
Sunday, July 10, 2011


In an effort to counter the spread of HIV in Uganda, it is possible to evolve School Clubs; that is, Clubs Committed to Life for Being HIV Negative through Fellowship. The idea borrows from the practice by members of the East African Revival (locally known as the ‘Balokole’), whose norms when observed by members lead not only to stable married families, but also keep at bay the chances of contracting HIV through sex.

If school going children/students are encouraged to join the Clubs Committed to Life for Being HIV Negative through Fellowship with do’s and don’t well stipulated as well as constant regular fellowshipping as is done by the members of the East African Revival, chances are that the children can live a life without HIV till death.

The idea of using the model of the East African Revival in Clubs Committed for Life to Being HIV Negative through Fellowship, is a creative approach to keep children through youthful life to old age free of HIV contracted sexually because it has been very successful with people who have kept the norms of the East African Revival and what we have seen (I myself being a child from such a family) is stable married life to one faithful partner for life up to death without contracting HIV. It is simply a code of conduct that can be observed by any one of any faith (only that the Moslems’ religion allows them more than one wife, which in this case can give chance to HIV if one partner is not faithful). The Do’s and Don’ts plus regular fellowship with group mates keeps those who believe in this approach in constant view of attaining the set objectives, which in this case would be to have one faithful partner who is from the group with a commitment to see to stable relationship of husband and wife re-knewed through fellowship hence keep HIV at bay. Among the Don’ts for example: Going for social interactions like dancing with those of the opposite sex; Avoid making friends with non – members of the club given the peer influence from them; Avoid walking alone mostly on the part of girls; Avoid watching videos that are meant for grown ups as many usually have sex related content; Avoiding writing letters to those of the opposite sex or receiving letters from them; watching the dress code as it at times induces people’s attraction; Missing fellowshipping without a serious reason to do so.

The idea is using the model of the East African Revival which has been tested since it was started in 1930 in Rwanda then Uganda and other areas of East Africa. Those who religiously observe the Do’s and Don’ts as stipulated in the code of conduct plus regular fellowshipping where they exchange ideas and seek solutions to problems have lived fruitful lives, with stable families and HIV sexually contracted has not had chance to have them as its victims. The scientific basis is that the norms of the fellowship keep at bay the channels that are known to be positive in the spread of the virus hence one cannot get it sexually. The children in school are living testimonies of those who are victims of HIV and are worried whether they can live fruitful lives without contracting the virus. If they are brought together in a club arrangement and encouraged to stick to the norms of the club, plus the fellowshipping and associated activities, it is certain that many will emerge victorious in life as free from HIV which is a headache to many scientists.

The project should start with organizing a meeting with head teachers of secondary schools targeted to participate. They should be briefed about the project design and intended objectives. This would be followed with addressing students of the chosen schools to interest them to join the clubs. The recruited members of the club to be given a copy of the Do’s and Don’ts, and days of fellowshipping at the school agreed to.

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