
Saturday, March 5, 2011


UNEB has not done to seriously punish those found with suspect results. This only gives the bad plactice ground to increase. UNEB has not done enough to find out which schools cheat on a big scale. It is as if this cheating is endorsed as a right for some schools which are untouchable. There must be serious prosecution seen of culprits. May be a commission of inquiry should be put in place because looks like UNEB knows the schools that seriously are involved in this act but is leaving matters to continue which is unacceptable. Much as many things have gone to the dogs in Uganda, serious people should not leave our education to go to the dogs too.
William Kituuka

UNEB holds results of 1227 PLE candidates
Ultimate Media

The Uganda National Examination Board is holding results of 1,227 pupils from the 2010 Primary Leaving Examinations over malpractice.
Announcing the results this morning, the board secretary Mathew Bukenya said some of the affected schools in Kampala include Makindye Junior School which had 60 candidates and Fahad Islamic Primary School which had 53 pupils.
In Wakiso, the affected schools are Najeera Progressive with 87 candidates and Homisdallen in Kirinya which had 79 candidates.
While in Jinja, results of two candidates from Buyala primary school have been withheld.
Bukenya says the results have not been cancelled but are being held as investigations continue.

On 8th February 2011 Uganda National Examinations Board presented Results for the year 2010 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) Examination to Minister of Education and Sports for release to the public, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the UNEB Act, Cap 137, Laws of Uganda. The examination was conducted between 18th October, and 23rd November, 2010 under the theme ‘Adhere to Ethical Conduct for Quality Assessment’. A total of 51 subjects were examined through 123 examination papers. The local languages Acoli, Lango, Lugbarati and Runyankole/Rukiga, as well as Integrated Production Skills (IPS) subjects that had been piloted in a few schools were examined for the first time. the 2010 UCE examination was conducted very successfully throughout the country with no leakages. The Board has continued to print the entire examination in its expanded printing facility. The year 2010 saw the first cohort of the Universal Secondary Education (USE) candidates take the UCE examination. Consequently, a very significant increase in candidature was recorded from 218,056 candidates registered in 2009 to 264,928 in 2010, an increase of 46,872 (21.5%) candidates. UCE examination centres which presented candidates also increased from 2,317 in 2009 to 2,556 in 2010. In 2010, 260,080 candidates appeared for the examination compared to 214,207 candidates who appeared for the same examination in 2009. This is also an unprecedented increase in the number sitting for the examination.
A larger proportion of the students who registered for the examination completed the UCE course and took the examination. Statistics of the number of candidates who registered for, and those who sat the UCE examination for the last 5 year.

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