
Saturday, April 21, 2012


The people of Uganda expect the Members of Parliament to exercise such maturity that the unity of Uganda is paramount. The business or the assumption that Museveni is a very powerful person is simply myopic and hopefully they will soon than later get out of that misconception. Power should not keep corrupting those in political office in Uganda. If the facts are ignored, Uganda could get to a Somalia. The reason why we go to school is to learn how best to use our commonsense in the acceptable way. We are fed up of a Uganda model which is simply a scandal. Let the MPs wake up, we know some of them have accumulated because of praising Museveni, but the best way to safe guard that achievement is to see the country back to the road to democracy. Just get Presidential Term limits back, no question. Thank you. William Kituuka Kiwanuka KADAGA GETS DRAFT BILL ON TERM LIMITS By Yasiin Mugerwa, Isaac Imaka, Sheila Naturinda, Sarah Tumwebaze & John Njoroge. Posted Friday, April 20 2012 at 00:00 Speaker Rebecca Kadaga has received a copy of the proposed Bill on the restoration of the presidential term limits, on a day the number of pro-constitutional change MPs increased to 93. Western Youth MP Gerald Karuhanga, the architect of the Bill, handed over the draft when along with some supporters he met Ms Kadaga, who sources said showed no opposition to the proposal. Ms Kadaga, however, requested for time to study the document and declined to say exactly when the motion could be officially presented in the 378-member House where the ruling party enjoys a huge majority but is appearing split on the issue. So far, the Executive’s response on a matter which could determine President Museveni’s future remains muted, but sources close to State House told Daily Monitor that the President, who doubles as the ruling party’s chairman, has summoned his parliamentary caucus to State House Entebbe to a Monday meeting. “The President wants to get views from members of the NRM on a number of issues including the agitation of some members to restore the term limits in the Constitution,” a source said. “The President’s view is that the NRM family needs to take a decision before it is too late.” Other sources intimated to Daily Monitor that among the responses being considered is for the government to deny Mr Karuhanga what is technically referred to as a certificate of financial implication. This is a legal requirement that must accompany all proposed Bills. Mr Karuhanga’s draft, titled: “The Constitution Amendment Bill 2012, “intends to amend Chapter Seven (Article 105) of the Constitution to provide for the restoration of term limits, scrapped in 2005, requiring a person to hold office as President for only two five-year terms. If passed into law, the Bill says the calculation of the term limits will take effect starting in 2016 when the country goes for the next general elections. Majority decide Addressing a news conference in Kampala yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi said the issue of term limits would be decided by the majority in Parliament. “It is not long ago when we debated over this and the term limits were removed by an overwhelming majority in Parliament,” he said. “I am not sure that anyone has any new arguments. If they do, some of us are ready to receive them and respond to them. But our position is very clear on the term limits. This is clearly manifested in the provisions of the Constitution.” Out of 132 MPs polled, 93 were in support, 14 against and 25 yet to decide. As support for restoration of term limits rose from 54 on Wednesday, Mbarara Municipality MP Medard Bitekyerezo and a few others seemed to change position yet they had earlier backed the proposed Bill. Mr Bitekyerezo accused his colleagues of dishonesty and called for term limits for Parliament. “There are some MPs who want to be here (in Parliament) forever yet they want the President to have term limits. This is not proper,” Mr Bitekyerezo said. “Any realistic member of this Parliament and in this country should see a scenario where MPs are given two terms also. Such a provision is also relevant and necessary.”

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