
Thursday, July 14, 2011


I was disturbed by Planning State Minister Matia Kasaija's statement, "that the rising population was not a problem for Uganda, but the issue was the lack of resources to cater for its people. “Population is a valuable asset, but requires proper planning. Families should have a household income to cater for their children. This is why the Government is encouraging the boosting of household incomes,” he said.
It still disturbs me, as people in high office give conflicting information, which is unfortunate. High population in Uganda given our income levels is indeed a big a problem to the extent that no leader worth his name should advocate for quantity but quality population.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Wednesday, 13th July, 2011

By Raymond Baguma and Charles Jjuuko
UGANDA'S high fertility rate is affecting women’s contribution to national development, President Yoweri Museveni has said.
“An average of seven children per woman in the reproductive age bracket is high. Our mothers and sisters need ample time to engage in income-generating activities,” Museveni said.
This was in a speech read by third Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Moses Ali during the commemoration of the World Population Day in Kayunga district on Monday.
The event, held at Ndeeba Church of Uganda Primary School, was marked under the theme “Uganda at 33 million; time to act.”
It was organised by the Population Secretariat and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
He said with a population of 33 million people and a growth rate of 3.3%, 1.2 million people are added onto Uganda’s population annually.
The President said the challenge for Uganda is to start planning for the youth, who make up 56% of the total population.
One of the major challenges among the youth, he added, is the lack of access to reproductive health information, which has resulted into teenage pregnancies.
“This is both a challenge and opportunity for the country. The demographic surge of people entering their productive and reproductive years is a great potential for development if we can invest wisely in the social and economic opportunities of the young people,” Museveni said.
Planning state minister Matia Kasaija said the rising population was not a problem for Uganda, but the issue was the lack of resources to cater for its people.
“Population is a valuable asset, but requires proper planning. Families should have a household income to cater for their children. This is why the Government is encouraging the boosting of household incomes,” he said.

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