
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Prof. Nabudere dies at 79


Posted Thursday, November 10 2011 at 00:00
In Summary
Known for his role in the academic and political spheres in Uganda, family members say the professor died of cardiac arrest.
Celebrated Ugandan academic Prof. Dani Wadada Nabudere passed on at his home in the eastern town of Mbale yesterday morning. He was 79. Family members admitted his death was sudden and could possibly have been the result of a cardiac arrest.“We knew that our Dad had complications of diabetes and high blood pressure but frequently could get treatment as required,” said Andrew Muduli, a son. “It is unfortunate and regrettable that we have lost our beloved, humorous and dedicated parent.”
Gone too soon
The London-trained barrister is said to have passed on about 2a.m. on Wednesday, initially complaining to his wife about chest pain and asking her to bring him warm water, only to collapse and drop dead in his living room. A reverent political scientist and development specialist, Prof. Nabudere was part of the famous “Gang of Four”, an influential group of academics that were instrumental in establishing the post-Idi Amin Uganda National Liberation
(UNFL) government during the March 23 to 25, 1979 Moshi Conference in Tanzania.
His death has left only Prof. Yash Tandon, now based in London, UK, and Prof. Edward Rugumayo as the two survivors of the group. Prof. Omwony Ojok, the other member, passed on in 2007. The four men were instrumental in the installation of Prof. Yusuf Lule as Ugandan President in April 1979 and were equally influential in his eventual overthrow 68 days later, installing Godfrey Binaisa as president in June 1979. Their influence waned, however, in 1980 as the Military Commission led by Paulo Muwanga and deputised by President Museveni, toppled Binaisa and subsequently paved the way for the return of Milton Obote who would become president for the second time after a controversial election in December that year.Mr Muduli described his late father as a committed family man who devoted much of his life to the political and social development of Uganda. A gallant son of the Elgon sub-region, news of his demise left a cloud of gloom in the paths that it travelled. Mourners converged at his residence in Busamaga Cell, Wanale Division on the outskirts of Mbale town, to pay homage. A village mate, James Gyabi, described Nabudere as a “prolific scholar”. “We have lost a person of this calibre. The gap is too big and Elgon region will never get a person of this nature,” he said. A former member of the Uganda People’s Congress in the 1960s, Prof. Nabudere served as Justice Minister in 1979, Minister of Culture between 1979 and 1980, and also represented Budadiri West as a Constituent Assembly delegate in 1995.
The Late Nabudere is survived by a wife and five children. Although funeral arrangements were still scanty by press time, it is understood he will be buried at his ancestral home in Bumayamba, Buyobo Sub-county in Sironko District, on Saturday.

By Kodangha Mulyan

Posted Wednesday, November 9 2011 at 10:40
The Elgon region is mourning the death of yet another gallant son of the region, Prof. Dani Nabudere, a renowned academician, who has died at the age of 78 after succumbing to various complications including diabetes and high blood pressure.
Prof Dani Nabudere passed way on Wednesday morning at around 2.00am at his home in Busamaga cell, Wanale division in the outskirts of Mbale town after complaining of chest pain.
According to his son, Mr. Andrew Muduli, he had complained of chest pain. He had then asked his wife to bring him warm water. When she returned with the glass of water, she found her husband dead in the sitting room. Mr. Muduli said that his father might have collapsed because of cardiac failure.
“We knew that our Dad had complications of diabetes and high blood pressure but frequently could get treatment as required." Apart from receiving treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure, Mr Muduli said that their father was in good health.
Mr Muduli described his father as a humorous man who was dedicated to his family and making useful social contribution to this country. He said that Mr. Nabudere was committed to working towards a peaceful Uganda.
Mr Sam Wajega, the FDC mobilizer in-charge Elgon zone and also a close relative described the late Nabudere as a “true Ugandan" for exhibiting high moral and leadership skills during the Constituent Assembly (CA) when he openly rejected the clauses in the land bill.
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“He deserves to be emulated because his death has created a big gap that can’t be replaced at this time. He has been a fine gentleman. We shall indeed miss him as a country and the Bamasaba in general because he has been a unifier of the Bamasaba” he said.
Mr Wojega said that Nabudere has been the main architect Umukuuka (Bamasaba cultural institution) laws and a unifying factor for various factions in the matters of Bugisu cooperative union. “This is a big blow to the Bamasaba.”
Mr Wojega said that, “We received sad news at around 3.00am about the death of Nabudere but I could not believe myself until I personally drove there only to confirm that it’s true that the gallant parent had passed away. It was regrettable and sad that Uganda has lost such a person”.
The late Nabudere is survived by a wife and 5 children. He will be buried in his ancestral home in Bumayamba, Buyobo sub-county in Sironko district.
Short bio of Prof. Dani Nabudere
Dani Nabudere graduated with an LLB in 1963 and worked as a barrister at law in London in the same year. An Associate Professor at the University of Dar - es Salam and a visiting Professor at the University of Zimbabwe.
He was Uganda’s Justice Minister in 1979, Minister of culture in 1979 – 1980 in the UNLF government.
He became President of the African Association of political science 1983 -1985 as well as Vice President of the International Science Association (IPSA) from 1985 – 1988. He collaborated with the University of South Africa in a joint research project under the umbrella “Reclaiming the Future.”
He was the executive director and principal of the Marcus Garvey Pan-Afrikan Institute (MPAI), Mbale, Uganda. Over the last ten years, Nabudere has been working on setting up grassroots organizations to assist rural communities and raise their voices over issues that concern their lives.

Dani Wadada Nabudere (15 December 1932 – 9 November 2011)[1][2] was a Ugandan academic, author, political scientist and development specialist. He is Professor at the Islamic University and Executive Director of the Marcus Garvey Pan-Afrikan Institute, Mbale, Uganda. He is a barrister and former member of the UNLF government
Nabudere obtained the degree of LLB (London) in 1963 and was admitted as a barrister at law, Lincolns Inn, London, in the same year. He was previously Associate Professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Visiting Professor at the University of Zimbabwe. Professor Nabudere was Minister of Justice in 1979 and Minister of Culture, Community Development and Rehabilitation in 1979–1980 in the UNLF Interim Government of Uganda. He was President of the African Association of Political Science from 1983 to 1985 and Vice-President of the International Science Association (IPSA) from 1985 to 1988. He is currently engaged in a collaboration arrangement with the University of South Africa in joint research projects under the umbrella theme of “Reclaiming the Future”.[3] He is currently the executive director and principal of the Marcus Garvey Pan-Afrikan Institute (MPAI), Mbale, Uganda. Over the last ten years, Nabudere has been working on setting up grassroots organisations to assist rural communities and raise their voices over issues that concern their lives.[4]

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