month and cumulative.
iv) Staff Tea.





4.2.32 Audit fees at 1% of US $300,000 5,400,000 3,000
4.2.33 A pick up Vehicle - Toyota 4 WD 50,400,000 27,800
4.2.34 Cost of Cups, plates, trays, forks, spoons, for use at tea time. 2,000,000 1,111
4.2.35 Cost of a $.1 litre electric kettle. 100,000 56
4.2.36 Cost of 5 tea Flasks. 250,000 139
4.2.37 Cost of Cleaning materials & detergents. 3,000,000 1,667
4.2.38 Provision for Connecting Water & Sewerage. 1,500,000 833


Project Director 1 500,000 200,000 40,000 20,000
Project Officer. 1 450,000 180,000 36,000 18,000
Senior Counsellor 1 400,000 160,000 32,000 16,000
Counsellors 2 500,000 200,000 40,000 20,000
Secretary 1 250,000 100,000 20,000 10,000
Laboratory Techn. 1 250,000 100,000 20,000 10,000
Computer Staff 3 600,000 240,000 48,000 24,000
Driver 1 150,000 60,000 12,000 6,000
Cleaner/Tea girl.
Sub - Total
Total for 12 months. 1 150,000
39,000,000 60,000

3,120,000 6,000

4.2.39 Provision for a Generator when power is off or for out side functions. 3,000,000 1,667
4.2.44 Provision for office rent at Shs. 400,000 per month for the first three months. 1,200,000 667
4.2.45 Provision for renting educative video tapes. 200,000 111
4.2.46 Provision for fuel for the pick up vehicle. 4,770,000 2,650
4.2.47 Provision for vehicle oil. 350,000 194
4.2.48 Provision for vehicle spares. 1,500,000 833
4.2.49 Provision for the vehicles comprehensive Insurance. 3,600,000 2,000
4.2.50 Provision for telephone bills. 3,600,000 2,000
4.2.51 Provision for Internet connection through UTL's facilities:-
Total non recurrent fees - US $ 5,674.5
Total recurrent fees for 1 yr. $ 6,516.


4.2.52 Provision for the Library 12,000,000
4.2.53 Provision for Overheads 9,683,020

TOTAL COST. 540,000,000 300,000


1. Quotations for the Computer equipment were availed by M/S Computer Point , A company on Kimathi Avenue, P O Box 7585, Kampala.


The Better Life Centre or Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC) shall be sustained through the following measures:-

5.1.1 The Computer project shall have its services paid for only that the Club members of (MUPOTEC) will pay just a token (a small amount) compared to the official rates to be paid by the non - member users.

5.1.2 The MOPOTEC Hall shall be hired by the University for lecture facilities and the other interested public who will need the facility.

5.1.3 The restaurant and grocery shall generate revenue through offering services to those interested, only that the Club members will still get the services at a discount.

5.1.4 The Centre shall endeavour to ensure that a member who is interested in entertaining non member friends strictly pays for the non members at the official rates for non members. This is to ensure that it is only members and no body else that enjoys discounted services.

5.1.5 MUPOTEC shall endeavour to reach out to the Ministry of Health with a request to help in the payment of staff that are deployed at the centre to undertake the counselling roles.

5.1.6 Reach out shall be made to donors who have a do with the HIV/AIDS related activities to help in funding some of the aspects of the project.

5.1.7 The hosting on the Internet of the project is meant to increase the publicity of the project activities and also act as a way that some appeal can be extended to all those that can give a hand to our efforts.

5.1.8 MUPOTEC shall ensure that good accountability is made for the funds received as well as those generated by the project itself. The MUPSPA shall endeavour that it gets regular reports regading the accountability.

5.1.9 Funds generated by the project shall have to be banked on a daily basis.

5.1.10 Periodical audit reports that is twice a year shall be made to ensure that the right accountability is made for funds and copies of the reports shall be sent to the financiers and other partners in the project.


6.1 Makerere University Post Test Club (MUPOTEC) shall be monitored by the Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA) with the assistance from the University Hospital and the Counselling and Guidance Department of the University. In monitoring, periodical progress shall be established and short comings identified and solutions thought.

6.2 MUPSPA shall endeavour to work hand in hand with the Patron of the private students at the University: Reverand Father Kanyike (Dr).

6.3 MUPSPA shall ensure that MUPOTEC is run according to the stipulated rules of financial management put down.

6.4 MUPSPA shall ensure that all possible is done to undertake the project publicity for donor assistance.

6.5 MUPSPA shall ensure that the management group meets regularly in meetings to discuss the progress and the way forward.

6.6 The Association shall seek expert advice whenever it is deemed necessary to ensure continuity of the services delivered at the centre.

6.7 Players in the HIV/AIDS related work locally and internationally shall be welcome to give expert views and ideas as regards sharing experiences and forging the way forward.


Advertisements at all Faculties, Institutes, Schools and Halls of residence as well as Hostels of the project and its aims. Advertisement and recruitment of staff. Invitation of students to briefings for awareness. Testing for HIV from the Campus started. 1st month of the project. Project awareness and publicity effected, staff recruited and HIV tests off ground..
Acquisition of the site, survey work, architectural design, construction and closure of the project premise. The first three months of the project. Have premises/home for the project's operations ready.
Counselling schedules fixed for groups and individuals. Enterpreneurs invited in to teach students about their enterprises. The MUPOTEC website designed with appeal message for support of activities by generous donors to see to increased activity and sustainability of operations on ground. From 4th month onwards. Students fully involved in project activities, counselling on schedule, entreprenuerial training and website launched.
The Hall/Conference Centre properly scheduled. The Laboratory Services in place. The Computer Laboratory/Grocery/ Stationery Shop fully operational and the restaurant. From the 5th month onwards. The Centre/Club in full service provision to the Club members and non members.
Student members introduced to the role of Counselling so that they can get more converts at the University Campus. Visits to be made off Campus to various Schools to recruit associate members of MUPOTEC. By the 6th month onwards. Outreach services within Campus and off Campus to various schools paying off.
Local publicity at the University with Hall and Hostel representatives appointed in full reach out mission for converts. Literature dissemination locally via the net. Increased interaction and share of experiences with HIV/AIDS player groups. By the 7th month onwards. Strategic interventions, promotion of advocacy and lobbying to targeted groups with critical preventive information about HIV/AIDS being disseminated.
With work on ground, MUPOTEC management will endeavour to make proposals to the University as regards incorporation of more serious strategy to deal with the HIV/AIDS situation on the University Campus. Evaluation of progress and improvements thought. By the 8th month. Have the University administration fully involved in MUPOTEC activities. Changed social mores by student members with positive approach to HIV.
Demonstration of results and achievements to the external environment through the website and other literature coupled with appeals for support to potential donors. By the 10th month. Appeal via website and other reach out literature paying off in form of additional support anticipated.



A1 The Better Life Centre or Makerere University Post
Test Club (MUPOTEC) Organisation Structure.............................................31

A2 The Better Life Centre Management Structure..................................32

A3 The roles of the Project Director........................................................33

A4 The roles of the Project Officer..........................................................34

A5 The roles of the Senior Counsellor......................................................35

A6 The roles of the Laboratory Technician..............................................36

A7 The roles of the Counsellors.............................................................37

A8 The roles of the Secretary.................................................................38

A9 The roles of the Computer Staff.......................................................39

A10 The Grocery/Restaurant section.......................................................40








A2 The Better Life Centre Management Structure.

A2.1 At the top of the Management Structure of The better Life Centre shall be the Management Committee of Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA).

A2.2 The Project Director shall be incharge of the day to day activities at the centre, and all staff at the Centre shall be answerable to him/her.

A2.3 The Better Life Centre Management Committee shall include: The Project Director, Project Officer, Senior Counsellor, Laboratory Technician,and the Head of the computer section.

A3. The Roles of The Project Director - The Better Life Centre.

A3.1 He/She shall have experience in Management and qualifications relevant to the position and shall compete through interviews to get the job.

A3.2 He/She shall be responsible for the overall Management of the project and shall be the Chief Accounting Officer.

A3.3 He/She shall ensure that the employees of the Centre deliver as expected.

A3.4 Shall directly supervise the Grocery/Stationery Shop and the Restaurant.

A3.5 The Project Director shall ensure that weekly progress meetings are made and conducted by him/herself.

A3.6 Shall ensure that stock is replinished in all the project undertakings.

A3.7 Shall address compliants as made by those that utilise The Better Life Centre.

A3.8 Shall ensure that funds received are banked on a daily basis by the secretary.

A3.9 Shall not handle funds, but will ensure that the funds as received are banked and shall carry an audit report of the secretary's work on a daily basis.

A3.10 Shall be accountable to Makerere University Private students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA) for all his/her undertakings.

A3.11 shall have to make a monthly report of his/her operations to MUPSPA.

A3.12 In the absence of the Project Director, the Project Officer shall deputise him/her.

A4 The Role of The Project Officer.

A4.1 Shall be second in command at The Better Life Centre.

A4.2 Shall a University graduate with a good academic background in Social Work and Social Administration or such qualifications that have a bearing on Community Development initiatives.

A4.3 Shall be recruited after the advertisement for the job by the Management Committee of Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPSPA).

A4.4 Shall be incharge of the Project Programmes and see that they are on course and th wayforward properly routed out.

A4.5 Shall endeavour to see that the project activities as set in the project proposal and such other literature is religiously followed and where modifications are to be done, proper consultations must be sought with the Management group.

A4.6 Shall fix the charges for the Secretarial Services after a Management meeting has consented to the proposed charges and the discounts to the members of the Club.

A5 The Roles of the Senior Counsellor.

A5.1 Shall third in command at The Better Life Centre.

A5.2 Shall implement the counselling programme in line with the provided/agreed giudelines.

A5.3 Shall coordinate the Counselling activities of all the Counsellors below him/her.

A5.4 Shall endeavour to see that students benefit to the maximum from the counselling staff.

A5.5 Shall ensure that measures are put in place to recruit new members to the Club.

A5.6 Shall draw programmes to reach out to other Institutions for spreding the mission of positive living.

A5.7 Shall identify manpower needs in line with the students' population and properly see that there is appropriate planning on the side of the manpower for counselling purposes.

A5.8 Shall endeavour to interact with other HIV/AIDs organisations to share experinces with them and also borrow from their knowledge.

A5.9 Shall recruited as the Project Officer.

A5.10 Shall have the duty to see that he together with his staff fight stigma associated with HIV/AIDS at the University.

A5.11 Shall ensure proper coordination with the University Hospital administration and the Guidance and Counselling Department of the University.

A6 The Roles Of the Laboratory Technician.

A6.1 Shall undertake the Testing for HIV free of charge to the University students.

A6.2 Shall issue membership cards after the results for HIV Testing are released by him/her.

A6.3 Shall be obliged to keep the students' HIV status a secret.

A6.4 Shall maintain reccords for students tested.

A6.5 Shall be able to undertake other laboratory tests as required. These shall be paid for by non members.

A6.6 Shall test for the HIV status of non students for a fee that shall be clearly indicated in the standing instructions.

A6.7 Shall not handle cash - but will have to send the client to the Secretary/Accouts person prior to offering laboratory services to non club members.

A6.8 Shall be expected to cooperate with the counsellors and his/her other seniors .

A6.9 Shall ensure that there is stock of whatever is required for him/her to excute his/her duties.

A6.10 Shall have to be punctual for work.

A6.11 shall be expected to compile a monthly report for the services rendered by him/her.

A7 The Role of the Counsellors.

A7.1 There shall be at least one male and one female counsellor.

A7.2 The Counsellors shall be expected to be cooperative to student cclients.

A7.3 The Counsellors shall need a backing of Medical Training for better understanding of the Health issues associated with HIV.

A7.4 The Counsellors shall have access to personal files of students who will be members og the Club.

A7.5 The Counsellors shall have to make timetable schedules for meeting students in groups and or on individual basis.

A7.6 Counsellors shall be required to be punctual on duty for the effective execution of their work.

A7.7 Counsellors may have to organise to have counsellors from different establishments to talk to student groups on a variety of social issues.

A7.8 Counsellors at The Better Life Centre may have to interact with those from the University Guidance and Counselling Department on issues as these arise that may call for such interaction.

A8 The Roles of the Secretary/Accounts Personnel.

A8.1 Shall have Secretarial training as well as a background in accounts.

A8.2 Shall handle the typing of the Centre reports as given.

A8.3 Shall deal with dispatch of mail and other communication.

A8.4 Shall receive payments for the booking of the Hall and shall be required to keep records for the bookings as made.

A8.5 Shall receive payment for Laboratory services.

A8.6 Shall be incharge of the Driver and Cleaner/Tea girl and shall coordinate the instructions to them.

A8.7 Shall receive the cash for deposit from the income units and do the bankings on a daily basis.

A8.8 Shall maintain petty cash for the office.

A8.9 Shall be incharge of regular purchases for the office.

A8.10 Shall be Secretary to the Project director.

A8.11 Shall refer her monetary transactions to the Project Director on a daily basis.

A9 The Roles of The Computer Staff

A9.1 The computer section shall have one person heading its transactions which person shall be competent enough in computer skills.

A9.2 The Head of the Computer section shall the Accounting Officer for the section.

A9.3 The computer staff shall have to supervise all transactions involving the computers.

A9.4 The computer staff shall come up with user charges which shall be referred to the management meeting for approval. There shall be discounted rates for members and open rates for non members of the club.

A9.5 The computer staff shall ensure that the equipment is propoerly maintained and serviced.

A9.6 The computer staff may conduct computer lessons to those in need of the service. in any case still there shall be two rates; one for the members and the other for the non members.

A9.7 The computer department shall endeavour to see that their department keeps abreast with modern technological innovations.

A9.8 The computer staff will be expected to give a helping hand when asked by the clients.

A10 The Grocery/Stationery/Restaurant Department.

A10.1 The Grocery/stationery/Restaurant section shall account for their transactions and plough back the proceeds from their sales.

A10.2 An agreed percentage from the sales proceeds shall be benked regularly to cater for the salaries of the personnel working in the department.

A10.3 There shall be price discrimination for each of the items in the grocery/stationery/restaurant. The members of the Club will enjoy a lower price for every good and service.

A10.4 Proper accountability shall be instituted to ensure sustainability of the services.

A10.5 Stock in bulk shall be procured from the cheapest possible source to ensure some small profit margin.

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