
Thursday, February 23, 2012


The reason why some of us believe Museveni long expired as Presidential material for Uganda is simply seen from the way he does business. The Speaker of Parliament is seen from the eyes of those who understand how Government business should be done as a person who is doing things the right way. Then comes the man who has killed institutions in the country, with terrible scandals showing like the Bassajjabalaba. My prayer for Uganda will remain to God. God, surely can't the people of Uganda have better leadership?
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Museveni criticises Speaker Kadaga for halting UPE probe
By Isaac Imaka

Posted Friday, February 24 2012 at 00:00

In Summary

Inquiry. MPs voted to stop the operations of the commission of inquiry in to UPE and USE until an audit by the Auditor Generals is done on money so far spent.
President Museveni has attacked Parliament and Speaker Rebecca Kadaga, castigating her for allowing MPs to stop the operation of the Commissions of Inquiry into UPE and USE.
Addressing an NRM party caucus on Tuesday, Mr Museveni, according to a source, said Ms Kadaga went beyond her limits when she allowed Parliament to stop the operations of a commission he had set up.
“How could she allow Parliament to put a stop on such an important committee? It is very unfair to pass a resolution against someone without listening to them,” Mr Museveni said, according to the source, who preferred anonymity for fear of reprisal.
Early this week, Parliament unanimously voted to stop the operations of the commission of inquiry until an audit by the Auditor General is done on the money so far spent.
Minister of Education Jessica Alupo had earlier asked MPs to pass a supplementary budget of Shs2b for the commission but said she was unable to provide a report on the substance of the commission’s work nor comment on the adequacy of their work since she had never received a report from the commissioners.
The MPs voted to stop the probe and tasked the Committee on Social Services to investigate the operations of the commission.
This is not the first time the President is attacking Parliament for decisions it has taken to curb unnecessary spending and perceived corruption.
Recently, the President opposed Parliament’s resolutions to put a moratorium on the oil signings until new laws are made.
But a senior Parliament official, who preferred anonymity, said the House is not happy with the manner in which Mr Museveni has consistently attacked the Speaker and the House “over issues that are obvious, especially when its his ministers that fail to vividly present the government’s stand.”
“The minister of education didn’t try to present the government position and all MPs were against the slow manner in which the commission is conducting its business and that is within the mandate of Parliament,” the source said.
Ms Alupo denied she was to blame for the action.
“Didn’t they (MPs) know that the Ministry of Education is under investigation, including the minister and that’s why we couldn’t get a copy of the reports from the commission?” she asked. “A commission is the role of the President and even the minister doesn’t have the power to interfere with their work, she added.

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