
Monday, December 26, 2011


Pastor Mulinde now blind after an Acid attack
Posted by Muwonge Gerald on December 26th, 2011
The Pentecostal and Christian world was today morning rocked by the news of an acid attack on Pastor Umar Mulinde. Mulinde is one of the most famous Pentecostal preachers in Uganda.
The pastor has not enjoyed Christmas this year’s Christmas after he was attacked at mid night with acid while ushering this year’s Christmas.The acid attack happened after Pastor Mulinde led his congregation into night prayers that ushered in Christmas.
Witness says that after the attacker poured acid onto the pastor’s face he took off before he could be recognized. Mulinde fall down and started shouting calling for help from his followers who rushed him to Mengo hospital.
“The pastor conducted prayers in joyful mood and even asked Christian to repent for their sins. But all of sudden after the prayers when the pastor was leaving the church somebody came and attacked him with acid,” a witness said.
Pastor Mulinde is currently at International Hospital Kampala (IHK) where he was taken to Intensive care unit. His grieving wife Eve is beside him.

Pastor Umar Mulinde on his hospital bed. Standing is his wife.PHOTO:Nicholas Kajoba
By Taddeo Bwambale and Nicholas Kajoba
Three days after a suspected acid attack on Pastor Umar Mulinde of Gospel Life Church, Police has arrested one person in connection with the incident.
Addressing a press briefing on Monday, Police spokesperson, Asuman Mugenyi said one person had been arrested but declined to disclose the details. He confirmed that acid was used in the attack and said the police was carrying out investigations to establish the motive of the attackers.
Unknown people attacked Mulinde on Christmas Eve at about 9:00pm shortly after he returned from a church crusade. The attackers poured acid on him, leaving his face partly disfigured and his right eye is blinded.
His face, neck and arms are covered with deep black scars and his lips are swollen.
Narrating his ordeal to journalists at International Hospital, Kampala (IHK) , Mulinde said he was attacked by unidentified men whose target was to kill him.
“I was attacked by a man who claimed to be a Christian. He called out to me shouting, “pastor, pastor’ and as I turned to see who he was, he poured acid which burnt part of my face,” he said.
“As I turned away from the attacker, another man poured the liquid on my back and ran away shouting ‘Allah Akbar (God is great).”
Pastor Mulinde said he caught a glimpse of the attackers but could not disclose the details as this would jeopardise investigations. He blamed the attack to some people who are opposed to his conversion from the Islamic faith to Christianity.
“I have got threats for a very long time, but didn’t take them serious until now,” he said.
Mulinde was raised in a staunch Muslim family and his father served as the local Imam. He was a sheikh before getting converted to Christianity.
Mulinde said the attack occurred shortly after his church had concluded a seven-day crusade at in which over 300 people gave their lives to the Lord.
“We went back to our church to test the sound equipment and everything was perfect. We had organised a Christmas party for the converts when this happened,” he said. His followers rushed him to Mengo Hospital, where he was referred to IHK.
Efforts to get a comment from doctors about Mulinde’s condition were futile as hospital authorities blocked journalists from talking to them. A source told New Vision that doctors were trying hard to save his sight and contain the acid from spreading to other parts of his body.

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