
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Flag this message PUBLIC LECTURE: THE ERA OF GOVERNANCE - Thursday, February 02, 2012 starting at 2.00 pm, at the Statistics House

The Era of Governance
“With the relationship between the state and the people changing, so are the tools through which the two relate to each other. The final outcome may very well be better governments”

A Public Lecture


Dr Marcelo Giugale, World Bank Director

Venue: Statistics House, Conference Room, Level 1

Date: Thursday February 2, 2012

Time: 2.00 pm

Host: Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

Lecture organized in collaboration with EPRC and World Bank Uganda Office

About the Speaker: Dr. Marcelo Giugale is the World Bank’s Director of Economic Policy and Poverty Reduction Programs for Africa. An international development leader, his more than twenty-five years of experience span the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Latin-America and Africa, where he led senior-level policy dialogue and over twenty billion dollars in lending operations across the development spectrum. He has published widely on economic policy, finance, development economics, business, agriculture and applied econometrics. Notably, he was the chief editor of collections of policy notes published for the presidential transitions in Mexico (2000), Colombia (2002), Ecuador (2003), Bolivia (2006) and Peru (2006). His opinion editorials are published in the leading newspapers and blog-sites of Africa, Latin-America and the USA. He received decorations from the governments of Bolivia and Peru, and taught at the American University in Cairo, The London School of Economics, and the Universidad Católica Argentina. A citizen of Argentina and Italy, he holds a PhD and a MSc in Economics from The London School of Economics, and a Suma-Cum-Laude BA in Economics from Universidad Católica Argentina.

P.S. Attached is the announcement and an open invitation

Sheila B. Gashishiri
Public Information Assistant
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The World Bank
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