
Saturday, January 1, 2011


The Vision of NRM is a peaceful, united, democratic, harmonious, industrialized, transformed and prosperous Uganda, within a strong, federated east Africa, the African Common Market and with an African Defence Pact.

The Mission of NRM is to transform Uganda from a poor peasant society into a modern, industrial, united and prosperous skilled working and middle class society.

Aims and Objectives of the NRM
1) Mobilize the people of Uganda to support and work for the attainment of the vision of NRM;
2) Consolidate democracy and constitutional governance in Uganda;
3) Consolidate peace, security, protection of persons and property, and eliminate all forms of terrorism;
4) Consolidate national unity and patriotism;
5) Devolve power from the Central Government to the regions as another tier of governance provided this does not compromise the wider goal of economic and political integration of East Africa;
6) Defend national sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Uganda;
7) Strengthen the capacity to eradicate corruption;
8) Preserve and develop our culture;
9) Consolidate programmes which are responsive to gender and marginalized groups;
10) Build capacity for disaster management and resettlement of displaced people;
11) Develop and continuously maintain socio – economic infrastructure and amenities and ensure balanced regional development;
12) Implement a focused Human Resource Development policy and capacity building in the technical and public service sector;
13) Apply Science and technology in all aspects of development for the transformation of society;
14) Undertake exploitation of natural resources for the good of the people and to preserve, protect and manage the environment to ensure sustainable development;
15) Build an integrated, self – sustaining and independent national economy;
16) Implement a strategy of private sector led growth and export oriented production;
17) Generate employment, create wealth, widen the tax base, and develop infrastructure;
18) Implement a policy of socio- economic infrastructure development using internal long term borrowing in addition to external sources of funding;
19) Pursue economic and political integration of East Africa;
20) Pursue a policy of Pan – Africanism promotion of a common African Market and pursue the realization of African Union;
21) Foster regional and world peace, democracy and social justice;
22) Cooperate with other organizations in pursuing the purposes of these objectives and for the benefit of humanity;
23) Undertake any other activity for the attainment of the vision, mission and objectives of NRM.

The 2006 General Elections
NRM shall field candidates for all electoral offices during the 2006 General Elections. NRM requests for the vote of the people of Uganda in order to implement a programme that shall guarantee Prosperity for All. In addition to completing ongoing programmes, NRM shall implement the following:

1. Continue the process of democratization in all aspects of Ugandan society
2. Support women, youth, people with disabilities, workers and the elderly to participate in policy and decision making at all levels
3. Take all possible measures to create employment for all and ensure the protection and promotion of workers’ rights.

Defence and Security
4. Maintain peace throughout Uganda and work for the total annihilation of terrorist groups from the country
5. Implement the recommendations of the Defence Review Unit as articulated in the Defence White Paper
6. Resettle all people currently living in IDP camps.

7. Protect the Constitution, promote the culture of constitutionalism and the rule of law
8. Strengthen the institution of Parliament
9. Cooperate with civil society organizations in promoting the culture of constitutionalism and the rule of law.

Human Rights, Justice, Law and Order
10. Pursue programmes to protect and promote human rights and freedoms
11. promote independence of the judiciary
12. Improve the salaries of judicial officers
13. Recruit and train more police officers, equip them and direct resources towards the improved welfare, especially housing, of the police and prisons.

Fighting Corruption
14. Implementing a zero – tolerance policy on corruption.

Decentralization of Power
15. Deepen decentralization
16. Ensure that the regional tier achieves the desired objectives by making the necessary laws and committing adequate funds for the tier to operate.

Transition to Multi – Party Politics
17. Ensure an orderly and peaceful transition from the Movement System to Multi – party politics
18. Support the newly created Special Division in the Police Force to deal with political discipline, particularly the use of bad language, bribery, sectarianism, vote rigging, etc.

Transformation of Uganda through Education
19. Introduce legislation to compel all school – age going children to attend and keep in school until they complete Primary Leaving Certificate
20. Improve the quality of UPE
21. Introduce Universal Secondary Education (USE)
22. Grant – aid at least one secondary school in those Sub – counties not yet covered
23. Improve teachers’ salaries
24. Build more vocational schools and polytechnics
25. Equip one secondary school laboratory in every Sub – county
26. Expand University Education
27. Set up a Public University in Eastern Uganda
28. Establish e – learning centres

The Health Sector
29. Equip the Gulu Comprehensive School for Traumatized Children
30. Work towards the total eradication of Malaria
31. Introduce Social Health Insurance and Community Health insurance
32. Continue improving the salaries of health workers
33. Review the practice of “dualism” by the health workers
34. Complete the construction of Health Centre IVs, IIIs and IIs and equip them with the necessary health personnel and essential drugs
35. Reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS infection
36. Carry out a continuous improvement of Uganda’s Health Indices.

Water Sector
37. Increase access to clean, safe water to 72%, and sanitation to 60%
38. Provide piped water to all headquarters and major urban growth centres
39. Complete construction of all on – going piped water systems for different district headquarters and major towns
40. Expand the services of NWSC to cover all municipalities and major urban centres
41. Merge the Kampala – Entebbe water mains to cover the fast growing hinterland of the two urban centres
42. Implement a bulk water supply strategy of pumping water from large water sources
43. Construct Valley dams and tanks to provide 3,000 million cubic meters of water in the cattle corridor
44. provide irrigation facilities in the drought prone areas
45. Pursue appropriate water – technologies (including rain water harvesting) to ensure that there is adequate, safe and clean water for use by the people
46. Increase capacity in water management systems at community levels.

The Housing Sector
47. Implement policies to improve housing conditions, with a view to every Ugandan owning a decent home
48. Capitalize the Housing Finance Company so as to increase its capacity to finance mortgages, especially for the low and middle income earners
49. Implement policies to promote the development of large scale, planned residential areas
50. Simplify and increase access to housing mortgages
51. Make mortgage finance affordable
52. Promote policies for home ownership by every Ugandan (Similar to No. 49)
53. Make NSSF play a leading role in providing long term funds to support home ownership and in the development of a secondary mortgage market.

54. Buy land and build low cost houses for the urban poor who are currently living in slums
55. Provide improved work sites for artisans like mechanics, carpenters, metal workers, etc who are working in open unprotected areas
56. Improve and construct urban markets
57. Create a Special Conditional Grant to help urban authorities deal with the repair of roads, garbage collection and street lighting
58. Develop Kampala into a clean and modern National capital
59. Make leaders of the city and other urban areas enforce proper planning, including naming all roads and providing addresses for each property.
The Transport Sector
60. Connect every district headquarters to the national capital with a tarmac road
61. Build thirty new bridges, including a new bridge across the River Nile at Jinja
62. Complete all roads earmarked for upgrading to tarmac
63. Carry out a major rehabilitation of urban, district and community roads
64. Decongest Kampala city of vehicular traffic
65. Tackle the problem of flooding in areas like Bwaise, Kalerwe, Lubigi, Kyambogo, Industrial Area, etc
66. Implement the Greater Kampala Transport Master Plan
67. Upgrade 5,000km of district roads to National Road status.

68. Finalize the Joint Concession of Uganda Railways and Kenya Railways to attract new investments into the railway, so as to improve efficiency and reduce transport costs
69. Re – open the Soroti – Gulu – Pakwach line
70. Extend the railway line from Pakwach to Arua - Koboko and Tei, in partnership with Government of Southern Sudan.

Water Transport
71. Develop an efficient transport system for the Islands in the Lake Victoria (Kalangala, Buvuma, Sigulu, etc)
72. provide ferries at Lwampanga/ Namasale, Bukungu/ Muntu, Nabuganyi/ Mbulamuti, and Obongi
73. Develop an Inland Container Port near Kampala.

Air Transport
74. Build a new cargo centre at Entebbe Airport
75. Improve the Entebbe Terminal Building
76. Develop the Entebbe Airport Free Trade Zone
77. Install a new radar at Entebbe
78. Improve Arua, Kasese and Soroti aerodromes to carry international air traffic
79. Improve Jinja, Tororo, Adjumani, Moyo, and Nebbi airfields
80. Build new Airfields at Ntungamo and Yumbe.

The Energy Sector
81. Begin Construction of Bujagali Power Station
82. Implement 190 new power distribution schemes
83. Complete construction of: Nyagak Hydro Power station, Buseruka Hydro Power station, Mt. Elgon sites, Waki, Bugoye, Muzizi and Nengo, among others
84. Extend power lines to Karamoja
85. Build the Gulu – Adjumani – Moyo power line
86. Extend the West Nile distribution concession to cover Pakwach, Koboko and Yumbe
87. Take power lines to every district headquarters and Constituency Health Centre IV
88. Houses within one kilometer radius of power lines to be connected to the electric grid
89. Construct geo-thermal power units in Kibiro (Hoima), Buranga (Bundibugyo) and Katwe (Kasese).

The Environment
90. Enforce a deliberate afforestation policy to cover all bare hills
91. Review the policy on forest reserves equitable usage of forestry resources
92. Pursue policies to ensure a clean and safe environment.

Information and Communication Technology
93. Develop ICT infrastructure to enable connectivity to schools, health centers, agricultural extension units and administrative / commercial centers.
94. Provide at least one public pay phone in every village
95. Continuously improve the efficiency of, and access to, government information and services
96. Address privacy and security issues related to ICT implementation
97. Review and update Ugandan laws for protecting intellectual property rights, especially as they relate to proprietary information
98. Review public investment policies in so far as they relate to the promotion of ICTs
99. Support the private sector to invest in outsourcing services for data entry and call centre enterprises
100. Integrate ICTs into national planning framework, including putting ICTs under one political leadership
101. Resolve the cost and quality of electronic connectivity
102. Support the provision of e-learning educational technologies
103. Provide a reliable UBC Radio and TV signal to every part of Uganda.

The Financial Sector
104. Continue to pursue policies to ensure a stable macro-economic environment and to improve Uganda’s Human Development Index
105. Strengthen the Financial Sector
106. Carry out reforms of the Pension and Social Security aimed at improving the management and investment of pension funds for the benefit of the contributors of these funds and the economy
107. Strengthen the Insurance sub – sector
108. Introduce a preferential tax regime to encourage companies to list on stock exchange
109. Support and further develop investments in Leasing, Hire Purchase, Equity Funds and Venture Capital
110. Complete Restructuring of Uganda Revenue Authority and streamline tax administration
111. Capitalize the Uganda Development Bank to enable long – term borrowing especially for the processing of raw materials.

112. Improve Uganda’s per capita export ratio
113. Work with the Government of Kenya to improve the efficiency of Mombasa Port and the security of goods in transit.

114. Implement the Agricultural Zoning Programme
115. Increase investments in the growing, processing, and marketing of: Coffee, Cotton, Tea, and Fruits.

116. Implement policies to increase the number of jobs available in: Agriculture, Manufacturing, Education, Health, Construction, Mining, Data entry, Information and Communication Technologies, Call Centres, Externalization of Labour, Trade, Transport, Energy and Tourism.

Household Incomes and Transformation of Rural Communities
117. Mobilize the farmers to shift from subsistence production to produce high value crops for the market
118. Decentralize local government functions to the Parish so as to anchor the Rural Transformation Programme
119. The Rural Transformation Programme shall achieve the following:
I. Re – Orient production and increase productivity
II. Provide Microfinance services to SACCOs and other organized groups
III. Develop markets and marketing channels
IV. Develop model communities

Value Addition
120. To promote and support investments in the processing of Uganda’s raw materials so as to add value.

East African Federation
121. Support the first tracking of the creation of one East African Government by 2013

Integrated African Market
122. Support the speedy economic integration of Africa through COMESA and the African Union.

Attraction of Investors
123. Build Namanve Industrial Park
124. Build the Jinja Industrial Park
125. Build Industrial Parks in other major towns, and promote their utilization by investors
126. Make the Uganda Investment Authority a real one – stop centre
127. Facilitate the building of one new factory in every district.

Foreign Relations
128. Pursue a policy of peaceful, friendly relations with all countries, especially Uganda’s neighbours on the basis of respect and mutual benefit.

129. Prepare and implement a Comprehensive Recovery and Development Plan (RDP) for the war ravaged areas
130. Implement the resolutions of the Munyonyo West Nile Development Conference for the MAYAN districts, in conjunction with our development partners
131. Address the issue of armed pastoralists and its ramifications by completing the disarmament exercise, side by side with a special programme for the transformation of Karamoja
132. Promote and facilitate physical planning and the surveying of land and issuing of land titles
133. Expand the land fund to pay off landlords at market prices and allocate land to bona fide bibanja holders
134. Pursue policies to increase access to, and exploitation of foreign markets
135. Assist women and youth groups access national resources for producing high value goods
136. Promote Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) and facilitate them access funds and other resources for lending to their members
137. Abolish the obnoxious produce and market levies (‘empooza’) imposed by local authorities
138. Abolish Property Rates on owner occupied houses
139. Make access to Microfinance easier and broader
140. Make the shores of Lake Victoria and banks of River Nile major leisure and holiday resorts
141. Implement policies aimed at making Uganda a popular tourist destination
142. Carry out a nation wide mapping of Uganda’s mineral resources and to promote their exploitation
143. Improve revenue collection so as to realize at least a 20% of GDP performance
144. Reward inventors and innovators, and assist them to patent their findings, develop and commercialize prototypes
145. Improve Uganda’s human resource so as to have an efficient, well trained and motivated civil service
146. Consolidate a shared national vision to achieve the NRM goal of Prosperity for ALL.

The Secretary General
National Resistance Movement
10 Kyadondo Road
P. O. Box 7778,

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