
Saturday, November 27, 2010



President Yoweri Museveni addresses a rally at Katakwi Town Council

President Yoweri Museveni addresses a rally at Katakwi Town Council
By Milton Olupot
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said his handover of power has to be well planned and it will be after some time.
The handover he said would be to people who have been actively participating in the struggle to pacify Uganda and rebuild the economy.
“You say Museveni should go. If I have to go, I will go home but it should be well planned and that is after many years,” he stated.
Speaking at rallies in Toroma and Usuk counties in Katakwi District, Museveni scoffed at the opposition leaders who he said are agitating for his removal for power, saying they do not have the capacity to manage the country.
He said the opposition leaders who are now saying he should go, didn’t contribute towards the liberation and rebuilding of the country when it was faced with a lot of problems, including the wars and bad government.
Museveni, on the first leg of his campaign trail in the Teso sub-region, was accompanied by the eastern region party vice-chairman, Mike Mukula and NRM deputy secretary general, Dorothy Hyuha.
“Where was Otunnu when we were struggling? He was in America doing nothing as if he did not know his people had problems. Besigye joined us late and left early when we were still fighting. He went to South Africa, as if South Africa was heaven,” he said.
“When a house catches fire all the neighbours help to put out the fire. But when you stand by and after the fire has been put out you come and ask me for a room to sleep in; will I give you room?” he asked as the crowd chorused “Noooo”.
Published on: Saturday, 27th November, 2010

Ofono Opondothe publicist of NRM Party


1) Uganda today and its future are so uncertain because the country is completely derailed from any viable development agenda; what is at hand are personal visions which are devoid of quantifiable and sustainable national objectives to the extent that the regime bases on perceived ‘political sense’ as opposed to economic sense, which has cultivated a very fertile ground for corruption to flourish and made the youth of the country become a time bomb as unemployment gets to record levels; with no realistic measures to counter it; while at the same time, the country has been derailed from a viable economic development path to such uncertain destiny where the projection is the eventual stand still for the country.

2) With all donor support since 1986 which could have helped into getting Uganda into possibly a Switzerland of Africa. What is clear is that resources have not been well allocated and some have gone to nurture the middle class at the expense of a wider population that would be beneficiary; hence the eventual creation of a class of the super rich co – existing with paupers!
3) The regime is interested in sub – dividing a country into smaller units which not only are a burden to the people but have disintegrated a would be unified country at a time when national coherence is more beneficial to economic development and national unity.
4) The regime has killed institutions and hence what is at work is the Almighty Power at State House – ‘provider,’ this has promoted increased bureaucracy and inefficiency at a time when efficiency is most needed.
5) The regime’s involvement in Regional Politics has put the country’s security at risk hence the need for an ever big defense and security budgets for the needed logistics.
6) Unfortunately, as opposed to the history of the country, the regime has been at liberty to manipulate the 1995 Constitution using the NRM numbers in Parliament and opened up the Presidential tenure in office; which in essence is a big liability to the people of Uganda and the fruits of which are already at play for all to see;
7) Contrary to the basic reason why NRM/A went to the bush to wage war against the Elected Government of the time; there are a number of reported cases and Court Judgments that have pointed to the NRM players as potential actors in malpractices yet when they went to bush because of an alleged stolen victory by the UPC Government.

Specifics regarding some of Uganda’s Major Problems
For the people of Uganda , insecurity and armed conflict have been the greatest threats to health and survival, and the greatest obstacles to economic and social development during the past 40 years. Few parts of the country have been completely spared the horrors of war, violence, bloodshed and plunder. The country’s history since Independence abounds with episodes of Government sponsored violence against its own citizens of armed opposition to Government - sponsored violence against its own citizens, of armed opposition to Government forces, and of violence carried out by rebel movements against citizens.
Situated at the heart of the politically and ethically volatile Great Lakes region, Uganda has also bee drawn into regional disputes leading to armed conflict.

Cases on Point
“The Danish Government on 5th May 2000 asked Uganda to pull out of the Democratic Republic of Congo and use the money it is spending on the war there for economic development. The negative consequences for the economy of this presence of Uganda in the DRC and the delegation said Denmark would give Uganda US$54m for the year.”

“The United Nations Observer Mission in Congo (MONUC) issued a statement condemning Uganda for the May 5 fight in Kisangani , (DRC). The members of the mission unanimously deplored the military action in Kisangani unreservedly, the statement read.”

“The United States 5th May issued a vigorous condemnation of attacks by Ugandan troops in the DRC and warned that they could affect relations between Washington and Kampala . “The United States strongly condemns attacks by Ugandan forces against Rwanda army troops in Kisangani , DRC,” State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said. “They are a violation of DRC sovereignty and a clear violation of the Lusaka Peace agreement,” he said. “These types of attacks erode the confidence of the people of central Africa and of the International Community, which has been asked to support the implementation of the Lusaka Agreement,” Boucher said. “We note that these actions could have a significant impact on US – Ugandan bilateral relations,” he said.

“The European Union might consider imposing sanctions on countries involved in the DRC, the EU Special Representative to the great Lakes region, Ambassador Aldo Ajelo said. Speaking to journalists at the French Embassy in Kampala November 8, Ajello said the EU was disappointed over the growing violation of the Lusaka Peace Agreement for the Pacification of DRC. “We have up to now restrained ourselves from posing and setting up restrictions and conditionalities to countries involved; thinking that there will be an African solution, but there is a debate inside the EU considering that option,” he said.
“An estimated 20,000 children were abducted as child soldiers by the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) since 1990. The conflict could better be categorized as a “war against children – fought by children. The ‘night commuter’ phenomenon, where literally hundreds of children would trek several kilometers every evening to the relative safety of towns, was unheard of in any other conflict worldwide.” Source: At a Glance …. European Union in Uganda .

The High Human Poverty index in Uganda (Another Problem)
The High Human Poverty Index (HPI) in Uganda estimated to be 37.5% in 2001, which reflects a high proportion of the population not expected to survive to the age of 40; a high proportion of the population without access to both safe water (43.0%) and health facilities (51%) and a high proportion of malnourished children (22.8%).

It is true that about 89% of Uganda ’s population live in rural areas and depend for their livelihood on subsistence agriculture. Statistics indicate that most rural populations are agricultural workers (81.5%). The main source of household livelihood in rural areas is subsistence farming on which about 80% of the rural population depends, and only 1.38% of the rural households derive their livelihood from commercial farming.

Because most rural households depend on agriculture for their livelihood, their low income levels is the basic reason for the high Human Poverty Index.
In terms of the Human Development Index, Uganda declined from the 144th position in 2005 to 145th in 2006.

Getting Maximum Benefits from Donor Funds
On average, donor commitment to Uganda during the period 2000/01 – 2006/07 was US$915 m per year. In 2003/04 total donor commitments were US$583.5 m; this increased and more than doubled in 2004/05 to US$1269.8 m before decreasing to US$509.8 m in 2005/06. The decline was due to aid cut back because of delayed fulfillment of related Good Governance conditionalities.
It is unfortunate to be on record that the country has had aid cut backs as a punitive measure to see the NRM leaders foot Good Governance conditionalities. My pledge is to ensure Good governance the norm.

Donor funding to Uganda from 2000/01 to 2006/07
This assistance is broken down and the total in US dollars given for the period 2000/01 to 2006/07 for each category:
1) Debt Relief – 746,755
2) HIPC Debt Relief – 473,390,000
3) Budget Support – 2,689,512,856
4) Emergency Relief Assistance – 175,346,348
5) Food Aid – 18,287,201
6) Free Standing Technical Cooperation – 332,781,351
7) Investment Project Assistance – 1,677,158,831
8) Investment Related Technical Assistance – 954,183,481
9) Other Project Related Assistance – 145,830,812
It is unfortunate that Uganda receives Food Aid, when it should be having surplus food given its good climate with two rain seasons a year for a bigger part of the country.
Donor Funds per year from 2000/01 to 2006/07
1. 2000/01 – 732,184,984
2. 2001/02 – 908,556,020
3. 2002/03 – 897,897,627
4. 2003/04 – 1,120,770,328
5. 2004/05 – 1,039,502,352
6. 2005/06 – 733,895,972
7. 2006/07 – 1,035,456,322
A comment has been made to the effect that the donor funding NRM Government got since 1986 could have easily made Uganda the Switzerland of Africa,

The 10 biggest source of Funding to Uganda taking totals for the period 2000/01 – 2006/07 are:
1. IDA of World Bank – 29%
2. United Kingdom - 13%
3. European Union - 10%
4. USAID - 8%
5. The African Development Bank - 5%
6. Netherlands - 4%
7. Denmark - 4%
8. Germany - 4%
9. The World Food Programme – 4%
10. All the remaining donors share 15%

Strategy to benefit from more donor support (Big donors to give more money and the small ones to give big money):

1) One may say that it is by grace of God that the donors still give us the lot they do. The indicators on good Governance are self explanatory. In an attempt for the NRM Government to see that it remains in power, it has been guilty of human rights abuses;
2) The level of corruption is simply unacceptable yet Government is using kid gloves to deal with the corrupt, and we are yet to see the big fish touched;
3) The corrupt should refund the stolen funds. We are yet to see this seriously done by Government;
4) There are a number of Committee Reports which are simply gathering dust and Parliament is reluctant to finalize sentence to the culprits;
5) It was unfortunate that the NRM Government changed the Constitution for the benefit of one person; though the country has a terrible record for which the framers of the Constitution fixed two terms and nothing short of that. If we get to Government one of the first businesses to be conducted by Parliament will be to re – instate the wording as it was before being tampered with for the two term limits;
6) The value for money – it disturbs to hear billions of shillings talked about all the time but what is done many times falls short of the funding.
7) Our President has tempted donors to cut aid in that it is not unusual for them to give them a bashing. We believe this is contrary to the diplomacy and respect that should be accorded to donors;
8) The NRM has had a trend of writing and thereafter reading budgets for a formality. At the end of each financial year, may projects are not completed, some not started and unfortunately, year after year, there is no link shown whereby uncompleted business would be continued and completed the following year;
9) There is a culture of budget cuts. It disturbs to see budgets cut to meet what is taken as priorities where military business has been a big sinner. That is why we think that conflict should be sorted peacefully;

Commitment to pay debt
It is good business for a country like Uganda to borrow and expect to pay back. That way, if donors are pleased with the payments and they cancel some of the debt it is fine. As at 31st March, Uganda ’s debt stock stood at US$1.1 bn. It had been US$4.3 bn as at the end of March 2006. The decrease in debt was a result of the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) from IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank that canceled all the eligible debt. IMF canceled all outstanding debt stock to the Government of Uganda contracted prior to 31st December 2003 while the World Bank and African Development Bank canceled all debt outstanding as of 31st December 2004.
Loans approved by Parliament in just 2007/07
1) IDA for Millennium Science Initiative Project – US$ 30,962,963
2) ADF Support to Health Sector Strategic Plan II US $29,498,525
3) IDA for E. A Trade & transport Facilitation US$ 26,262,626
4) ADF Road Sector Support Project – US$ 48,657,817
5) IDA Poverty Reduction Support Credit –US$ 126,575,183
6) IDA Power Sector Development Operation – US$ 300,000,000
What has to be noted is that these sums of money are substantial. The question which remains is how well we do the evaluation of what the money has been put on. Do we really get value for money, US$126,575,183 for poverty reduction should really have impact, but what we see on ground is that people are being impoverished on.
Grants received by Government for the years 2003/04 – 2006/7
These are in three categories: Project Support; Budget Support and Emergency Aid. Total figures are:
1. 2003/04 – US$ 804.2m
2. 2004/05 – US$ 789.51
3. 2005/06 – US$ 485.07
4. 2006/07 – US$ 674.30
The Second Northern Uganda Social action Fund (NUSAF2) is a Government of Uganda Project that is financed by a Specific Investment Loan (SIL) of US$ 100 m from the World Bank (IDA). In addition, the Department for International Development (DIFD) of the United Kingdom is to contribute 24 million pounds in the next five years. NUSAF2 is a multi – sectoral community demand driven Project of the government which is part of Peace Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) implementation.

World Bank Role in Uganda
The World Bank has actively supported Uganda’s economic recovery efforts. By 2000 – 2001, the World Bank portfolio comprised adjustment support totaling about US$790 m since 1987; and 24 projects in agriculture, and the social sectors, with a total commitment of over US$1 bn.
Active Projects by 2000/01
Agriculture & Environment
1) Agriculture Research & Training I: FY (1993 – 2000) – US$25.04m (IDA) – The project supports Government’s strategy for improving productivity and diversification in the agricultural sector through the development and transfer of improved technology. The broad objective of the project was to develop an organizational framework and institutional processes for agricultural research which is sustainable and efficient as well as responsive to the production constraints facing farmers in Uganda.

2) Cotton Sub – sector Development (CSDP): FY (1994 – 2000) – US$ 14.00m (IDA: The project was to support Governments’ strategy to revive the Cotton production and exports through increased competition in Cotton processing and marketing and improved supporting systems.
3) Environment Management Capacity Building: FY (1996 – 2001) – US$ 11.80m (IDA): The project was the first segment of a longer – term program to support NEAP implementation.
4) Institutional capacity Building for capacity for Protected Areas Management and Sustainability Use Project (ICB – PAMSU): FY (1998 – 2002) US$ 12.37 m (IDA) – The project’s main objective was to establish effective institutional capacity within the wild life and tourism sectors for strategic planning, program development and implementation, and to promote long – term sustainability.
5) Lake Victoria Environment Management: FY (1997 – 2002) US$12.10 m (IDA) – The project’s objectives were to maximize the sustainable benefits to riparian communities from using resources within the basin to generate food, employment and income, supply safe water, and sustain a disease free environment, etc.
6) El Nino Emergency Road Repair: FY (1998) – US$27.60 m (IDA) – The project aimed at: i) Reducing infrastructure – related market and distribution costs countrywide, by reducing road transport costs to their pre – emergency levels; ii) Securing the timely delivery of social services to the affected populations, etc.
7) First Urban: FY (1991 – 2000) US$ 28.70 m (IDA) – The project included improving living conditions and alleviating poverty in Kampala by restoring key infrastructure services and related maintenance activities, etc.
8) Institutional & Engineering Support to the Road Sector: FY (1998 – 2000) US$30.0 m (IDA) – The project’s objectives are to i) Strengthen road sector management capability through spinning off road administration and execution activities under the Ministry of Works, etc.
9) Small Towns Water and Sanitation: FY (1994 – 2001) US$42.30 m (IDA) – The project was to support Government’s economic recovery program by extending the rehabilitation and upgrading of water supply and sanitation services, etc.
10) Transport Rehabilitation: FY (1994 – 2000) US$ 75.00 m (IDA) -Aimed to assist the Government in providing the basic road infrastructure to help the recovery efforts. Etc
Public and Private Sector Management
11) Institutional Capacity Building: FY (1995 – 2000) US$ 36.40 m (IDA) –
12) Private Sector Competitiveness: FY (1996 – 2001) US$ 12.30 m (IDA)
Health Sector:
13) The District Health services and Pilot project: FY (1995 – 2002) US$ 45.0 m (IDA).
14) Sexually Transmitted Infections: FY (1994 – 2000) US$ 50.0 m (IDA).
15) Education Sector Adjustment: FY (1998 – 2000) US$ 80.0 m (IDA), US$75m IDA Grant in the context of the HIPC Debt Initiative.
16) Primary Education and Teacher Development; FY (1993 – 2000) US$ 52.60 m (IDA).

17) Nutritional and early Childhood Development: FY (1998 – 2003) US$34.0m(IDA) – The project was to contribute to poverty alleviation and human capital development objectives by improving development interventions targeted to the most vulnerable segments of the population – namely, young children and mothers. The development objective of the project is to improve the health, nutritional and cognitive status of preschool children in Uganda. The project strategy involved the provision of community - based child development services and enhancement of women’s ability to care for children – by providing them with knowledge on proper child caring practices and by increasing their income – earning opportunities. At the end of the 5 year implementation period, the project evaluation would be made. NB of all the IDA loans, this one has many questions.
A Civil Society Statement (Part of it as Published in The Monitor Friday, 23 May, 2003)
The members of Uganda Debt Network are concerned that The Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project (1998 – 2003), US$34.0million had not benefited the Children of Uganda.
A review study undertaken by the Save the Children (UK) entitled “Thin on the ground,” indicates that the project had limited and in some cases no impact at all. The findings among other things revealed that:
i. The project had no lasting effect on children’s nutritional status even where the caring behaviour of mothers was thought to have been better because of lack of attention given to food security and environmental health at the household level;
ii. The programme was not well integrated within the existing Government Health system. While the project manual stated that the creation of new structures should be avoided, in practice the entire project relies on parallel structures;
iii. We are concerned that the failure of a project of such magnitude to bear noticeable impact is a cause of concern to all persons in Uganda interested in the plight and predicament of the poor.
iv. We are disheartened by the fact that it is the poor who ultimately must pay back the colossal sums of money borrowed from the World Bank. We have also learnt that with disdain that in fact The World Bank is committing another US$100million to extend the lifespan of the project inspite of the overwhelming evidence to the current project failure!

18) Agricultural Research and Training Project - Phase Ii US$ 26.0 m (IDA) Mostly for Agricultural Research.
19) Financial Markets Assistance Project: US$ 13 m (IDA)

20) Nakivubo Channel Rehabilitation Project: US$ 22.4 m (IDA) – When you see how some parts of Kampala are inconvenienced by the floods you wonder whether this money would not have done a far better job!

If Funds of the Nakivubo Channel Rehabilitation project had properly been utilised, Kampala City and the neighbourhood would not be a big mess they are when ever there is rain.
World Bank funded projects closed during 1999
21) Agricultural Extension: FY 1993 – US$ 15.79 m
22) Enterprise Development ; FY (1992 – 1999) US$ 41.85 m (IDA)
23) Structural adjustment III: FY (1998 – 1999) US$ 125.0 m (IDA).
24) Third Power: FY (1991 – 1999) – US$ 125 m (IDA).
25) Economic & Financial Management: FY US$ (1993 – 1999) – US$ 29.0 m (IDA).
The Listing of these funds serves a dual purpose in that it gives Ugandans the picture into how hopeless our economy is; with all this money yet we claim to be generating good money locally, where does this money really go? It is also important to know that this money has to be paid back. Fortunately, when World Bank realized how impoverished Ugandans are though a lot of money had been poured into the economy, they made a decision for which we should be most grateful on forgiving us the loans.
At the 1995 World summit for Social development – The Copenhagen Declaration noted that globalization creates new opportunities for sustained economic growth and development of the World economy, particularly in developing countries. Yet the International Community has become painfully aware since the summit that the globalization of capital and information has not always resulted in the globalization of better living standards.
It is also clear that even well intentioned social policies and programmes too often do not reach the poor people, under certain circumstances even undermine their well being.

The Problem of Eligible Voters:
14 Million Eligible to Vote in 2011 - THERE will be about 14 million eligible voters by June this year, according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). UBOS executive director John Male Mukasa told journalists yesterday that according to the population projection, a total of 13.9 million Ugandans will be 18 years and above by June 2010. According to the Electoral Commission's roadmap, general elections will take place between February and March 2011. Uganda's total population, according to Mukasa, will be 32.9m people by that time.

Electoral Commission Registers 15 Million Voters: The number of registered voters in the country stands at approximately 15.2 million after the Electoral Commission registered an additional 4.72million voters in the recently-concluded voter registration exercise. However, the total number of registered voters is likely to go down during the cleaning of the register. Speaking at a news conference in Kampala on Wednesday, EC Chairman Baddru Kiggundu said the commission registered 4, 718,829 voters by June 22.
However, the number of Registered voters is disputed by the Opposition, saying that the NRM has failed to clean the Voters' Register, in that it has a lot of ghosts there.
It should be better for Uganda Bureau of Statistics to work hand in hand with the Electoral Commission over the number of Voters. Below is some information regarding various statistics to do with the population in Uganda.
Does the NRM intentionally make Ugandans poor so that it is easy bribing them at polls?
I had always heard about the dishing out of money by people from the NRM camp, but just recently, I met some youth talking about how he dished shs 10,000 to voters very early in the morning of the voting day in 2006! He said money was brought in a saloon car but heavily guarded. And he was one of those assigned the duty to help dish out money to all who were passing in the path and looked the type who could change their mind and vote NRM! If this is true, it is so unfortunate to see the people who wagged a 5 year bush war with one of the reasons to fight the stealing of votes practising the same evil.

When I was a child, I used to do things childish. When I grew up, I ceased the childish mentality. Unfortunately, the NRM Government does much of Government business childish. Imagine people have stolen money over 2 decades but Government has failed to come up with a solution to this great leakage. Continuous extensions of NRM and the changing of the Constitution to suit one person are all childish. Can you imagine at this point in time that someone proposes children going to school with cooked food? Failing to use donor funds for what they have been borrowed for as per the project proposals is childish management of Government affairs. Imagine giving a company a contract and Government is reluctant to see the monthly dues remitted, yet the contract is not terminated. This is all childish. Childishness has assumed a new dimension where Parliament without quorum is committing Ugandans to astronomical loans including the passing of the National Budget; yet the Speaker sees no wrong doing!
Major constraints to trade between Uganda and the European Union are internal, external and structural. Internal factors range from poor trade policies, inadequate support to the private sector, narrow export base, reliance on export of raw materials and high corruption. External factors include non – tariff barriers, protectionist policies, subsidies, tariff peaks and escalation. The structural challenges mainly relate to poor infrastructure, poor product quality, poor and obsolete technology, poor marketing techniques and insufficient market knowledge, in other words, supply side constraints.
Given the above, instead of the NRM Government endeavouring to find viable solutions, it is busy instead increasing administrative expenses, and because we are doomed to be a poor country, even if a leader like President Museveni clearly demonstrates his inability to carry the country forward, the curse is such that the powerful people in the party keep fronting him unopposed! It is sad for a country abundantly enriched with natural resources.
As Uganda celebrates this Independence which does no longer appeal to the people of Uganda, there is need tore – discover our destiny as a country, we sincerely have no future with people whose economic policies are simply a blunder. Our country deserves better. It is unfortunate that NRM still see President Museveni as the only capable person to lead the party hence the country!
For more than a decade, Uganda has persistently suffered trade deficits. This is partly due to narrow export product base, low productivity, poor infrastructure and limited access to markets. Besides, the exported products are mainly unprocessed agricultural in nature hence subject to vagaries of weather and fetch little on the market.

It is unfortunate that a Government can have been in office for more that two decades and it still gives lousy excuses for not penetrating international markets and yet the party leadership still has courage to move to the people asking for votes!

NRM Government can neither achieve the Mission nor Vision as set for Uganda by themselves.
The Vision:
The Vision of NRM is a peaceful, united, democratic, harmonious, industrialized, transformed and prosperous Uganda, within a strong, federated East Africa, the African Common Market and with an African Defense Pact.
1) How do you talk of a peaceful Uganda when the ideas of the people are just shunned? Government is forcing people to foot its selfish line, ignoring the people as the pillar on which government is based. Given this position, peace is simply fragile.
2) United – Government is practicing divide and rule, then how do you talk of united when they are interested in sub – dividing the country as much as possible?
3) Democratic – NRM is not democratic, if it were the position of the Chairman would be contested, but as we hear some one has gone to court because he was unjustly eliminated from contesting for the position. The President would have long left office, but he is using tricks to keep there. There is no democracy worth talking about when donors time and again just threaten to reduce aid for Government to try to foot a democratic path!
4) Harmonious – Government itself is behind the various movements by some people against others. Heard of the Banyala and Baganda, Government is interested in promoting bad co - existence between the two! This is the reason behind the 11th November 2009 riots in Buganda.
5) Industrialized – Uganda can industrialize basing on agriculture, yet government is just waiting for foreign investors to put money where they are interested. The factors that are responsible for industrial growth are mishandled, taxes are wrong, utility costs, name them.
6) The Government wants us in a strong federated east Africa, yet it is against the federal arrangement which people cherish locally!

The Mission of NRM is to transform Uganda from a poor peasant society into a modern, industrial, united and prosperous skilled working and middle class society
However, given things on ground; that is wrong priorities, out right theft of funds including donors’, the NRM Government is simply day dreaming to get the mission achieved. The best they can do is give way for others who have the will to correct the situation.

State House Debts Rise to Sh99 Billion
State House must be disciplined financially. It is unfortunate how every year there are arrears which have been met in the budget of the following year. Imagine a new Government struggling with the monetary indiscipline of the previous one. It is unfortunate that Government has rent arrears not paid to Buganda Government yet when they continue using Buganda Government premises. It may be necessary to remove the facility out of which the President makes donations, it looks misused and or abused and leads to uncalled for liabilities and political favours.
State House debts had risen to over sh100b by June 2009. The Ministry of Justice spent sh110b in compensation, court awards and settlements last financial year. The Police do not know the actual staff strength of its force. And sh371b loaned to state and private companies may never be recovered.
These are some of the findings in the new Auditor General's report on Government expenses in the financial year 2008/2009. The report was handed over to Parliament last week.
The Auditor General, John Muwanga, in his report noted that although the Government has instituted strict systems to control expenditure, State House has incurred huge debts as a result of the purchase of the new presidential jet.
The Bank of Uganda advanced a loan of sh96b to finance the acquisition of the aircraft. According to the agreement, the amount is payable in installments of about sh10b per year with interest.

How on earth does anybody leave Sebaggala to buy the mayor's House. How? It simply cannot work. Sebaggala is a disgrace to Uganda who should be shown where he belongs.

Dr. Lucille Corti and husband Dr. Corti

The sister to this young child perished in the fire set by senseless people who we live with in Uganda. Two bodies of those believed to have set the fire disappeared! This is the country alleged to give good leadership to its people; its unbelievable!


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