
Saturday, December 10, 2011


Lawrence Mutebi passed away in the course of last week and he was buried on Wednesday. Mutebi was well known among the people of Ssisa Sub – County as a Laboratory Technician. He was popular given that testing blood is the norm to day. Women who are pregnant have to take blood tests, those who want to know their HIV status, not forgetting the Malaria and other medical cases that require blood testing. To some, Mutebi was the type who would willingly give medication from home more so to the terminally sick requiring being on drip. Mutebi succumbed to High Blood Pressure such that even his Clinic (Namulundu) could not manage the situation.
Reverend Father John Mary Vianney Mugabo the Parish Priest of Lweza led a group of other 3 Catholic Fathers who attended the send off of Mutebi on Wednesday. The Father praised the good works of the Late Mutebi, what was most surprising is the way the Father proved so fluent at Luganda, for this Father Mugabo is credited. In no way did he show dislike for the language of the people for whom he is the Shepherd. Thank you Father Mugabo for loving Luganda and being so fluent in it
May the good Lord grant Mutebi Eternal Peace.

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