
Monday, November 21, 2011


Has Museveni sinned? Yes. Museveni would have long ago left the office of Presidency of Uganda. He has used manipulation to continue, and in the process done a lot of wrong. Museveni is common at denying what he is believed to have okayed earlier! This is a sad development for a Head of State. For him, the assumption is that he is always right, and in the process, he has committed so many errors to the extent that the country is currently a laughing stock. Can you imagine the pressure people who have loan face today when electric power is not there? Last Saturday, Hon . Katuntu while on Capital Gang told the audience that the Parliament Committee had waited for the Ministry of Energy team to explain how the billions they had been given were utilized, but the team up to last Saturday had not shown up? The Question, was the money meant to pay Aggreko instead used in politics? The other day, the Red Pepper wrote a story which exposed some of the most highly paid Chief Executives in Uganda and among these was the CEO of UMEME a loss making company with shs 121,000,000. That is the country over which Museveni presides, and unfortunately he cannot tell Ugandans that he is about to go, instead he keeps on making more mistakes by the day! That is how low Uganda has sunk. People have to pay rents, the land lords will not listen to excuses that there was no power, but those who have got us to the mess are busy enjoying. Uganda is a sad case.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Mercy Nalugo

4 October 2011
Former Army Commander Maj. Gen. Mugisha Muntu yesterday said President Museveni's regime has lost control of the State and is now prone to making endless mistakes that could cost the country dearly.
Speaking in the wake of the jailing of former Vice President Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, Gen. Muntu also warned that if the regime does not change direction, it will collapse in a heap.
"The inevitable is going to happen and there is going to be internal collapse. It is no longer a question of if, but when and how," he said in an interview. He criticised what he called "selective manner" in handling the Chogm prosecutions.
"You have many people who commit the same crime, you pick one whom you suspect and not others, simply because you want to progress your political agenda of regime survival. That is a mistake," he said

Museveni blamed
He added: "You have got national resources being mismanaged, such as the question of the oil that MPs are talking about. Instead of sitting back and pondering on the best way forward, you call all stakeholders and you do not call people to discuss the matter because of regime survival. You want to cut down Mabira because of politics and you are not looking at the long term. That is not sustainable."
Gen. Muntu said Bukenya's punishment should be applied uniformly since the former VP never acted alone.
"When you look at things as single events, you lose sight of the total picture. I think we should look at the total picture.The total picture is that the regime is in a state of free-fall. They have lost central control and they are making one grave mistake after the other. The buildup of all this is total frustration within the population," he said.
Gen. Muntu who was army commander for eight years, but now belongs to the opposition FDC, advised President Museveni to listen to Ugandans carefully.

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