
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The Budget Committee has thrown out State House Supplementary Budget, however, the question is: When will the NRM Government take the dues in rent arrears to Buganda as a serious matter? We are having a government but at times one wonders whether the NRM is serious or a joker. It does not make sense nor any logic to sit on rent dues when you know very well that you are benefiting from the services of those buildings. It is a scandal for the NRM Government.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
PRESS RELEASE:For all Baganda in consultations with all Ugandans in Diaspora
Posted on November 7, 2011 by ekitibwakyabuganda
PRESS RELEASE:For all Baganda in consultations with all Ugandans in Diaspora

We the Baganda in the diaspora in consultation with other Ugandans convened on 4th November 2011 at 20-30 London Road, Barking. London (United Kingdom) and resolved to demand what the government of Uganda owes Buganda within a period of sixth months from today.

The acrimony between Buganda and the central Government stems from the failure of the NRM government to honour Buganda’s demands. These demands are part of an agreement between Buganda and the NRA/M reached as a prerequisite for Buganda’s involvement in the 1981 Luweero Bush war.

The resolutions are:
1. Buganda and other regions of Uganda be given full federal status as recommended by the Odoki report where 97% in Buganda and 65% in Uganda demanded for federal status.
2. The central government pays the 23billions Uganda shillings debt it owes Buganda in Rent and returns all Buganda properties including land.
3. The government releases with immediate effect all people detained without charge since September 2009.These include all Ugandans detained during the Kayunga and walk to work demonstrations.
4. The NRM government stops fragmenting Buganda region into unnecessary districts with the ultimate aim of weakening Uganda.
5. The government stops the rampant corruption, nepotism and marginalisation of sections of Ugandans.
6. If these demands are not met within the stipulated six months period, we shall announce the next step.

Signed by:

Richard Smitego

Deputy Chairperson
Mzee Yiga Sempogo

Charles Mugagga
By Yasiin Mugerwa

Posted Thursday, February 23 2012 at 00:00

The Budget Committee yesterday refused to approve State House’s request for Shs92 billion in supplementary funding, citing duplication of figures amid heavy criticism of President Museveni’s unchecked spending.
Astonished legislators led by Dokolo MP Felix Okot-Ogong wondered whether President Museveni was aware such “lavish” spending flies in the face of harsh economic realities the country is facing Finding their explanations unacceptable, the committee which is scrutinising government’s supplementaries, threw out ministers and State House officials who they directed to return next Tuesday with a clearer justification for the huge expenditure.
Mr Ogong, who heads the Greater North Parliamentary Forum, said: “The figure from State House is unacceptable. How can we find Shs92b for State House in a short time yet we failed to find Shs75b to increase teachers’ salaries? Let us reject the request for State House.”
Ms Christine Acayo (Nebbi Woman MP) and others pointed out that there were duplications in the money needed for water and electricity. Electricity (Shs180m) is repeated six times, the same with water for an equal amount.
Budget Committee Chairperson Tim Lwanga dismissed the request.
“There is no way we are going to approve this cut and paste. The bill for water cannot be the same as that of electricity. There must be something wrong,” Mr Lwanga said. State House Comptroller Lucy Nakyobe and acting Minister for Presidency Muruli Mukasa, who were appearing together with junior Finance Minister Fred Omach, could not find a sensible response.
Ministries were yesterday appearing before the committee to defend Shs215.6b (a figure representative of 2.09 per cent of total Gross Domestic Product needed to pay for what government calls unforeseen priorities.

State House request
Realising that State House was requesting an increase of 141.62 per cent of their original allocation, Achia Remigio (Pian) reminded Mr Omach that the economy was doing badly, adding that “Parliament cannot authorise the expenditure of 98 per cent on consumption.”
The committee observed that most of the items in the State House budget could have been provided for within the normal budgeting process.
Pleas by Mr Mukasa about the need for the President to meet his constitutional mandate fell flat. “I noted the anguish members expressed over State House budget but State House has a very big mandate to make sure the President performs his duties.”
“The money we receive is too little- we suffer anguish. It has become perennial that the budget proposals we give to finance over the years are not honoured. Most of these items are unforeseen and of emergency nature. The President has to travel and we have no choice,” he unsuccessfully argued.

By Yasiin Mugerwa

Posted Wednesday, February 22 2012 at 00:00

State House was yesterday unapologetic in the face of Parliament’s dismay at the Presidency’s repeated failure to spend within budget as its expenditure topped Shs160 billion as the country approaches the midway point of the Financial Year.
Latest figures from Ministry of Finance indicate that the State House budget has jumped from Shs66.6 billion approved in September last year to Shs158.5 billion.
Responding to members’ queries over State House’s uncontrolled spending, Secretary to the Treasury Chris Kassami admitted before the Finance Committee yesterday that supplementary requests were an “inconvenience” and a “disruption” of the Budget implementation process.
Mr Kassami told the committee that the government was in the process of amending the Budget Act, 2001 to provide for a 3 per cent allocation for a Contingency Fund to take care of unexpected supplementary requests.
While Parliament is yet to approve a recent Shs91.9 billion State House supplementary request in respect of monies already spent outside budget, Ministry of Finance has released Shs117.2 billion— representing 175 per cent of the total approved budget for State House for the current Financial Year.

Nodding patients untouched
With the Ministry of Health struggling to find Shs7 billion to help thousands of children stricken by the nodding disease which has claimed hundreds of lives in northern Uganda, State House last week tabled a request of Shs91.9 billion in more funding for the Presidency.
But presidential spokesman Tamale Mirundi, was scathing in his response to MPs who have accused the President of extravagance and insensitivity to the sick children in northern Uganda. He likened them to “peasants” whose arguments do not hold worth in a modern society.
Mr Mirundi said those complaining that the President is extravagant are like loud-mouthed parents, tired of paying school fees for their children.
“Nodding disease is not an issue for State House. That falls under Ministry of Health and disaster preparedness. Those MPs who are complaining about President’s expenditure should stop advancing peasantry arguments. State House has not grabbed any money for health and they should stop inciting the public,” he said.
“They should drop that peasantry mentality and think like legislators. They need to be helped to think in a modern way.”
Mr Mirundi said President Museveni’s expenses were a reflection of a working leader, offering accountability to his people.
“Those MPs should stop complaining about the President’s budget. They have a working President who is not a Kabaka. The President must go to every part of the country and travels abroad. He has not used the money to take his children to school. He is not using the money for the wedding of his children. If they don’t want a working President, let then amend the Constitution and have a monarchy.”
Shadow Finance Minister Geoffrey Ekanya once again accused the Presidency of “greed” and perpetuating financial indiscipline at a time when the economy is doing badly wit inflation in double digits.
“It appears impunity is steadily growing and those in power no longer care about those they lead. There is no way President Museveni would swim in billions when the rest of the county is yawning,” Mr Ekanya said. “This is too much, how can State House spend money on special meals and drinks, entertainment, donation, newspapers etc when other Ugandans are sinking in poverty?”
State House’s actions, along with the allegations of financial indiscipline, fly in the face of Section 12(1) of the Budget Act 2001 which allows Ministry of Finance to spend only 3 per cent of total the budget as supplementary expenditure for which it can seek retrospective authority from Parliament. STA

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