
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


You can only appreciate that our priorities as a country are upside down, not forgetting what the thieves have done and continue to do to our dear country otherwise, how do you explain Uganda looking to Iceland as a donor? Isn’t it a shame? Would it not be Uganda to help Iceland? Our leaders need to be a bit more serious, they should get to business, but we are ashamed of getting support from counties which we would actually give aid.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Icelandic International Development Agency

Website Address:
Organizational Category: Government Organizations
Principal Office: Iceland
Grant Themes in This Profile: Projects for fisheries, renewable energy, and water and sanitation in five partner countries (Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda, Nicaragua).

The Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) is an autonomous agency under the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs. ICEIDA executes and administers Iceland’s bilateral development assistance to promote cooperation between Iceland and developing countries.

ICEIDA focuses on just a few sectors and countries where Icelandic expertise is thought to be most useful. The Agency’s major projects support training and capacity building in fisheries, health, energy, and adult education. Projects for fisheries, water, and energy are nearly one-third of ICEIDA’s budget.

* Fisheries: Training of fisheries professionals, fisheries research and technology, nautical mapping and charts, fish product quality, fisheries information systems.

* Energy: Clean technologies and renewable energy sources, including geothermal exploration in partner countries.

* Water and Sanitation: Potable water, water quality analysis, improved sanitation facilities.

Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources

ICEIDA does not manage a competitive grants program. It does, however, implement many of its development cooperation projects with and through partner organizations in civil society.

* Civil Society Organizations in Iceland: ICEIDA has formal agreements with a few Icelandic charitable organizations for defined projects in ICEIDA’s target countries. These are mainly for activities in health, education, and humanitarian issues. The “green sectors” are not well represented.

* Civil Society in Developing Countries: ICEIDA’s country programs work with grassroots partner organizations, who may sometimes receive indirect financial assistance or assistance in-kind.

Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries

ICEIDA is engaged in development cooperation in the five countries identified below.

Sub-Saharan Africa: Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda

Latin America: Nicaragua

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