
Monday, December 26, 2011


Those managing Uganda should save the country's face. It is a shame and a real scandal at this moment in development to find the service sector in Uganda a real mess. Even if a person got to a Government Health facility,with the useless pay, what do you expect. The leadership in Uganda can do better. It is a shame, a shame as those in high offices continue to enjoy the sweat of the tax payer,the taxpayer simply gets a raw deal. It is unfortunate, the NRm Government should do better. We have many times witnessed His Excellency talk about increased revenue. This money does not go into the productive sectors of the economy which create more value. Given these developments, president Museveni should give Ugandans a break. Thanks for where he has tried to deliver, but the developments are far beyond his abilities to the extent that the country is a laughing stalk. Asa believer in God, let him do what many who understand what is going on and what has been messed up,just leave the stage at least not beyond 2016,though still many should that would be saved will be dead bodies given the ill advised policies of his governance. That is my prayer as a patriotic Ugandan.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Ms Stancha Fatuma with her baby at Post natal ward in Mulago Hospital after giving birth on Christmas day. Photo by Stephen Otage
By Monitor Team
Posted Tuesday, December 27 2011 at 00:00

At least 14 mothers failed to witness that joy of childbirth after they died during labour while more than 236 were born on Christmas Day at various hospitals countrywide. At Mulago Referral Hospital, 12 mothers were reported dead while two others lost their lives at Lacor Hospital in Gulu.
A midwife at Mulago, who asked not to be named because she is not supposed to speak to press, attributed some of the deaths to mothers being anemic and underage. She declined to give figures of the child-mothers that gave birth on Christmas.
The midwife said some of the mothers who passed on appeared not to have attended antenatal care while others were reportedly dumped at the hospital after their condition had been mismanaged at private clinics.
“We tried as much as we could to save the lives of these women but we failed, we have noticed most pregnant women are reluctant to visit hospitals for antenatal checkup so that their ailments are diagnosed in time for quick treatment,” he said.
Out of 134 babies delivered in Mulago on Christmas, two died during delivery because they lacked enough oxygen. The midwife said: “Some mothers are reluctant to push and these children are born already tired.
Their survival is minimal.” Mulago Hospital spokesperson Dan Kimosho yesterday said he could not speak authoritatively because he was out of Kampala.
At Nsambya Hospital, three babies were born; two boys and a girl, while Kampala International Hospital and Moroto Hospital registered one birth each. Mengo Hospital in Kampala registered the birth of eight girls and six boys, while Rubaga Hospital had eight in total.
Bududa Hospital registered three normal deliveries on Christmas, according to the Superintendent, Dr James Mulekwa. For one of the mothers, Jennifer Mukimba, 25, it was not a matter of having just another baby
Her child is a Christmas gift to replace the two babies she had earlier lost to malnutrition.
“It is a gift from God brought by Christmas, I did not have a baby and now I have one born on this same day, this is the joy Christmas has brought to my family, my heart and I will name my child Christmas,” Ms Mukimba said.
At Mbale Regional Hospital, the head of gynecology, Dr Tom Otim, said the hospital registered 12 normal deliveries.
A total of 16 children 10 boys and six girls were born in Tororo Hospital . There were 17 deliveries at Mbarara Regional Hospital with two babies born from a C-section and a stillbirth. Ms Asio Kirunda, a nurse, said the stillbirth was a referral case from Itojo Hospital in Ntungamo District.
Adjuman Hospital registered delivery of four girls and two boys on Christmas. In Fort Portal and Hoima, four children died. Mr Emmanuel Masereka, Fort Portal public health officer, who worked as the night superintendent, said two babies passed on.
The in-charge at Virika Hospital said there was one still birth due to prolonged second stage of labour. She said the mother had a retained placenta, which was later removed and is steadily recovering. Six other babies were delivered without complications at the facility.
Seven children were born at Hoima Regional Hospital and another five at Masaka regional hospital.

Reported by Betty Ndagire, David Livingsgtone Okumu, Patience Ahimbisbwe, Juliet Kigongo, Steven Ariong, John Augustine Emojong, Rajab Mukombozi, Joseph Mugisa, Geoffrey Mutegeki, Francis Mugerwa & Issa Aliga.
ng to Hoima’s acting medical superintendent Dr Simon Byaruhanga, there was a still birth because the mother delayed to seek medical attention.
“The 17-year old was brought to hospital from Kisiita Sub County in Kibaale district with an obstruction. The mother was operated on and she is recuperating but the child was already dead by the time she arrived,” Dr Byaruhanga said.
According to Ministry of Health Annual sector performance report 2010, only 33 per cent of mothers in Uganda deliver in hospitals or a health facility supervised by a midwife. The other 67 per cent deliver either alone or with the help of a traditional birth attendant.

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