
Monday, November 21, 2011


I feel sad when I see Old Boys of St. Mary's College Kisubi like Hilary Onek get to undress their christian upbringing and they become so earthly! Onek should leave to the expectation of the society which brought him up. This has high christian morals which he seems to be overlooking.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka


Posted Tuesday, November 22 2011 at 00:00
The minister for Internal Affairs, Mr Hilary Onek, has attacked Catholic bishops, saying they should desist from making political statements and concentrate on their pastoral work.
Appearing before the parliamentary Rules Committee yesterday, which is investigating allegations of contempt of Parliament by ministers named in allegations of bribery in the oil sector, Mr Onek, like Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, said he will not step aside as he faulted Parliament for passing judgement by asking them to step aside.
“Some of the bishops for example, my archbishop [John Baptist Odama], came up with a statement that we step aside. I respect my archbishop because he is my spiritual father but in the Bible somewhere when issues were being meddled up between Caesar’s side and God, God said give Caesar what belongs to Caesar,” he said.
He added; “It is not right for bishops to come up on what does not belong to them because it belongs to Caesar”.
He was responding to a question paused by the Kalungu East MP Vincent Ssempijja on whether the parliamentary resolutions were legally binding and whether his failure to resign does not amount to contempt of Parliament.
Fr. Jacinto Ogwal (Otuke) cautioned him against criticising the church and said the bishops were only giving the ministers advice.
Oil resolutions:ministers can’t step aside - AG

“The bishop was only advising that conscience is from God so listen to God. It is not right to say he was meddling,” Fr. Ogwal said.
The Rubaga South MP Ken Lukyamuzi warned the minister about the likely implications of failing to adhere to religious leaders’ spiritual guidance.
The Catholic Church last week backed MPs’ resolution calling on ministers named in bribery allegations to step aside.
The position was reached after the second Catholic bishops’ bi-annual meeting on November 11, which was communicated by the chairman of the Episcopal conference, Gulu Archbishop John Baptist Odama, at the Catholic Secretariat in Nsambya, Kampala.
President Museveni, who appoints the ministers, has written to the Speaker of Parliament, Ms Rebecca Kadaga, objecting to demands by MPs that Premier Amama Mbabazi and Ministers Onek (Internal Affairs) and Kutesa (Foreign Affairs) step aside to pave way for investigations.
Mr Museveni said Mr Mbabazi and the two others, cannot step aside because of “unverified’ allegations against them.
Apart from Mr Kutesa, who stepped aside in relation to accusations of impropriety in the 2007 Chogm, Mr Mbabazi and Mr Onek have insisted they will not step aside.
The deputy Attorney General, Freddie Ruhindi, in a legal opinion to the President recently, said the three ministers cannot step aside as resolved by MPs, saying “Parliament only cannot effect vacation of a minister”.

Hillary Onek Vows Not to Resign
The former Minister for Energy and now Minister for Internal Affairs has maintained that he is not going to resign from his ministerial post because of pressure from the parliament.
Hillary Onek was appearing before the parliamentary legal affairs committee chaired by the West Budama North member of parliament Fox Odoi.
He said that he will not resign because there is no provision in the parliamentary Law that supports the resolution passed by the MPs for the ministers to resign.
The committee asked Onek whether the resolutions passed by parliament are not binding and he proved that they are not .
Onek said that the authority which appointed him has the authority to make him resign not the parliamentarians.
Onek was called by the parliamentary committee on legal affairs to answer why he refused to abide by the resolution passed by the MPs to resign together with Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi over oil saga.
The MPs recently passed a resolution at parliament asking for the resignation of the Minister for Internal Affairs and Prime Minister until the adhoc committee is through with the investigations.


Nicholas Kajoba

13 September 2007

Kampala — THE fate of 1,200 students of City High School in Kololo is uncertain following the High Court order to attach the school property, including the land. The order follows a civil suit case, filed by Minister of Agriculture Hilary Onek against the registered trustees of the Parents Association of Kampala on August 16.
Its members sold half an acre of land at the cost of sh200m last year to Onek, but did not surrender the land title, prompting him to sue the school.


Hussein Bogere

3 September 2007

Kampala — ABOUT 1,200 students of City High School may find themselves out of class unless the school pays over Shs300 million to minister Hilary Onek.
The school was attached following the sale of an acre of the bush land next to it in 2005 by the chairman of the Parents Association Kampala (Pak), Mr Charles Dalton Opwonya to Mr Onek, the minister for agriculture, animal industry and fisheries.

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