
Sunday, May 1, 2011


Uganda is in danger if the leaders cannot understand what corruption is. Ian Kyeyune the current district chairman; whose term is expiring soon, was among those who spearheaded the division of Mpigi district, and he was fortunate to get the Chair for the new district Wakiso, however having lost in the NRM Primaries, looks like Kyeyune came up with the idea of splitting Wakiso district. This is corruption which is clean and clear. The district which Kyeyune has been heading is one of those where illegal road blocks are mounted to collect revenue. Now, instead of being concerned with the welfare of the masses who are to suffer the increased taxation if the district is sub-divided, Kyeyune is waiting for his kill to contest as a chairperson of one of the new districts likely to be created. This is clear bankruptcy of many we have in leadership ranks in Uganda. Once they are in leadership, they see these positions as life time jobs! Kyeyune should look for other work because it is not the salary of the Chairman of the district which is attractive, it is the corruption associated with the chair whare he is bound to benefit. That is the Uganda we have.
If the districts are approves, which idea does not seem to have come from the grassroots, Kyeyune should not be allowed to contest chairmanship of any of the new districts; because of the vested interest he has.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Wakiso district

Posted by Joseph Miti& Martin Ssebuyira
on Thursday, April 21 2011 at 00:00
Wakiso District Council has approved the splitting of the district into three to form Kyadondo, Wakiso and Entebbe. The motion was passed during a heated special council meeting presided over by the district speaker, Mr Davidson Serunjogi, last Friday at the District Council Hall.
The motion, which was tabled by the outgoing District Chairperson, Mr Ian Kyeyune, was opposed by opposition councilors, but were outnumbered when the matter was put to the vote.
“This motion has been tabled in bad faith,” Mr Ronald Semboga (Councilor for Wakiso Town Council), told the well-attended meeting.
His statement prompted a heated debate until Mr Serunjogi called for voting.
By show of hands, majority voted for splitting the district into three, while three councilors voted for dividing the district into two and five rejected the move.
Wakiso District was carved out of Mpigi District in 2000. The peri-urban district, according to the 2002 census, had 957,300 people.
While defending his motion, Mr Kyeyune said, “Splitting the district will create more opportunities and improve service delivery.”
Mr Kyeyune, who has been chairperson since the district was created, lost the seat after he was defeated in last year’s NRM party primaries.
He did not stand in the March LC5 elections in which Democratic Party’s Matia Lwanga Bwanika took the seat.

Idea opposed
However, Mr Kyeyune’s argument was opposed by opposition councillors who said the move will instead cripple development. Mr Edward Lutwama (Nsangi Sub-county) argued the move was intended to frustrate the newly-elected council since majority of its members are affiliated to opposition parties.
“This matter should be stayed until we consult the electorate,” he told the council that was also attended by MPs Rose Seninde and Mutebi Balikuddembe.
Meanwhile, incoming district chairperson Bwanika expressed resentments over the outgoing leadership for passing the proposal. Mr Bwanika, who also attended the council session, said the timing and manner in which the resolution was passed was selfish.

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