
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Rev. Brother Anthony Kyemwa receives a present from Lt. General Kale Kaihura. Kaihura appreciated the Brothers of Christian Instruction for their role in educating the people who have gone through their schools. Kaihura was at St.Mary's College Kisubi for Higher School in the 1970's when Brother Anthony Kyemwa was the Headmaster.


Today Monday 2nd January, we all join Brother Anthony Kyemwa as he celebrates 60 (sixty) years as a Brother of Christian Instruction. Remember also that he was the very first African Headmaster of our beloved school. Long Live Brother Kyemwa!

From our SMACKOBA Chapter in France;
SMACKOBA (France) wishes to join hands with the Brothers of Christian Instruction, the Old Boys of St Mary’s College Kisubi, the staff and students of St Mary’s College Kisubi, and the rest of the public at large, to very warmly congratulate Rev Bro Anthony Kyemwa on the occasion of his diamond jubilee as a professed Brother of Christian Instruction.
Indeed, Rev Bro Anthony’s 60 years of Brotherhood have been a blessing and an inspiration to very many of us who look to the great Brother as really one of those persons without whom we wouldn’t be what we are now! Indeed Brother Anthony is a true parent to many of us, and we thank God for having protected him from all dangers notably at that period he served as Headmaster of St Mary’s College amidst greatest difficulties, as the political situation warranted at that time, and yet he succeeded to steer SMACK on the right path as evidenced by the very enormous prestige the College continued to enjoy in spite of the many untold stiff challenges the Brother used to face on almost a daily basis!

We are all very proud of this very wonderful courageous Brother and all our mind and soul will be fixed on Kisubi requesting Providence for a very successful 2nd January 2012. How this date has created a special impact among OBs abroad who feel very sorry to miss such a marvelous occasion!
For the very great Brother, to whom we all feel indebted, we only just need to appreciate the Almighty One for having so graciously given him to us!
May the Almighty God’s very great name be always praised for having given us Rev Brother Anthony Kyemwa, our very much celebrated parent, invincible hero, and exemplary model!
Long live Reverend Brother Anthony Joseph Kasule Kyemwa the Great !

Dr G.H. Kkolokolo
30th January 2011


Bya Mathias Mazinga

AKULIRA Poliisi y’eggwanga. Lt. Gen. Kale Kayihura asiimye bannaddiini ab’ekibiina kya Brothers of Christian Instruction, abamanyiddwa nga Babbulaaza b’e Kisubi, olw’okukulaakulanya eggwanga, nga bayita mu kugunjula abavubuka.

Yategeezezza nti engeri babbulaaza bano gye basomesaamu abaana yanjawulo, kuba eyamba abayizi okukulaakulana mu by’omwoyo n’omubiri. Kayihura yagambye nti ye ne banne abaayita mu masomero ga babbulaaza bano, balina ekyenjawulo kye baafuna, ekibasobozesezza okubaako n’ebirungi ebitonotono bye bakoledde eggwanga.

Bino Kayihura yabyogeredde ku mukolo ogw’okukuba ebiragaano, ogwa Babbulaaza bano, ogwabadde mu Klezia y’essomero lya St. Mary’s College, Kisubi, mu disitulikiti y’e Wakiso, wiiki ewedde.
Omukolo gwakulembeddwaamu Kalidinaali Emmanuel Wamala, ng’ali n’Omusumba w’e Hoima eyawummula Dr. Edward Baharagate, omusumba omubeezi ow’essaza lya Kampala Christopher Kakooza, Viika Genero Msgr. Charles Kasibante, abasosodooti ne bannaddiini bangi.

Abaajaguzza kwabaddeko Bro. Anthony Kyemwa, 82, eyawezezza emyaka 60 mu bunnaddiini. Babbulaaza Pius Ochwo ne John Bosco Kato baajaguzza emyaka 25 mu bunnaddiini ate Patrick Arinaitwe, Michael Mulumba, Innocent Katushabe ne Kizito Mukalazi baakubye ebiragaano byabwe eby’olubeerera, Lawrence Byaruhanga n’akuba ebisooka.
Ssenkulu w’ekibiina kino, Bro. Gerald Mwebe yasiimye abajaguza, olw’okwewaayo, ne baweereza Eklezia n’eggwanga nga tebeebalira.

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