
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Many of us appreciate that there is bad leadership, but the approach to the problem differs. While some people want to show us that they are very concerned, some may not be genuine. Yet even when genuine, there is a level one can go to in being confrontation to security agents. If a stray bullet gets one and he/she is killed, yes, the one who shot may be charged, but the one shot may be dead, and the same will go on. Therefore, it is not a confrontational approach that is civilized enough for us to use. We still have other options. The other time God was good to Nabilah that she survived the accident which she alleges was intentionally staged to see her meet her creator. The other day she is on Oxygen. I think our politicians should stop just showing that they exist. We have a situation on ground to solve, the bad conditions our people go through. It makes a lot of sense sitting with the people and see how to make these better other than a rally which ends up just injuring them without bringing food to their plates while at the same time the Hon MP has a sure package of about shs 15m. I don't advise any useful Ugandan to make a martyr because Museveni shoud go when his/her effort will not make any significant change in people's welfare.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka


Ms Nabilah receives oxygen support at Case Clinic in Kampala yesterday. Photo by Isaac Kasamani
By John Njoroge & Isaac Kasamani

Posted Wednesday, February 22 2012 at 00:00

In Summary

No rally. The police say the rally was barred because the activists were supposed to hold the gathering at Kiwafu and not Katwe.
Forum for Democratic Change leader Kizza Besigye and several other Activists for Change (A4C) officials were yesterday taken to Case Clinic after they sustained injuries following running battles which erupted between police and A4C supporters at a planned rally in Katwe, a city suburb.
Dr Besigye bled profusely from his left leg, after he was hit by fragments of an explosive device that was lobbed in his direction.

New devices
“They are using a new kind of teargas that emits metal fragments on explosion,” dramatist and A4C member Paddy Bitama told this newspaper.
Kampala Woman MP Nabilah Sempala and FDC Women’s League leader Ingrid Turinawe were also taken to the same clinic with injuries to the head and chest.
Ms Turinawe’s vehicle was also vandalised and her personal belongings stolen.
By press time yesterday, Ms Sempala was still on oxygen after losing consciousness, while FDC youth leader Francis Mwijukye was admitted after he was reportedly hit by a rubber bullet on his right leg.

Bad governance
Mr Mwijukye has been crying foul over harsh bail conditions that confine him to his home village in Ankole Sub-region, western Uganda.
He must seek permission when he is travelling out of the region to Kampala to attend court.
Others injured include, Sam Kalule, Shafiq Tebandeke and Abdul Karim Twinomugisha.
“This tells a lot about President Museveni’s government. The manner in which the rally was handled shows the kind of government and security apparatus we are dealing with,” Western Youth MP Gerald Karuhanga told journalists when he visited the injured at Case Clinic yesterday.
The A4C officials had attempted to hold the rally at about 3:30pm yesterday.
“There was a brief exchange of words with police who had a letter, saying the rally was not allowed,” an eyewitness told this newspaper.
Police has, however, blamed the incident on “hooligans” whom they said threw stones at police without provocation. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowds.
“That rally was to be held in Kiwafu and not Katwe,” Police Spokesperson Asuman Mugyenyi said.
Mr Mugyenyi said the Katwe rally had been denied twice because the venue was reportedly too close to the Kampala-Entebbe highway and very near a busy market.
Kasangati reacts
News of Dr Besigye’s injuries provoked an uproar in his Kasangati home area, outside the city, with residents temporarily barricading the Kampala-Gayaza road.

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