
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


While I believe seriously that Museveni should not have gone beyond 2006, as would be the case if he had any respect for the expensive 1995 Constitution,I wish to submit that the strategy President Museveni uses to dismiss or retire Ministers is not scientific enough. An observer sees that the President disappoints one as long as the electorate have not voted that person as a Member of Parliament, but forgets that many of the electorate disappoint one at times for what may better be termed as flimsy matters for example if the MP fails to help an electorate when approached for money,or even fails to turn up for burial and also not being able to dish out cash as the game turns to a give and take type. The electorate has false expectations many times from MPs and the President on dis-missing Ministers on such reasoning fails as he ends up disappointing people who deliver. Much as Namirembe Bitamazire is old,when you look at the corruption factor, she is the type the President would retain to show his commitment to a corrupt free cabinet. What the electorate vote for is a person who represents them in Parliament, the unfortunate bit is that the President has sort of united the executive to Parliament as he dictates positions which the NRM caucus is supposed to stand by on serious national issues. What he would do is to take serious interest in identifying people who can deliver the country from getting back to the dark ages. Merely getting people who always just have to take his position is derailing the country and having it in back gear on the development front. The mistakes Museveni is making in 5 years now may take decades to rectify. The unemployment by his mis-advised policies are no blessing for the Pearl of Africa.The ever increasing size of the cabinet, the parliament, presidential advisers all show simply how ill advised the country's leadership is. Cabinet chosen on specific scientific scrutiny would possibly take the country a step further, more so the Government would move better with technical people as ministers not stooges. Even the regional balance some how fails to get the point. We need service delivery because we don't eat those so-called balances.Our people need money which has purchasing power,they want their goods bought and good roads,they don't survive on regional and religious balances.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Written by Shifa Mwesigye
Sunday, 29 May 2011 18:44

Museveni still harbours anti-Buganda agenda and it shows in his new cabinet– Lord Mayor Lukwago

A close look of the new cabinet reveals that President Museveni has appointed more ministers from northern Uganda than in his previous cabinets.
While the outgoing cabinet had only 10 ministers from northern Uganda, with only two full cabinet posts, this time the number has increased to 18, including Gen Moses Ali, who was appointed 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and deputy Leader of Government Business in Parliament. Christine Androa took the powerful Health ministry while Hilary Onek is the new Internal Affairs minister.

When you consider that, in addition, Jacob Oulanyah was recently elected Deputy Speaker of Parliament, it becomes clear that the political fortunes of the region have improved in light of President Museveni’s impressive performance here in the last elections. The President won with 56.9% in all the sub-regions of Teso, Lango, Acholi and West Nile. This was up from a paltry 20% in the previous elections.

But what do the individual appointments really mean?

Moses Ali’s appointment is significant only because he hails from the region. His influence in the region and in the party appears to have waned over the years, leading to his defeat in the 2006 elections. However, he bounced back in the February elections and so deserves his place at the high table.

Nevertheless, questions will be asked about his ability to deputise Mbabazi as leader of government business in Parliament since he is not known to be eloquent or assertive. Museveni’s appointment of Maracha MP, Alex Onzima, who defected from FDC last year, could be taken as a clear ‘thank you’ note for the mobilisation Onzima undertook in West Nile. That notwithstanding, many long-serving NRM ministerial hopefuls will be disappointed at the quick promotion of a new convert.

Rebecca Amuge Otengo’s appointment as minister of state for northern Uganda also invites criticism. Another convert from the opposition (UPC), the appointment is to reward her for aiding the NRM juggernaut in Lango and perhaps remind other opposition leaders in the sub-region that it pays to join the ruling party.

The appointment of Betty Bigombe was seen coming, although it was expected that she would get a more influential post than minister of state for Water. Having served this government before and twice spearheaded peace talks with Joseph Kony’s LRA, besides her international profile, she was bound to bounce back as soon as she won the elections.

Bigombe, who holds a postgraduate degree from Harvard University, was formerly minister of state for Pacification of Northern Uganda before working as a consultant of the World Bank’s Social Protection and Human Development unit. Few will begrudge Erute South MP, Sam Engola, of his appointment as state minister for Lands. He is a long-time loyal cadre of the NRM and remained true to the party even after he lost election after election in a region that was politically hostile.

Museveni’s choice of ministers in Buganda draws mixed feelings. While there are now more ministers (20), including 10 full cabinet posts, most of these individuals have not had a healthy relationship with the Mengo establishment. Rose Namayanja (state for Luwero Triangle), James Abraham Byandala (Works and Transport), Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi (Vice President) and Muruli Mukasa (Security) have all been perceived as opponents of Mengo at one time or another.

However, Buganda will be happy with the appointment of new Bamunanika MP and former kingdom minister, John Chrysostom Muyingo, who becomes minister of state for Higher Education. Radio One proprietor Maria Kiwanuka, the surprise minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, is also known to enjoy a good relationship with the Mengo establishment.

Commenting on Muyingo’s appointment, Kampala Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago said: “I would have wanted him to occupy the substantive position because it is an insult to for him to be put under [Jessica] Alupo.”

Indeed, many have expressed surprise at retired junior army officer Alupo’s appointment. It is possible the President was under pressure to give a full ministry to Teso and Alupo happened to be the most deserving of the MPs from the sub-region. In Buganda, the President appears to have ‘rewarded’ MPs who stuck with his government even in the face of spirited Mengo opposition to bills on land and cultural leaders. Namayanja, Byandala and Peter Nyombi fall in this category.

According to Lukwago, the choice of Buganda ministers shows that Museveni has an agenda against Buganda.

“Khiddu Makubuya refused to support the cultural leaders bill saying it is unconstitutional; that is why he has not been reappointed [to Justice] and instead we have Kahinda Otafiire who is an insult to the legal profession,” Lukwago said. “Museveni is just paving way for obnoxious legislation to water down the Kabaka.”
Eastern region

The elevation of Jessica Alupo to full cabinet minister (Education and Sports); the appointment of Irene Muloni to the powerful ministry of Energy and Mineral Development; Dr Stephen Malinga (Disaster Preparedness and Refugees); Daudi Migereko (Lands, Housing and Urban Development), alongside 15 ministers of state, is Museveni’s reward for the region’s support in the elections.
Western region
One of the surprises here was the elevation of Janet Museveni’s Karamoja portfolio to full cabinet ministry, complete with a minister of state. The demotion of John Nasasira to Chief Whip is also noteworthy. Some have argued that the elevation of Karamoja Affairs is because Ms Museveni could not hold a lesser ministerial position than that of her former staff in State House, Amelia Kyambadde, who was appointed full minister of Trade and Industry.
Others say that the First Lady would not bear working under the new Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi, with whom she has differences. The Office of the Prime Minister was previously responsible for supervising the Karamoja Affairs portfolio.
Cabinet – By regional distribution

Yoweri Museveni (President)
John Patrick Amama Mbabazi (Prime Minister)
Eriya Kategaya (1 DPM, East African Community Affairs)
Henry Kajura Muganwa (2DPM, Public Service)
Kabakumba Matsiko (Presidency)
Janet Museveni (Karamoja)
Dr Crispus Kiyonga (Defence)
Tress Buchanayande (Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries)
Mary Karooro Okurut (Information and National Guidance)
Kahinda Otafiire (Justice and Constitutional Affairs)
Dr Ruhakana Rugunda (Communications and ICT)
Adolf Mwesige (Local Government)
Eng. John Nasasira (Chief Whip)
Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu (Tourism and Wildlife)
Henry Banyenzaki (State, Economic Monitoring)
Bright Rwamirama (State, Animal Industry)
Dr Kamanda Bataringaya (State, Primary Education)
Matia Kasaija (State, Planning)
Aston Kajara (State, Privatization)
Mwesigwa Rukutana (State, Youth, Labour, Employment and Industrial Relations)
Richard Nduhura (State, Health - General)
John Byabagambi (State, Works)
Zerubabel Mijumbi Nyiira (State, Agriculture)
Ssezi Mbaguta (State, Public Service)

Gen. Moses Ali (3rd DPM, Government Business in Parliament)
Christine Androa (Health)
Eng. Hilary Onek (Internal Affairs)
Simon Lokodo ( State, Ethics and Integrity)
Rebecca Amuge Otengo ( State, Northern Uganda)
Okello Oryem (State, International Affairs)
Simon D’ujanga (State, Energy)
Peter Lokeris (State, Minerals)
Fred Omach (State, Finance - General)
Caroline Amali Okao (State, Micro-finance)
Sam Engola (State, Housing)
Betty Atuku Bigombe (State, Water)
James Baba (State, Internal Affairs)
Alex Onzima (State, Local Government)

Dr Stephen Mallinga ( Disaster Preparedness and Refugees)
Jessica Alupo ( Education and Sports)
Irene Muloni (Energy and Minerals)
Daudi Migereko (Lands, Housing and Urban Development)
Barbara Oundo Nekesa (State, Karamoja)
Christine Amongin Aporu (State, Teso Affairs)
Saleh Kamba (State, Bunyoro Affairs)
Asuman Kiyingi ( State for Regional Affairs)
Lukia Isanga Nakadama (State, Gender and Culture)
David Wakikoona (State, Trade)
Agnes Akiror (State, Industry)
Jeje Odongo (State, Defence)
Sarah Ochieng Opendi (State, Lands)
Stephen Chemoiko Chebrot (State, Transport)
Flavia Nabugera Munaaba (State, Environment)
Justine Kasule Lumumba (State, Urban Development)

Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi (Vice President)
Wilson Muruli Mukasa (Security)
Khiddu Makubuya (General Duties Office of Prime Minister)
Sam Kutesa (Foreign Affairs)
Maria Kiwanuka (Finance, Planning and Economic Development)
Eng.James Abraham Byandaala (Works and Transport)
Peter Nyombi (Attorney General)
Syda Bbumba (Gender and Social Affairs)
Amelia Kyambadde (Trade and Industry)
Maria Mutagamba (Water and Environment)
Vincent Nyanzi (State, Vice President’s Office)
Rose Namayanja (State, Luwero Triangle)
Ruth Nankabirwa (State, Fisheries)
Charles Bakkabulindi (State, Sports)
John Chrysostom Muyingo (State, Higher Education)
Mbabaali Muyanja (State, Investment)
Sulaiman Madada (State, Elderly and Disability)
James Kakooza (State, Primary Health Care)
Fred Ruhindi (State/Deputy Attorney General, Justice and Constitutional Affairs)
Nyombi Thembo (State, Communication ICT)
Ronald Kibule (Youth)

Monitor (Uganda), by Daniel Kalinaki / Tuesday, 30 May 2006
The country had been without a Cabinet since Museveni dissolved the old one a few hours before he was sworn in for another five-year term on May 12. By announcing the list of the 69 new ministers without consulting most of them, including first-time nominees, and without detailing portfolios, Museveni showed that he still firmly retains all the cards in the power structure.
In his new line-up, Museveni dropped three ministers adversely named in a corruption probe, handed an olive branch to former political foes and rewarded little-known party officials who helped him win the February election as he sought to appease critics of his governance record, weaken the opposition and roll the pork barrel towards those in his National Resistance Movement party.
The Health Ministry was purged of ministers Jim Muhwezi, Mike Mukula and Alex Kamugisha after the trio were adversely named in a judicial probe into the mismanagement of the $210 million Global Fund on Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/Aids.
A spokesman for the ruling National Resistance Movement, Ofwono Opondo, told The EastAfrican that although Justice James Ogoola who is leading the probe is yet to release his final report, President Museveni "was responding to the public mood" in relieving the trio of their duties.
The sackings follow Museveni's recent public vow to fight corruption in his government – and pressure from Western donors.
A British diplomat in Kampala said that they "would have found it difficult" to live with a Cabinet that included the three ministers.
State House insiders are quick to point out that Museveni was not acting merely to appease donors, who cut $73 million in aid last year over concerns about governance – but the sackings will not harm relations, and a quickly-arranged tour with Western diplomats of mass graves in the Luweero Triangle to help explain Uganda's human-rights record shows Museveni will seek to mend fences with the West – or at least explain himself better – to repair his international reputation, now at its lowest in years.
If the sackings took Museveni one step forward in the fight against corruption, he took two steps backward by appointing his younger brother, Lt-Gen (Rtd) Caleb Akandwanaho, aka Salim Saleh, a decorated bush war veteran and former army commander.
Saleh, a populist philanthropist who wields considerable behind-the-scenes influence, was named in several corruption scandals in the 1990s, including the purchase by the army of junk helicopters in 1998, for which he received a commission of $800,000. He was involved in the sale of the former Uganda Commercial Bank and was also accused by a UN Security Council report of illegal exploitation of DR Congo's natural resources.
Saleh told the parliamentary appointments committee that he was now a "better person" and "better focused" and that they should focus on his future, and not his past.
It is advice that the country should take; although he is likely to start off in low gear as a minister of state, he is too powerful to stay there for long and will probably rise to a more senior posting.
With First Lady Janet Museveni newly arrived in parliament as MP for Ruhaama, and Museveni's son Kainerugaba Muhoozi, a senior officer in the Presidential Guard Brigade, taking an increasingly public profile in the local press, Saleh's accession to the Cabinet will only heighten talk – and fears – of an in-house succession should Museveni choose to step down in 2011.
The unexpected inclusion on the list is Eriya Kategaya, a former deputy prime minister and Museveni's childhood friend, who was sacked in 2003 for opposing the president's controversial but successful attempt to amend the constitution to allow him to stand for another term in office 20 years after he came to power.
Kategaya was the most senior in a trio, including former local government minister Jaberi Bidandi Ssali and former ethics minister Miria Matembe, sacked for opposing Museveni's ambitions.
Kategaya flirted with opposition leader Dr Kizza Besigye's Forum for Democratic Change after falling out with Museveni and was appointed an "envoy" in the party. His return to the Cabinet was being celebrated as a coup by State House staffers when The EastAfrican spoke to, although furious FDC officials demanded that he explain his defection.
Insiders say Kategaya is likely to head the new Ministry for Regional Co-operation, a position that will allow his diplomatic skills to flourish.
President Museveni had earlier promised to work with "principled" members of the opposition and he named a handful, including Omara Atubo, Kagimu Kiwanuka, Dr Stephen Malingha and Ephraim Kamuntu, to the new Cabinet.
President Museveni also named a few experts, including computer expert Ham Mulira, hydro-engineer and MP Hilary Onek as well as electrical engineer and MP Simon D'Ujanga, who are expected to lead the newly-created Ministry of ICT and help find solutions to the country's biting energy crisis respectively.
Despite the tentative steps towards a Cabinet of experts, President Museveni's special assistant on political affairs, Moses Byaruhanga, told The EastAfrican that it was unlikely that the new Cabinet ministers would sign performance contracts.
The new Cabinet list has given Museveni a chance to dispense patronage by bringing in new faces while cutting out the deadwood in his government; all the ministers who lost their seats, save for one, Okello Oryem, were dropped.
Museveni, however, retained many close allies, including Vice President Gilbert Bukenya and Prime Minister Apollo Nsibambi. Other ministers retained include Amama Mbabazi (defence), Sam Kuteesa (foreign affairs) and Syda Bbumba (energy).
Some ministers who did not stand for parliament or who lost in the party primaries, such as Crispus Kiyonga, Ruhakana Rugunda (internal affairs), Ezra Suruma (finance), Henry Kajura (public service) return to Cabinet but will not need reminding which side of their bread is buttered – or who wields both the knife and the butter.
Additional reporting by Barbara Among

Museveni Defends His Big Cabinet, Explains How He Chose Ministers
Henry Ochieng
25 July 2001
President Yoweri Museveni last evening dismissed as "nonsense", suggestions by the donor community that Africa needs small and efficient governments.
Museveni was addressing cabinet ministers and ministers of state who had just taken oath of office at the International Conference Centre. "I have refused to agree with those people who say in Africa you need small but efficient governments. The problem of Africa is under governance and not over governance. This is confusion and I am not a confused person. The donors [who are saying this] recognized Idi Amin when he took power, I can't accept that nonsense," Museveni said.

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