
Monday, August 2, 2010

Dr. Otunnu needs to clean the UPC to induce us

I appreciate the efforts of UPC President Dr. Olara Otunnu, more so that he accepts that UPC made mistakes which have to be corrected.
I wish to point out to Dr Otunnu that it is important to make sure that people with crimminal records are not given elective positions in the party. Among these is Kulabakko. I am sure people are not comfortable if Kulabakko takes positions in the party. Then there is Sam Mugwisa. It still disturbs me how Mugwisa used connections and became a member of Parliament in Obote II. I am one of the voters where he alleged victorious which is not true.
If cleaning up can be done, the sky is the limit for UPC, because the policies were developmental.
William Kituuka

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