
Friday, August 13, 2010

IPC begins search for presidential candidate

We just want to see sanity return to our politics. This country has alot for all of us, but it is unfortunate how a few mess up the opportunities of all the others, and we should accept that no body is indespansable. You are a live now and tomorrow deadmeat, but Uganda will continue on and you become part of the history if not forgotten anyway!
So, as IPC tries to identify a candidate for President,wewant clean leadership. We are tired of these who leave others as paupers. Many people in Uganda are dying pre-maturely and good leadership can address this. Kituuka

Gerald Bareebe
Posted Saturday, August 14 2010 at 00:00
The nomination for candidates intending to contest for the presidential flag bearer position of the Inter-party Cooperation in 2011 will take place next week.
IPC spokesman Ibrahim Ssemuju Nganda said yesterday that nominations will take place on Tuesday at Kololo Airstrip starting at 9am.
IPC is a coalition of opposition political parties. They are the Conservative Party, the Forum for Democratic Change, Justice Forum, Social Democratic Party and the Uganda Peoples’ Congress.
The IPC Electoral Commission headed by (Rtd) Maj. Rubaramira Ruranga will preside over the nominations. “Each cooperating political party is expected to present her candidate for nomination to the commission on that day,” Mr Ssemuju said. “Candidates are encouraged to come with their supporters.”
Mr Ssemuju explained that IPC presidential candidates will be presented to the country at public meetings in selected towns. He added: “The candidates are also scheduled to hold private discussions with religious and traditional leaders. They will meet with the Inspector General of Police, Speaker of Parliament, Judiciary and civil society.”
The nominated candidates are also expected to hold consensus building meetings to arrive at a joint candidate. If they succeed, the chosen candidate will be presented to the IPC National Conference on August 23.
Besigye on retirement
Meanwhile, FDC president Kizza Besigye has said he will retire from active politics once the ruling NRM government has been removed from power.
Speaking at the International Youth Day celebrations at Wankulukuku Stadium in Kampala on Friday, Dr Besigye said he cannot retire and leave behind an oppressive government reportedly tormenting innocent Ugandans.
“I became a minister at the age of 29 immediately after the bush war,” Dr Besigye told the Wankulukuku crowd that was mainly composed of youth from the opposition parties.
“Gen. Mugisha Muntu became the army commander before he was 30 years. We did our work and the challenge is on you to work hard and take power like we did,” he said.
“As you can see, we are not yet tired. We are still working hard to save people from this oppressive regime and I want to assure you that I will retire when these people are gone. Once this government is ousted from power, I will hang my political boots and lead a different life.”

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