
Monday, March 21, 2011


Why should the Auditor General or any other CEO of a Government Department get so high a pay as compared to the others? This looks much more of bribe, or if not, why is it? How does the NRM Government come to decide salary structures? You can only pay some of these Chief Executives knowing that they can either conceal information or that the Government uses them as it wishes. As of now, we have just finishes an exercise where many are concerned with the source of money the NRM used in the bribing of voters. We now see the people in Kampala markets claiming that the President promised them up to shs 30,000 per one! Goodness, when service delivery in many areas is so poor, how does Government pay such money! We really need prayers, but the likes of the Auditor general should do what is expected. Actually, as the Auditor General is expected to be given such sums of money as is stated in the article below, what is expected of the boys who have to collect the data because the Auditor general remains in office. Those boys are likely to be compromised. I remember the Auditor general's office has always complained that it trains manpower and because they are under paid, it ends up as a conduit for man power to other areas. Government ought to get serious about the implication of having top executives get so many millions a month while staff who do the work end up yawning.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Government and the Chief Justice, who earn Shs18 million and Shs6 million respectively. Sources close to the review process say the move is meant to redefine the AG’s terms and conditions of employment. They said the new proposal was based on comparisons made with the huge benefits managers heading key government agencies get; people like William Muhairwe of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation and Allen Kagina of the Uganda Revenue Authority, who earn well over Shs30 million without other privileges.
The chairperson of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Frank Tumwebaze, said that his committee had met the AG and discussed the salary review. He however did not say whether other officials who come under the umbrella of the Auditor General’s office would also be considered through the review.
The AG currently earns Shs24 million, which Tumwebaze said was too little for a civil servant dealing with the ethical integrity of powerful people. “But it will not be an arbitrary increase; we want to use scientific analysis based on the formula of the parliamentary commission,” he told The Razor. Under the same proposal the Auditor General is likely to eat big in form of mileage allowance, housing, flying business class and other perks.

Tumwebaze said the National Audit Act 2008 does not provide for a board to discuss such issues because the office is supposed to be independent; therefore parliament has a role to play in the AG’s welfare. But it remains unclear whether or not Muwanga has personally lobbied to have his terms of employment reviewed.

In 2006, the Auditor General resigned from the same office following failure by the public service ministry to consider a pay rise for him. Then, Muwanga was earning Shs2.9 million a month before tax. He was later recalled after his salary was revised upwards.

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