
Thursday, April 26, 2012


Recently, I got the temptation of wishing for a job where a salary is a sure deal as compared to the toil to look for jobs to contract and the gamble for funds to see project proposals off ground, however my experience is such that relying on applications for jobs can be very frustrating in the Uganda setting. I made my presentations very well and quite confident that I qualified for shortlisting in all the areas I sent out applications to. My friend, I am now sure that the best a person can do is try hard to get own employment. William Kituuka Kiwanuka The Director, People Performance Group, Plot 8 Kitante Close, Kitante P. O. Box 12405, Kampala. Dear Director, RE: APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
I am responding to the job advert in the newspaper for the position of Executive Assistant at Child Fund International as a competent candidate. My name is William Kituuka Kiwanuka, I hold a B.A. (Hons) Economics/Rural Economy degree of Makerere University in addition to a number of additional qualifications which include banking, Good Governance, practical journalism and publishing. I have read through and understood the caliber of person wanted for the job given its challenges, and I wish to present myself as capable to deliver as required. I have a lot of experience in a number of areas as clearly shown on my CV, which gives me the ability to undertake consultancy services. I am innovative and a good team member who is after results and more so timely. Recently, Bweya Children’s Home International (BCHI) needed to have a worthy Annual Report for 2010. I got the ideas down and when I had completed the typesetting, the Director wanted a change in the flow which called for re-doing the work. I started on the exercise of setting the publication at 7.00pm and I only realized when it was 6.00am, without sleep, I had completed 22 pages! I needed 24 pages, so I incorporated two pages pictorial, without sleep, I had accomplished the work and it uplifted the image of the organization instantly. This is what I can do in all I have to put my hands on; I am dedicated and hardworking, as my work talks volumes for itself. I promise to deliver above average. There is no task listed in the job specification which I have to learn so as to qualify, I need just to polish and contribute above average. I am trusted, cooperative, and accountable a role model from whom others can learn. I am ready to have my ideas open for discussion as in a number of ways this may contribute to a greater Child Fund International. I am an asset worth adding to the existing force within the organization. Thank you. Yours faithfully, William Kituuka Kiwanuka Some of my other works can be accessed on the following links: The Director, Rainbow International School P. O. Box 7632, Kampala. Dear Director, RE: APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER
I wish to refer to your advert in the New Vision newspaper of Monday, January 16, 2012 for the position of Public Relations Officer, to which I am responding as a competent candidate. My name is William Kituuka Kiwanuka a graduate of Makerere University who holds a B. A. (Hons) Economics/Rural Economy degree. I have added training in the fields of Banking and hence happen to be a professional banker as well as Good Governance an area I enjoy practicing. I have practiced Journalism for a number of years as reflected in my CV, and I happen to do a lot of communications more so to the Old Boys of St. Mary’s College Kisubi, which role has much in common with that of a Public Relations Officer advertised. I have read and clearly understood the person you want for the job and I wish to confirm to you that you have got the person you want in me. My innovativeness is not questionable as many people in responsible offices in Uganda know about it. I originate ideas which work in practice; I am a real asset if you can add me to your staff as my works talk for themselves. The job involves promotion of a good image for the School, this is an area I can do very well and in practical ways as I design publications including calendars, working on Annual Reports and these I do single handedly meaning that much of the promotional work for the school may not need to be contracted out as I am a practical innovative person at such works. Talk about promotion electronically, I am the type who updates blogs on the Internet on a daily basis. On a serious note, when you want someone to move things to realize the set organization objectives, you don’t need to make a big search, you have landed on the person. I do not need supervision to do work as personal drive to work is part my innovativeness to the extent that I can not go to bed with incomplete work when such work is urgently needed. I will promote team spirit, I am dedicated and hardworking and my goal will be to see to the promotion of the better health of Rainbow International School. Thank you for according me the opportunity. I remain, Yours faithfully, William Kituuka Kiwanuka WILLIAM KITUUKA KIWANUKA World Vision National Office 15B Nakasero Road P. O. Box 5319, Kampala. Dear World Vision Uganda, RE: APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF CHILD PROTECTION AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGER
I humbly submit for your consideration my application for the position of Child Protection and Development Manager as advertised in the New Vision newspaper of Monday, February 6, 2012 as a competent candidate. My name is William Kituuka Kiwanuka, I am a graduate of Makerere University, holding a B. A. (Hons) Economics/Rural Economy degree. I have added training in Banking hence a professional banker, I practiced Journalism for over 10 years, I have learnt Project Proposal writing and happen to be very competent at it, I trained in Good Governance as conducted by Municipal Development Partnership of Eastern and Southern Africa as well as World Bank Institute hence have good understanding of Human Rights issues. I have read and understood the Role of the position, the Key responsibilities as well as the Knowledge, Skills and abilities, and in a nutshell, what you are looking for is found, it is me. I can deliver to the satisfaction of World Vision Uganda because I have the drive to deliver without supervision and have achieved a lot some of which is reflected on my blog to which I once got literature in from the 2009 Annual Report of World Vision Uganda and I wrote, “How would Uganda be without the role of NGO’s?,” A Case of World Vision Uganda. “With a budget of US$ 67,345,041 for one year; 2009, World Vision Uganda made a substantial contribution to the welfare of the children of Uganda as depicted in the statistics below…” This article is one in a number of cases to show that I appreciate the roles of the organization, and using my communication skills, have been able to add to the organization’s publicity by being on spot to praise its partnership roles to government in delivering for the welfare of children. My CV shows clearly that I have the coverage of the type of person you wish to have in the position, my application therefore is not a gamble but based on ability to deliver as per the job description. As I type this application, I have a copy of “World Vision Uganda - 20 years of Transforming Lives.” I happen not to have been party to the 20 years and now 26; however, it is now the opportune time for World Vision Uganda to identify people with the potential and commitment who can add to the great effort already done. Joining an organization which has created repute and good organization of all the work done makes life easier for new man power which comes with a challenge to further on the work done to higher horizons, and that is what I promise to do if given opportunity to take up the position. Currently, I have much more than the job description talked about. I can write reports and type-set them without need to refer to another party or even hire professional services. I have a number of blogs running for different entities including St. Peter’s Church of Uganda Ssisa, as well as websites. I have had to do with child related issues for some time more so for Bweya Children’s Home where I happen to have offered professional advice as well as worked and set their Annual Reports and a Calendar. You can bank on me where innovative work is involved, yet I more often than not manufacture ideas, I am not static, innovativeness and creativity is part and parcel of my nature. In 2006, I solely worked on the Centenary Magazine of St. Mary’s College Kisubi given that I collected all the information that was contained in it including conducting interviews, solicited adverts, and many could not believe. That is Kituuka when it comes to work. There is no task in this job description which can give me a headache, much is what I am used to given the private work I undertake for people as well as my own professional development. Trust my word, I shall deliver for the better health of World Vision Uganda and I hope to enjoy good working relations with fellow staff to realize the best products. I have a very good religious background from the time when the Late Kikule was my god-father on baptism to date. I love and cherish Christian values as they enhance morality in society when observed. Thank you for according me the opportunity. Yours faithfully, William Kituuka Kiwanuka WILLIAM KITUUKA KIWANUKA

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