
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Fourth A-Level subject to be phased out


Posted Tuesday, October 11 2011 at 00:00

Cabinet has proposed a number of reforms in the education sector that will see the A- Level curriculum reviewed to make students offer three principle subjects instead of four, saying four principles are a waste of time and resources.
The reforms are contained in the Cabinet Paper approved last week. According to the new proposal, students would instead add Information and Communication Technology or Mathematics as subsidiary subjects.
The origin of the fourth subject has always been a subject of debate after 15 years of existence. This is because government never made any official announcement of the scheme.

Free A-Level education
The Education Minister, Ms Jessica Alupo, while meeting leaders from Katakwi District last week shortly after carrying out on-spot visits to government-aided schools in the district also announced that the much-awaited free A-Level education which was promised by President Museveni during the February presidential elections begins next year.
“Cabinet has passed a paper introducing universal A-Level education in Uganda and it would start in selected schools. The pilot project would begin in February next year in 400 selected schools but will finally roll out to other schools,” Ms Alupo said as she urged the leaders to embrace the programme through supervising teachers to ensure non-absenteeism.
Government would also recruit more teachers to address the current shortage in most schools and also improve on their salaries. Teachers recently carried out countrywide strikes calling for a 100 per cent salary increment across the board but government promised a slight increment next year.
There are about 160,000 teachers in the country. Primary teachers earn up to Shs273,000, while secondary teachers take home up to Shs450,000 per month.
During her visit, the minister noted increasing absenteeism by some teachers and warned that they will lose their jobs.

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