
Saturday, June 25, 2011


Late Aminah Nakaggwa who husband did not benefit from the shs 5m
There is good reason why payments for the dead are handled by the Administrator General's office. May be the Government wanted political capital out of these payments, it is coming out clearly that may be in some cases, the right beneficiaries to the bomb deaths are not the one's who got the money. The Bukedde Newspaper stort below is evidence. The deceased Aminah Nakaggwa was wife to Ali Mubiru. Mubiru is a disabled man who travels in a wheel chair. He was forced to take their two children to their grand parent as he had no means to fend for them. Mubiru has gone to the extent of appealing to be helped out of his hopelessness now. This is good evidence that other parties got the shs 5 million and poor man was left in the cold. This should be revisited, and Government should take serious organs in place meant to handle specific roles/duties.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
76 people were killed by the bombs at Kyadondo Rugby Club and the Ethiopian Village Restaurant during open-air screenings of the final match of the football world cup. Close to 60 others were hospitalized with a range of injuries.
A statement released by Tarsis Kabwegyere the Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees says the ministries of health and internal affairs are processing documents on the names and contacts of the next of kin of the dead. It says the money will be delivered to each family by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The statement does not specify whether the same amount of money will be paid to foreign nationals who died in the attacks. It also does not give a timeline for payment.
The Cabinet this morning also approved the payment of money to meet costs of treatment for hospitalized victims of the bomb attacks. Each person will receive three million shillings for the medical expenses.
This brings the total cost approved to about 560 million shillings.
Cabinet announces that national prayers for the victims will be held between Friday July 16th and Sunday July 18th to allow all religious denominations to meet on their days of worship.
Read more:

Thursday, 23 June 2011 11:57
[Aminah Nakaggwa] MU baafiira mu bbomu z’e Lugogo nga July 11 mwe muli ne Aminah Nakaggwa eyaleka abaana babiri ne bba omulema. Ebya Katonda bizibu, kuba musajjawattu Ali Mubiru (30) n’abaana ababiri, yamulanga ki okutwala mukyala we eyali abayamba mu buli kimu!
Mubiru abeera Kibuli gye nnamusanze ng’atuuyana n’abaana. Emboozi ye aginyumya bwati:
“Singa mukyala wange yampuliriza n’atagenda Lugogo osanga ensi singa tennyiga bweti,” bwe yatandise ng’ayunguka n’amaziga.
Agamba nti Aminah bwe yamusaba okugenda okulaba omupiira yamugaana.
“Yasala olukujjukujju n’annimba nti aliko w’agenda okunona ssente, nnalabira awo nga takomyewo.
Aminah nnamuwasa mu 2001 nga tuli Masuuliita gye nnali nkolera engatto. Mu 2007 ssente bwe zaatuggwaako, bizinensi yange n’esaanawo, twasengukira e Kibuli era eno mukyala wange gye yava okugenda e Lugogo.
Bwe twatuuka e Kibuli ne mpangira mukyala wange omudaala n’atandika okutunda ennyaanya, apo, wootameroni n’ebirala.
Muno mwe tubadde tuggya ezitubeezaawo n’okulabira abaana baffe Shakirah Nabunnya (5) ne Hajara Birungi (2). Nange natandika okutunga engatto.
Ku lunaku bbomu lwe zaamutta, nnali ndi ku muzigiti e Kibuli, Aminah n’ajja n’ansaba okugendako mu kapiira kubanga yali akanyumirwa nnyo. Naye omutima gwange gwagaana ne mmugaana okugenda.
Nze nnamuwa ensonga nti abaana baali bajja muntawaanya nnyo engeri gye byali eby’okuggwa ekiro.
Waayitawo essaawa ng’emu n’akomawo n’ang’amba nga bwe yali ayagala okugenda e Nakawa ew’omukyala eyali atera okumuguza ebintu bye yatundanga ku mudaala nti yali amukubidde essimu nti agende ebinone.
Ssaamuwakanya kubanga bizinensi ye yali etuyimirizaawo era bwatyo n’agenda.
Nze ku muzigiti nnavaayo ne nzira eka ndabirire abaana okutuusa nga nnyaabwe akomyewo. Wabula nalinda Aminah nga tadda, zaawera essaawa 2:00 ez’ekiro zaatawezangako ng’ali bweru omutima ne gutandika okunkuba.
Nneebuuza oba afunye obuzibu! Ekibi nga tetulina ssimu kw’oyinza kumukubira, nga tukozesa ya muliranwa.
Muliranwa nnamubuuza oba omukyala amukubiddeko n’anziramu nti tannaba!
Otulo twambula, esaawa zaali ziwera musanvu ogw’ekiro ne mpulira abantu aboogerera ebweru nti bbomu zisse abantu Mukwano gwa mukyala wange omu ye yakantema nga Aminah bwe yali annimbye era yali agenze Lugogo.
Nze amagezi ganzigwamu! Wabula nasigala n’essuubi nti Aminah anaakomawo. Obudde bwe bwakya nga tannadda ne nkakasa nti naye yali akubiddwa bbomu.
Nafuna owa bodaboda n’antwalako e Lugogo wabula ssaasobola kulaba ku mulambo gwa mukyala wange kubanga twagenda okutuuka ng’aba poliisi n’amagye basibyewo akaguwa nga tebatukkiriza kuyingirayo.
Nategeeza ab’ewaabwe ne bajja, oluvannyuma ne tugenda e Mulago mu ggwanika era ne bamutwala ne bamuziika e Ssemuto mu Bulemeezi.

Ennyumba nnagiddukamu
Olw’okuba Aminah yandekera ensisi, ennyumba yannema okubeeramu ate nga ne ssente ezirabirira abaana siziraba kubanga yali agenze ne kapito okusuubula ebintu. Embeera bwe yannemerera nasalawo okutwala abaana bange ewa jjajjaabwe e Ggobero.
Kati mpangisa Sseguku, embeera mbi nnyo kubanga olumu ssente zimbula ate nga n’abaana bange beetaaga obuyambi. Enyumba mwe nsula ngisasula 30,000/- buli mwezi.

Bya Patrick Tumwesigye
Basiraamu bannange e Katwe be babadde bakyampaniridde wabula embeera eno mpulira ennyiye.
Nsaba omuzirakisa yenna asobola okumpa ssente z’entandikwa azimpe nsobole okutandikawo ekkolero ly’engatto kubanga gwe mulimu gwe nnasomerera mu ttendekero e Nkokonjeru.

Kuba ku ssimu ya mukwano gwange Haruna Kakaire 0784504818.

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