
Sunday, February 12, 2012


The humble, dedicated servant of God, Reverend Drake Jitta breathed his last on Friday, 10th February 2012 as he was being taken to Mengo Hospital for treatment. It was realized that he was unwell as he was suffering from Pressure and Heart related problems prior to the decision to rush him to hospital. A Special Hire vehicle was got from Seguku where he had been staying at the home of his eldest daughter. Rev. Drake Jitta was born on 13th March 1930 at Ssisa Busiro where he was laid to rest on 12th February 2012. At the Funeral Service, speaker after speaker praised the Late Reverend for being a loving Church man, very humble and was preaching the message of loving one another and living in harmony. The children were praised for having bridged the gap their mother died in 2005. The Bishop of Namirembe Luwulira who arrived a bit late thanked the Late Drake for the dedicated Service to the Church. Retired Bishop of Namirembe Balagadde Ssekadde said that he had received Jitta for training when he was a mature man compared to the other students. However, even when Bishop of Namirembe the Late Reverend had good remarks made about the service he was rendering to the Church.
The Late Reverend’s parents were the Late Ernest Musoke and Helina Musoke. He got married on September 20th 1954. He went to Nateete Mackey Primary School, then Mengo Senior School. He worked in Buganda Government at Mengo , then later joined the Central Government as he joined Entebbe Grade B Hospital as Assistant Secretary. In1982 the late Drake started work with the Church as a Lay Reader (Mubulizi). In 1985 he was ordained Deacon. He was posted to Nateete Church of Uganda, then Kitegombwa Church of Uganda, Kamuli – Kireka Church of Uganda, Bubajjwe Church of Uganda and finally Kawanda before retiring in 1999 to Sekiwunga where he has been able to perform roles of Reverend whenever there was a calling to help be it at Ssisa St. Peter’s Church or other Church.
May the good Lord reward the Late Reverend Drake Jitta in eternity.
William Kituuka

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