
Friday, October 28, 2011


It is so disgusting the rubbish from the UTODA. This is how low Uganda has ssank. UTODA management cannot have any courtesy when dealing with the owner of the parks they are tendering. They don't even get ashamed to shout out so much when they have been know to default simply because they have god fathers. We are fed up with leadership in this country taking us back to the stone age. Can you imagine the wealth the UTODA managers have as we go through a kraal like taxi park when it rains. Enough is enough. If NRM cannot manage the affairs of this country in a decent way, the best is pack and go.
The taxi parks should be tendered out openly stipulating the standards expected. There should be NO default on revenue. That type of silly management is not the computer age. It is sad going through the taxi parks when it has rained and you have to look to a shoe shiner. Whoever is scheming for UTODA, if these guys are to keep in business the taxi business MUST be professionally run. And someone must tell UTODa that we are nor aware when they bought the parks which they seem to take as personal property.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka



By ANTHONY WESAKA & Robert Mwanje

Posted Wednesday, October 26 2011 at 00:00

In Summary

The taxi body alleges that their contract to operate in the city runs up to October 2014.


Uganda Taxi Operators and Drivers Association Ltd (Utoda) yesterday went to court seeking an interim order stopping Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) from taking over the management of public transport.

The move comes a week after KCCA announced that it will directly start managing public transport in the city next month when its contract with Utoda expires. The order is intended to allow the taxi body maintain its status quo until their main application before the same court is heard and determined.

In their application filed before High Court in Kampala last week, Utoda argues that it is unfair for KCCA to take over the operation of the taxis in the city since their contract still runs up to October 2014.

The application for an interim injunction is expected to be heard before one of the Kampala High Court registrars, Isaac Muwata today. “An interim order restraines respondents, their agents from interfering with the applicant’s management of taxi operations in the city due to expire in October 2014 pending the determination of the main miscellaneous cause,” reads part of the notice of motion by Utoda. The respondents in this case are KCCA and its Executive Director Jennifer Musisi Ssemakula.

The friction between Utoda and KCCA arose on October 18 this year when the latter in its memorandum addressed to among others the Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and the division councillors erroneously announced that the taxi operators’ contract was expiring at the end of the month. &

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