
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Binaisa revelations: not a hero?

Ensonga 3 lwaki Binaisa yandiziikiddwa Kololo mu bazira b’eggwanga
Thursday, 12 August 2010 06:15
Y’omu ku baatandika okutalo lw’okwefuga - Ssekagya
MUSAJJAmukulu Ashe James Ssekagya 78, bwe baali ne Binaisa mu kibiina kya Uganda National Movement mu 1959 akukulumidde Gavumenti okugaana okuziika Binaisa e Kololo.
Agamba nti tekiba kya bwenkanya Binaisa, omusajja eyalwanirira eggwanga okwefuga ate eyaliko n’omukulembeze w’aggwanga obutaziikibwa Kololo nga muzira.
Agamba nti mu 1959 Augusitine Kamya Gansamadde eyali omukulembeze w’ebibiina by’abakozi mu kiseera ekyo yayita ebibiina by’ebyobufuzi mu lukiiko olwatuula ku bbaala ya White Nile e Katwe okuteesa ku ngeri mwe bayinza okuyita okugoba Abazungu.
Mwetabamu ebibiina bina nga kuliko Uganda National Congress ekyali kikulemberwa Ignatius Musaazi Namukadde, Progressive Party ekyali ekya Eridad Muliira, Uganda Labor party nga kikulemberwa David Ssekkuuma Kamya n’ekya United National Party ekyali kikulemberwa Lukongwa Binaisa.
“Mu lukiiko luno, ebibiina byonna byegatta ne bikola ekibiina kimu ekya ‘Uganda National Movement’ ne balonda Augustine Kamya Namukadde nga pulezidenti, Musaazi omumyuka, Paul Muwanga eyaliko pulezidenti yali muwandiisi, Binaisa yali muwi w’amagezi ow’oku ntikko.
Kino nga kiwedde, nga tuyita mu kibiina kino twatandika okutalaaga eggwanga nga tuvumirira gavumenti y’Abazungu. Mu lukung’aana olwakubwa mu muti gw’omutuba ogwali ku ppaaka enkadde, Binaisa eyali munnamateeka yalagira abantu obutaddamu kugula mu maduuka g’Abazungu n’Abayindi n’obutaddamu kuwa mpooza yonna wadde omusolo.
Kino abantu bonna baakikola ekyavaako n’Abayindi abaali bakolera mu byalo okuvaayo ne badda mu kibuga ate Abazungu ne batandika okudduka mu Uganda nga bagenda e Kenya.
Luno lwali lujegere lw’amaanyi eri okwefuga kwa Uganda nga lwakulemberwa Binaisa.
Yasibwa mu kkomera e Moroto okumala omwaka gumu n’emyezi esatu lwa kulwanirira ddembe ly’abantu, kati oyo ogamba otya nti si muzira?,” Ssekagya bw’abuuza.
Agamba nti Binaisa yalwanirira balooya okutandika okuwoleza emisango mu kkooti enkulu munda. Balooya baali tebabakkiriza kuwoleza munda mu kkooti kyokka Binaisa oluvannyuma yeegattibwako Apollo Kironde ne bakirwanyisa era balooya ne batandika okuwoleza mu kkooti enkulu.
‘Gavumenti ebeere n’obwenkanya. Bwe kiba nga Kangavve Musaazi yaziikibwa e Kololo mu bazira ng’ate baali ne Binaisa, tewali nsonga lwaki Binaisa teyaziikiddwa nga muzira,” bwe yagambye.

{UAH}: Binaisa QC, the Requiem service revelations, Burial plce. Not a hero????
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 3:25 PM
From: "Christopher Muwanga"
Summary: It is 5:00 PM East African time now. So, the man with a great sense of humor is now in the grave beside his dad and mum.
But wait, a few revelations came up at his requiem. For example, many thought/think he 'made' the '66 constitution which removed Monarchies. This is now known not to be the case [he was the mid-wife though]. Second, many in the NRM consider him a 'misunderstood hero' [BoU Governor Mutebire].The powers that be do not. Nsibambi reminded us that the QC was 'deported' for fighting for Independence.
Conclusion: This man is/was a hero. So, who does not recognise him as such and why? (This post has 7 bullets).
Read on, [although the ‘why’ may not be answered in this post].
Many people gave their eulogies:
1. 12:15 PM. The daughter Nakalema revealed a lot. For instance, she challenged he congregation to say if it is the 1966 constitution which made Uganda a Republic, removing the Kabakaship or the 8/09/67 one - when his dad had/or resigned. According to her, her dad was involved in that of 1966whose aim was to fill the vacuum whereby the Head of State was absent (and there was, in reality therefore no "state"-my emphasis). There had to be continuity of Government otherwise the Army would have taken over.
Another revelation: Her dad's mile (land) was not inherited but was bought from the Kisingiri's. A caveat was pressed on it but witnesses like Mr. Kibedi had helped and the caveat will soon be lifted. The land will then be subdivided and be given o the Church (of Uganda, that is).
Revelation 3: Her dad , on graduating and being called to the bar in England in 1955, came and worked with a Kampala company [Hunter & Greg?] who were paying him Sh. 300/= per month. This was good 'dime' then but he rebelled and left hem as exploitative. He went into private practice. He represented the former clients [A cooperative Union]. They settled out f Court. The company got Sh.3, 000 and Binaisa Sh. 3,000/= too. That was in 1957. He used the money to build the storied house at Makindye where he has died. The house is still strong.
Denials: people write about me: Nakalema has locked up his dada. Nakelema this, Nakalema that but I loved my dada and he loved us too.
Bachiga's: During my dad's last days, Tumisiiime, Lugunda, Lwamafa [of Civil Service] etc [names a few other Kigezi names] came to my dad. I do not know if these BACHIGA were a go between [a pointer to the fact that may be, the GoU had something to grind....].
2. Ended 12:32 PM and she was followed by Nakabiri’s who revealed that her dad's last project was to bring Telecommunication to the lowest level using Motorola technology so wanted people to help her to fulfill the dad's dreams. the other siblings followed, including one that addressed the audience in English only except to reveal that, to reprimand them, the late dada never used "kiboko" [a whip] but took the to a court (family one?).
3. 10:40 AM: It was BOU's Mutebire's eulogy before the siblings', that revealed the debate that MUDST be going on in the GoU/NRM as to the injustice done to Binaisa Esq.-him being denied his deathbed wish to be buried at the Heroes’ corner, at Kololo. {His best man, Wavamuno , in his eulogy, asked, ”let them tell us what a hero should be…”}. Esquire title: the representative from the New York bar, who knew Binaisa for the last 43 years told us that in America, Binaisa QC had the tile of "Esquire too" An American practice]. In the Mustard see, Mr. Museveni says, "...Mr. Binaisa was never serious...” meaning his humor, laughing and interacting with people and letting them to demonstrate with out shooting {may be} was a sign of un-seriousness. Well, Governor Tumusiiime s/o Mutebire disagreed, at the requiem, at least. This is what he said: "..So humorous that those who did not know him called it un-seriousness..". Only one person has put it in "bwino" [hard, written evidence that the QC was not serious. Mutebire was Binaisa's PPS, a role he played under Muwanga too. He revealed that of all the first 3 Binaisa staff, none was a Muganda.
4. 12:55 PM: Apollo Nsibambi spoke on behalf of the GoU. He passed on the condolences on its behalf and still, like Mutebire went on to prove that the QC fought for Uganda's independence, which many alive today did not. He said, " Lukongwa was 'deported' to Karamoja for his struggle for independence". [My question: so, who is this that does not recognise this and for what reasons?]. He went on to list the 6 challenges the Binaisa Presidency faced that would have failed any other leader. First, he said that, if the Tanzanian 'wakombozi' (Nyerere0 had supported the QC, he would have not been overthrown.
1). Rival Armies. 2). Diverse ideological groups [hence his attempts at the umbrella]. 3). The Tanzania factor 4). The Buganda factor (he was unpopular for replacing Prof. Lule {No Lule no work}. 5). A devastated economy. 6). Ideas that he was "warming the seat for Obote". This led him to claim defend himself that, it was hard for one to leave power for another person after 'tasting it' - "entebbe 'wooma" [power is enjoyable] he retorted, you can't warm the 'chair' for anybody.
5. Mbabazi had spoken but only said he had warned, as Director of Legal affairs in MoD, against the promotion of Oyite and Okello, which the QC did against his advice and the results ere self-evident. He delivered condolences from the NRM. He said his boss [the C-in-C would join later, he never came to the Requiem].
6. Bishop Emeritus Nkoyoyo preached. The theme was people should listen to everybody like Binaisa did. These days, people listen only to what they wish to hear. "ewaaya zona ezikusibye mu bwenzi, omubibi.." zikutuke [let all the strings/wires holding you into fornication, into other sins, etc, be disentangled. The requiem ended at 13: 11 hours [only 11 minutes off target.
The casket was then driven from Mmengo [Namirembe is on wide Mmengo hill] to Natete.
6. The QC is then going to rest beside his dad, the dad they never agreed in life, at a place whose connection with Binaisa QC is the fact that he was here for nursery from 1924 but at a Church whose school, Mackay memorial, is East Africa's pioneer vocational school and near the place where the first brick in Uganda was baked, back in 1877 [it may be viewed at the southern entrance of St. Pauls’. Namirembe, together with Uganda’s first printed ‘book’, The Gospel according to St. Matthew, in the Luganda language.
7. Note: Per protocol the Buganda anthem is played first and then the Uganda national anthem. Today, the only hitch at the service was the organist began the first stanza of the National Anthem before the "Ekitibwa kya Buganda" (The Buganda Anthem composed in 1939). But this was soon corrected and a fresh start made (this is what was in the programme though). Kabakumba Matsiko was MC, deputized by the RDC Kampala, Muwanguzi(Mrs.). St. Paul's was full but the 2 tents to the eastern pews were not occupied save for the Police personnel. The Police Band guide the hymn singing.
RIP Binaisa Esquire, QC.
Christopher Muwanga,

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