
Friday, August 20, 2010


The use of vegetable oil as a sustainable source of energy provides a viable solution to the reduction of harmful greenhouse emissions as well as a rational alternative to fossil full carbon sources.
The problem posed by fossil fuels is of worldwide importance. Our civilization will not survive if developing countries decide to imitate the lifestyle of the industrialized countries.
Our energy demands are currently met by a few fossil fuels which are only found in certain parts of the world. A demand for vegetable oil can be satisfied by a more widespread and decentralized production structure. This will give rise to a more equal distribution of wealth both at national and global scale.
The greenhouse effect has the deepest impact on our environment caused by pollution. The danger of burning fossil fuels is the result of an incomplete energy cycle. Whereas burning vegetable oil occurs in a closed energy cycle and does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. The use of renewable resources instead of burning fossil fuels is a responsible action which we can choose to do for our environment and our posterity.

Towards a more sustainable transport sector
It is time to push the development towards a more sustainable transport sector in the industrialized countries. Plant oils offer the realistic short – term alternative to fossil fuels, and they will also be a necessary supplement to the emission – free technologies further a head.

Pure plant oils are completely risk – free
Pure plant oils are completely risk free. No special precautions are needed: the fuel is harmless to humans, water, and soil.

Renewable Energy: Vision and Aims
To develop a world where energy services, necessary for a just and human centred development, are provided in a sustainable way using renewable energy.

This implies:
1) Equal access for all to energy
2) Improved basis for income generation through re-newable energy solutions, particularly for the poor,
3) Increased efficiency and less pollution in utilization of traditional fuels to reduce the drudgery of women.

To achieve the above, this calls for:
1. Communicating of experiences, know – how and visions to the public and to the decision makers;
2. Promoting greater participation among civil society organizations in the elaboration of energy strategies and policies.
3. Influencing national, and international institutions,
4. Ensuring local capacity in management of energy services
5. Reforming the regulatory framework and market conditions
6. Integrating environmental costs, and social costs in the prices of energy
7. Redirecting energy – related research and development
8. Enhancing transfer of technology.

Why Renewable energy?
Renewable energies are vital to the sustainable development of a country. In most instances, where rural populations depend directly on the land for water provision, fuel and food supply, the cutting of trees for domestic fuel causes soil deterioration and erosion and alters the climate in many areas of the country. This in turn leads to reduced yields and women must walk further on a daily basis to collect firewood and to reach a water supply.
Renewable Energy can be a great help in daily lives of the people by reducing dependence on firewood which is causing deforestation.
Renewable energy can be of great help to countries with debts that are being serviced.
The wide spread use of renewable energy in a country which imports fuels can greatly help lessen its burden on debt and imbalance of payments.
Renewable energy development follows the lines of the Kyoto agreement and sets a country in good stead for an environmentally sensible, as well as more self – sufficient future.

Vegetable oil instead of Diesel?
Using vegetable oil has become more interesting in recent times especially as prices for mineral fuel have increased and air pollution and global warming have as well.

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