
Sunday, April 1, 2012


It is sad the passing on of the Child Specialist - Dr. George William Mayanja of the well known Victoria Medical Centre on Lumumba Avenue. I learnt the news of the death during the early personal announcements on CBS 88.8 FM. I 1st learnt that Dr. Mayanja was seriously sick from Norah Mukasa the in-charge of SMACKOBA Office at the NOOK, she told me that the doctor had been taken to India; this was at a time when we thought that he knew better the answer to some question that had been posed regarding the past activities of the Old Boy’s Association where he has for long been a big mobilize and schemer for the organization’s better health.
It is sad Doctor Mayanja is gone, however, he leaves a lot of challenges for those of us who are still alive, more so the Old Boys of St. Mary’s College Kisubi and those in medical practice. Many times he had no boundary between his on funds and his personal contribution to the good health of the Old Boys Association. Many times news of the death of an old boy of the school could reach him and out of his pocket would raise at least shs 100,000 on behalf of the Association. His works at SMACK and contribution to its current beauty are part of his efforts.
I cam e to know Doctor Mayanja while I was still in Nile Bank around 1990 when he opened a clinic at Spear House, shortly after I left services of the bank,Dr. Mayanja remained my good friend and would on many occasions give me courage; he would endeavour to give me some lunch and would give me some good audience, and more so, he encouraged me to be active in the Old Boy’s Association business, and I must say, because of that effort, I have been able to make the contribution to the school up to the work on this sad news.
In 2001, I got a motor accident and I was rushed to Dr. Mayanja’s Clinic on Lumumba Avenue, the Doctor was around, he immediately got medicine to reduce my pain, organized for an immediate x-ray of my chest and after comforted me that I was to be okay. We thought about payments long after I had got out of danger. I will surely miss Dr. Mayanja.
When I called on Dr. Mayanja in the course of 2005, he encouraged me to do some work for St. Mary’s College Kisubi as preparations were being made to celebrate centenary in 2006. I started work at Mbire’s office on NSSF Towers where I was for one month. Thereafter, Dr. Mayanja talked to Brother Edward Bukenya Head teacher at St. Mary’s College Kisubi to get some office facility for me at the school such that work on the school website and other work could be done seriously. Before I went to Kisubi, Dr. Mayanja had endeavoured to facilitate me to do the work. I will surely miss him.
Around May 2006, Dr. Mayanja told me that there was need to open an office for the Old Boys in town to ease coordination prior to the centenary celebrations. The office was acquired at the NOOK and furnished. The mobilization efforts are self explanatory given the big turn-up of Old Boys for the function. It is because Dr. Mayanja encouraged me that I have able to make the various contributions to the school including writing the school history.
In 2001I started a Magazine by the name of Career Tips, and I was able to interview Dr. Mayanja, the article is: “Trainee Doctors in the Medical School lack facilities,” and, I wish to share excerpts from the article. Asked about his family background and where he studied, Dr Mayanja said, “Our family (Late Ddamulira along Entebbe Highway) is Catholic. I studied at St. Savio Junior School before joining St. Mary’s College Kisubi for O and A’ levels. I went to Makerere University Medical School where I graduated in 1976 with MBChB. I trained in United Kingdom in Pediatrics under self sponsorship and obtained a Diplomate in Child Health of Royal College Glasgow. I also hold a Diplomate in Tropical Child Health (DTCH) from Liverpool Tropical School – UK.”
Regarding his working experience Dr. Mayanja said, "I have been a Medical practitioner since 1976. I worked in nairobi - Kenya (1977/1978), in Zambia in 1978/79 and in United Kingdom from 1980 to 1990. During my stay in U.K, I practiced medicine in National Health Services, and then in Private Hospitals (Great Portland Hospitals and Humans Hospital - London). In 1990 I returned to Uganda and we formed a group medical practice which operates Victoria Medical Services originally at Spear House and now at Plot 52 Lumumba Avenue and also Gowas Street Entebbe.
I am also a part time Paediatrician at Kisubi Hospital. I have also been a part time lecturer at Makerere Medical School, Department od Paediatric and Child Health up to 1998. I am a former Chairman of Uganda Sickle Cell Association. I was Vice - President Uganda Paediatric Association from 1995 - 1997, and I am a member of Uganda Paediatric Association. I have been a member of the council for the Old Boys of St. Mary's College Kisubi (SMACK) caucus."
Asked about what prompted him to come back to Uganda, Dr. Mayanja said, East - West home is best. I returned after 13 years."
Dr. Mayanja told me that Medicine is a vacation one takes up when he has real interest in helping the people if one is to enjoy it. One must have an inner feeling for the people, in particular the poor."
When I interviewed the Late J. C Kiwanuka, J C was grateful to Old Boys of St. Mary's College Kisubi, more so , he was grateful to Dr. Mayanja who met his pay after he had been got off the payroll until he completed 50 years continuous teaching service at St. Mary's College Kisubi.
I wish to appeal to the Old Boys of St. Mary's College Kisubi to turn up in Huge numbers at Seguku - Nazziba village 6 miles Entebbe Highway to give a fitting send off to our fallen brother, a great SMACK pillar and a dedicated Medical Doctor. He deserves a hero's send off.
Dr. Mayanja, we shall greatly miss you, however, it is our hope that one day we shall meet, because in ll we do, death awaits.

With what a deep devotedness of woe
I wept thy absence - o'er and o'er again
Thinking of thee, still thee, till thought grew pain,
And memory, like a drop that, night and day,
Falls cold and ceaseless, wore my heart away! ~ Thomas Moore

And this is the will of him who sent me that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. ~ John 6:39-40
"God, give strength to the family members of Dr. George William Mayanja so that they can stand during this trying time of the loss of the Doctor."
"Doctor George William Mayanja Weraaba."

William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Fellow Lourdelian and friend.


  1. Willy,
    What? Is this true? Dr G.W.Mayanja is dead??!! This is indeed a very great
    shock to me personally and of course to all OBs of SMACK!
    Kindly, if possible, update us on this very sad item!
    Deepest condolences to the family and all relatives!
    Condolences to the Brothers, SMACK and SMACKOBA!
    Condolences to All who knew or took pride in this very nice Mayanja!
    It's indeed also sad news to the nation which loses a very exemplary doctor!
    May his humble soul rest in eternal peace! May the Almighty Good One bless him
    very abundantly in His heavenly Kingdom !
    Very sad to learn that Mayanja has died! I wish the news turns to a mere April hoax which
    passes on and leaves us with our Mayanja!!!

    Dr G.H. Kkolokolo (SMACKOBA - France).

  2. Dr.Kkolokolo, it is very sad. I am yet to get more information, however, when I get developments, I am hopeful that I will try to reach you. Doctor Mayanja is no more.
    God bless his soul.

  3. Stella Nkini NdiwalanaApril 1, 2012 at 11:10 AM

    This is a very beautiful tribute to a Doctor who became a friend, parent, grandfather to us and our children...He always gave me the will to move on in very hard times...I am well because of this Doctor...I will miss you and my boys and daughter will too..Now we have to adjust and start looking again for a Doctor with your qualities!!!

    During the Sunday, 1st April 9.00pm Luganda news on CBS 88.8FM Radio, Dr. Mayanja's family member was quoted to have given the programme for the burial of Dr. George William Mayanja. On Tuesday, April 3, 2012, there will be a Requiem Mass at Christ the King Church Kampala starting at 9.00am; thereafter, burial will be at Seguku - Nazziba Village; 6 miles Entebbe Highway starting at 2.00pm.
    "Kwata omukono gwange ndi munaffu, sirina manyi."
    William Kituuka Kiwanuka

    1. It is so sad our dear Doctor has passed on. I have alot to say about Fodctor, if i start here, i will need a whole day to write about him. He was so loving,caring and always wishing me the best by advising me on matters of life. Doctor Mayanja was such Darling. I will miss you, my children will miss you.


    TODAY - MONDAY 02rd March 2012

    Service and Vigil at his house in Naguru from 6:00pm

    TOMORROW- TUESDAY 03rd March 2012.

    Church service - 09:30am at Christ the King Church

    Burial 2pm at Seguku- Nazziba Village

    SMACKOBA wishes to appeal to the Old Boys to turn up in Huge numbers to give a fitting send off to our fallen brother, a great SMACK pillar and a dedicated Medical Doctor. He deserves a hero's send off.

  6. Dear William
    It is with shock the untimely death of Dr George Mayanja, a great alumnus of St Mary's. He had great passion for the school and indeeed contributed so much to it mentally, physically and financially.He did a lot to galvanize the OBs/OGs into a meditating team about their alma mater to whom they owed enormously for what they are; and repeatedly reminded them that she expected a good turn to propel her to even greater heights for the prosperity and socioeconomic development of the direct beneficiaries and the country at large. His bee-hive activity reached its climax during the period of SMACK's centenary celebrations. Being a perfectionist, he made sure there was no stone left unturned and no loop hole in the arrangements. When it came to his relationship with people, he was ebullient and benevolent, always wishing others well.About his nation, he was a patriot because he forewent the green pastures of UK, where he had a good job of a Paediatrician and came back to Uganda, then fraught with insecurity and peril. To minimise this risk he decided to rent a very expensive accommodation for his clinic and residence in the comparatively secure Nile building on Jinja Road for close to 10 years! We wish to invoke the Almighty God to rest him in eternal peace.
    Dr Lawrence Kaggwa

  7. Dr. Lawrence Kaggwa,
    Thank you so much for the befitting send off of our dear one, the great Dr. George William Mayanja. He really re-vitalized the Old Boy's Association. He made sure together with the team he worked with that the Association had funding hence the renting of the SMACK House at Lubaga. It is a great loss. God, kindly help fill the vacuum.

  8. Thanks William for yourmoving eulogy to our fallen friend.i remember GEORGE WILLIAM MAYANJA very well all the way from Savio. he was one of the few local Kisubi boys who would later form part of the great SAVIO JUNIOR DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL in the early60s.Semanda passed away a few years ago. Mukyaddondwa where are you.William was a year behind me with my brother the late SIMON KIRUMIRA.. George later rejoined me in Lourdel and in the UK. He had an infectious laugh and was always good company. He will be remembered for setting up a good and successful medical practice in Kampala and for his tireless devotion to our old Boys Association

  9. Kituuka, thanks for keeping us informed. Do you have any more details on the burial place? Where on Entebbe road do we branch off or which ever directional guidance that my be available? Thanks, Anthony S Kagimu

  10. Sorry, I have seen this late, however, I hope you were helped. Thanks for showing the appreciation.
    God bless you.
