
Monday, May 30, 2011


Maria and Nabagereka

Radio One Managing Director Maria Kiwanuka has been named Finance Minister.

Yes, Maria Kiwanuka is appointed Minister of Finance, the challenge is that she is coming on a Buganda Ticket, whether she will have the mandate to settle the long outstanding bills which are owed by the central Government to Buganda arising out of a deliberate plan to frustrate Buganda.

Wish her best of luck in the new job.

William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Full of List of Ugandan Ministers Appointed by President Museveni
By Monitor Team

Posted Saturday, May 28 2011 at 07:43

Cabinet Ministers

-1st Deputy Prime Minister & Minister in- charge of East African Affairs – Eriya Kategaya

- 2rd Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Public Service – Henry Kajura Muganwa

-3rd Deputy Prime Minister & Deputy Leader of Government Business in Parliament – Gen. Ali Moses

-Minister of Security - Wilson Muruuli Mukasa

-Minister in-charge of Presidency – Kabakumba Matsiko

-Minister for Karamoja – Janet Museveni

-Minister in- charge of General Duties /Office of Prime Minister – Khiddu Makubuya

-Minister of Defence – Dr Crispus Kiyonga

- Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry & Fisheries- Tress Buchanayande

-Minister of Disaster Preparedness & Refugees – Dr Stephen Mallinga

- Minister of Education &Sports – Jessica Arupo

-Minister of Energy & Minerals – Irene Muloni

-Minister of Information & National Guidance –Mary Karooro Okurut

-Minister of Finance & Economic Planning – Maria Kiwanuka

-Minister of Works & Transport- Eng.James Abraham Byandaala

-Minister of Justice & Constitutional Affairs- Kahinda Otafiire

- Attorney General –Peter Nyombi

-Minister of Gender & Social Affairs – Syda Bbumba

-Minister of Trade & Industry –Amelia Kyambadde

-Minister of Water & Environment –Maria Mutagamba

- Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development – Daudi Migereko

-Minister of Health – Christine Androa

- Minister of Foreign Affairs – Sam Kuteesa

-Minister of Communications and ICT – Dr Ruhakana Rugunda

-Minister of Local Government – Adolf Mwesigye

- Government Chief Whip- Eng. John Nasasira

-Minister of Tourism & Wildlife –Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu

- Minister of Internal Affairs –Eng. Hilary Onek

State Ministers:

Office of the President

-Minister of State for Economic Monitoring – Henry Banyenzaki

- Minister of State for Ethics & Integrity – Simon Lokodo

Office of the Vice President

-Minister of State Vice President’s Office –Vincent Nyanzi

Office of the Prime Minister

-Minister of State for Northern Uganda – Rebecca Amuge Otengo

-Minister of State for Karamoja- Barbara Oundo Nekesa

- Minister of State for Luweero Triangle – Rose Namayanja

-Minister of State for Teso Affairs- Christine Amongin Aporu

-Minister of State for Bunyoro Affairs – Saleh Kamba

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

-Minister of State for International Affairs- Okello Oryem

-Minister of State for Regional Affairs – Asuman Kiyingi

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries

-Minister of State for Agriculture – Zerubabel Mijumbi Nyiira

-Minister of State for Fisheries – Ruth Nankabirwa

-Minister of State for Animal Industry- Bright Rwamirama

Ministry of Education and Sports

-Minister of State for Sports – Charles Bakabulindi

-Minister of State for Primary Education – Dr Kamanda Bataringaya

-Minister of State for Higher Education – John Chrysostom Muyingo

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development

-Minister of State for Energy – Simon D’ujanga

--Minister of State for Minerals – Peter Lokeris

Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development

-Minister of State for Finance (General)- Fred Omach

-Minister of State for Planning – Matia Kasaija

-Minister of State for Investment – Mbabaali Muyanja

-Minister of State for Privatization – Aston Kajara

-Minister of State for Micro-Finance – Caroline Amali Okao

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development

-Minister of State for Gender & Culture- Lukia Isanga Nakadama

-Minister of State for Youth ,Labour ,Employment & Industrial Relations – Mwesigwa Rukutana

- Minister of State for Elderly & Disability – Sulaiman Madada

Ministry of Health

-Minister of State for Health(General ) – Richard Nduhura

-Minister of State for Primary Health Care- James Kakooza

Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban Development

-Minister of State for Housing – Sam Engola

-Minister of State for Urban Development – Justine Kasule Lumumba

Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Industry

-Minister of State for Trade – David Wakikoona

- Minister of State for Industry – Agnes Akiror

Ministry of Water & Environment

-Minister of State for Water – Betty Atuku Bigombe

- Minister of State for Environment – Flavia Nabugera Munaaba

- Minister of State for Lands – Sarah Ochieng Opendi

Ministry of Works & Transport

-Minister State for Transport – Stephen Chemoiko Chebrot

- Minister of State for Works- John Byabagambi

Minister of State for Defence – Jeje Odongo

Minister of State for Internal Affairs – James Baba

Minister of State / Deputy Attorney General Ministry of Justice & Constitutional Affairs- Fred Ruhindi

Minister of State for Communication (ICT) – Nyombi Thembo

Minister of State for Local Government – Alex Onzima

Minister of State for Public Service – Ssezi Mbaguta, Moses Wilson

Minister of State for East African Affairs – To be appointed later

President Museveni last night dropped about 25 ministers, in Cabinet whose biggest surprise was probably the appointment of Radio One Managing Director – Maria Kiwanuka as the new Finance Minister.

Ms Kiwanuka, who hold a master of business administration for the London Business School and worked at the World Bank as a financial economist has not been in active politics.

30 new faces
In other new faces, Abraham Byandala is new minister for Works, bringing to an end, Eng. John Nasasira’s 15-year stint in the roads sector; Peter Nyombi was appointed Attorney General, Irene Muloni is Minister of Energy, Amelia Kyambadde is minister of trade and industry, Adroa Christine is minister of health while Mary Karooro Okurut is the new minister of information and national guidance.
Former Kampala Mayor Nasser Ntegge Ssebaggala, who only crossed to the ruling NRM last year has been appointed to cabinet as minister without portfolio.
In other surprises Mr Henry Banyenzaki, known in the previous parliament as one if the ruling NRM ‘rebel’ MPs for taking a critical stand against government policies has been appointed a state minister for economic monitoring in the office of the president.
Among other new state minister faces also include Namayanja Rose (Luweero Triangle), Saleh Kamba (Bunyoro Affairs), Rebecca Otengo (Northern Uganda), Nyiira Mijumbi (Agriculture), John Chrysostom Muyingo (Higher Education), Mbabali Muyanja (Investment), Caroline Amali (Microfinance), Sam Engola (Housing) James Mutende (Industry), Agnes Akiror (Tourism) and Alex Onzima (Local government).

25 dropped
Former third deputy Prime Minister and Minister of internal Affairs Kirunda Kivejinja led the list of those exiting Cabinet with Hope Mwesigye (Agriculture), Aggrey Awori (ICT), Omara Atubo (lands), Namirembe Bitamazire (Education), Janat Mukwaya (General Duties), Gabriel Opio (Labour) and Tarsis Kabwegyere (Relief) among others, all dropped, having failed to retain their parliamentary seats.
Seven Minister retained their Cabinet portfolios, with the First lady Janat Museveni retaining her Karamoja portfolio, which has been elevated to a full cabinet ministry.
Eng. Nasasira leads the list of those retained but moved to less influential dockets. The former works minister has been named Government Chief Whip.
Others shuffled include former AG Prof. Khidhu Makubuya who has been appointed minister for general duties in the office of the PM. Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire has been moved from the ministry of trade to ministry of justice while Stephen Malinga has been moved from health to relief and disaster.
Lt. Gen. Moses Alin lead those who are making a comeback to cabinet – after he was named 2nd deputy premier and deputy leader of government Business, Muruli Mukasa was named minister for security Ruhakana Rugunda was named new minister for ICT while Tress Bucanayandi is minister for Agriculture.
Alupo Christine, formerly a state minister for children affairs was promoted to full Cabinet Minister for Education and Sports.

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