
Sunday, January 30, 2011


I think it is a fact that Engineer Badru Kiggundu cannot stop President Museveni in any of his excesses, be it the way he uses whatever resources at his disposal. Currently, the inflation is already being realised simply because of NRM money. The strategy to sort the problem is at the hands of Ugandans, they either let the country decay on with corruption and lack of direction or see a replacement for Museveni. Surely, things cannot go on as they are for long. a change is the way to go.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

February polls worry clergy
By Stephen Posted Monday, January 31 2011 at 00:00
Religious leaders have said failure by the Electoral Commision to address voters’ concerns could jeopardise next month’s elections. Under their joint umbrella body, the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda, the clergy last week said: “The Electoral Commission needs to pronounce itself on the incumbent using state resources to exercises his mandate and prerogative as seating President in the run up to the general elections.” “This should be in a way that does not disenfranchise his opponents.”
The public also expects clarification and tightening of the role of security agencies, use of thumb print by party agents in the authentication of Results Declaration Forms and use of transparent mechanisms for transmission of results from the polling stations to the sub-county onward to the district tallying centres. “The Electoral Commission’s issuance of clear guidelines for the media and political parties on the declaration of provisional results is paramount” Dr Zac Niringiye, who chairs the IRCU’s task force for peace, conflict resolution and transformation, said in a statement. He said this after a meeting of religious leaders with Police chief Kale Kayihura in Kampala on Friday. Police displayed four uniforms to be used in the general election. But Dr Niringiye said the public is concerned about the many uniforms the police are using. He said this could be abused by wrong elements during elections.

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