
Sunday, August 22, 2010


1) Expand the number of vocational and technical institutes and centers, and set up the major institutes and centres proximate to the industrial areas, whereby they should include centers for serving and meeting the needs of the nearby areas.
2) Develop and modernize the existing institutes and centers and increase their absorption capacities to meet the current and future needs of the labour market quantitatively and qualitatively.
3) Set up incentives to motivate male and female students to enroll in vocational and technical fields, especially the children coming from poor families, the poverty pockets and the remote districts and to address some of the social causes which hinder the enthusiasm for vocational training and technical education.
4) Prepare flexible financial regulations to enable the vocational and technical training institutes and centres to take advantage of any income they can generate towards self – advancement.
5) Ensure that all vocational and technical institutes get involved in generation of income to help boost their budgets.
6) Start National Vocational Qualifications with specific grades so that trainees can upgrade their vocational management skills accordingly.

Priority Programmes and Projects
1) Completion of Vocational Training Centres – Rehabilitate centers and equip them. Set up new specialized fields taking into consideration specialty of women. Improve curricula and upgrade staff to have qualified technical staff that can meet the needs of the labour market and the requirements of development.
2) Set up vocational and technical training centre institutes – Construct and equip centers and institutes for vocational training to meet the market for qualified technical staff.
3) Establish hand craft institutes and centres

Technical – Connected with practical knowledge, skills or methods especially industrial
Vocational training – teaches the skills needed to do a particular job.


  1. What have you mean by this mail which is about Vocational Training center and who are and why are you creat this peragraph tellllllllllllll me

  2. This is in respect to the situation on ground in Uganda.
