
Friday, April 20, 2012


The removal of term limits was the biggest mistake which President Museveni ever committed since he came to power. The way many in NRM regard him as an all provider, and the way they can sacrifice their country for small bribe like shs 5m, is what is making the country a laughing stock. The scandals in Uganda are simply unacceptable and these are sustained because of President Museveni's leadership. The MP's who have some common sense in their heads should simply see that return of term limits makes sense. We know many in NRM ranks are beneficiaries of the status quo, but stand warned, those Ugandans who survive on one meal a day are watching you. If yoy fail to make sensible decisions when you should, be sure that you will be the paupers of tomorrow because the day the desperate Ugandans turn on to those who are looting the country, those in the practice will not like it. Let us do what makes our country a pride. Let us stop being so short sighted. In a trickle of an eye, the luxury some people enjoy because they are beneficiaries of the NRM arrangements may cease. Stand warned. Just endorse the term limits.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Term limits: MPs in favour rise to 56
By Yasiin Mugerwa, Isaac Imaka, Sheila Naturinda, Anthony Wesaka, Emmanuel Mulondo, Felix Warom Okello and Felix Basiime. (email the author)

Posted Thursday, April 19 2012 at 00:00
In Summary
Supporters of the move argue it will ensure a smooth power transition but critics say those tired of the President can do so using the ballot.
The plan to restore term limits in the Constitution yesterday gained momentum as more MPs across the political divide vowed to vote for a Private Members Bill that seeks to enforce the reinstatement.
Of the 70 MPs who talked to Daily Monitor last night, only six were against the proposal
while seven were undecided. Those in favour of the term limits have argued that the move would entrench democracy in a country that has never witnessed a peaceful transfer of power.
Information minister Mary Karooro said government has not seen the draft Bill so it was hard to comment. “We shall wait for the bill and when it comes up the party will look at it. MPs will also consult their constituencies but remember the term limit was removed by two thirds of the Seventh Parliament,” she said.
However, MPs against the proposal argue that if Ugandans are tired of an incumbent, they can still express their displeasure through the ballot. MP James Kakooza (NRM, Kabula County) said any attempts to restore term limits would deprive the country of visionary leaders.
MP Sam Lyomoki, who tabled a minority report during the removal of the term limits, questioned MP Gerald Karuhanga’s motive in drafting the Bill. Mr Lyomoki said he had proposed that the term limits be reviewed every after 10 years but his views were rejected by the same people who are now pushing for a review.
While majority backed the Bill, focusing on presidential term limits, MP Patrick Nsanja demanded that the Constitution be amended to provide the term limits for MPs too.
“We must lead by example,” Mr Nsanja said. “This Bill is a step in the right direction and I urge my colleagues to stand up and be counted. Let’s give Ugandans a gift for the 50th Independence anniversary.”
Mr Karuhanga on Tuesday announced plans to table a motion seeking Parliament to allow him present a private member’s Bill for the proposed constitutional amendment. He said his Bill was intended to correct an error committed in 2005 when term limits were scrapped by President Museveni’s supporters.
MPs Emmanuel Dombo, Chris Baryomunsi and Felix Okot-Ogong have reminded those against the restoration of the term limits that Uganda is the only country in East Africa without term limits.
The term limits were abolished in 2005 after a constitutional amendment. The article provided a maximum of two five-year terms for a president. “I was the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Advocacy Forum in the 7th Parliament and I spearheaded the campaign against the removal of the term limits,” Mr Dombo said. “We are ready to amend the Constitution and given the opportunity to restore the term limits.”
Mr Baryomunsi said the removal of the term limits was premised on the belief that Museveni needed to nurture the transition to a multi-party political dispensation.
Leader of Oposition Nandala Mafabi on the other hand, said term limits will foster development in the country.
“When President Museveni came to power 26 years ago, he told Ugandans that the problem of African leaders is over-staying in power. He has since changed his position because of an open-ended Constitution,” he said.
The President has since hinted he will step down in 2016 if his party asks him to.
He made the declaration during a recent interview with the American television network, CNN. and has repeatedly passed the question of his retirement to his party, which he controls closely.
However, the President’s stand comes amid growing calls within the NRM and clerics who are demanding that he comes clean on his position and not claim hostage to his party’s decision.

LIST of MPS for and against the term limits

Legislator Party/constituency
9. Michael Mawanda (NRM, Igara East)
10. Ssebuliba Mutumba (DP, Kawempe)
11. Theodore Ssekikubo (NRM, Lwemiyaga)
12. Gerald Karuhanga (Youth Western)
13. Cerinah Nebanda (NRM, Butaleja)
14. Sam Otada (Ind, Kibanda)
15. Cecilia Ogwal (FDC, Dokolo)
16. Betty Aol Ochan (FDC, Gulu)
17. Henry Musasizi (NRM Rubanda West)
18. Obua Hamson (NRM, Ajuri)
19. Brenda Nabukenya (DP, Luweero)
20. Joseph Balikuddembe (DP, Busiro)
21. Patrick Ogwang (NRM, Northern)
22. Christopher Achille (FDC, Gulu)
23. Medard Bitekyerezo (NRM, Mbarara)
24. Emma Boona (NRM, Woman Mbarara)
25. Isaac Ssejjoba (NRM, Bukoto Mid-West)
26. Latif Ssebaggala (DP, Kawempe North)
27. Betty Nambooze (DP, Mukono Municipality)
28. Florence Ekwau Ibbi (FDC, Kaberamaido)
29. Faisal S Kikulukuunyu (NRM, Butambala)
30. Alex Ruhunda (NRM, Fort Portal Mun)
31. Barnabus Tinkasimire (NRM, Buyaga West)
32. Jennifer Mujungu (NRM, Ntoroko Woman)
33. Mable Bakeine (Bugangaizi East)
34. Jalia Bintu Lukumu (NRM, Masindi Woman)
35. James K Rwebembera(NRM, Bugahya County)
36. Beatrice Mpairwe (NRM, Buliisa Woman)
37. Ernest Kiiza (NRM, Masindi Mun)
38. Alice Alaso (FDC, Serere)
39. Oboth M Jacobs (Indep, West Budama)
40. Mathias Kasamba (NRM, Kakuuto)
41. Andrew Allen (NRM, Bugabula North)
42. Ssemujju I Nganda (FDC Kyadondo East)
43. John Ken Lukyamuzi (CP, Rubaga South)
44. Monica Amoding (NRM, Youth)
45. Fred Badda (NRM Bujumba County)
46. Veronica B Kadogo (NRM Buyende Woman)
47. Fred Ebil (UPC Kole County)
48. Stephen Ochola (FDC, Serere County)
49. Bernard Atiku (FDC Ayivu)
50. Achile Manoah (Indep. Aringa)
51. Stanley Omwonya (Okoro-Zombo
52. Anne Auru (Woman Moyo)
53. Martin Muzaale (NRM -Buzaaya )
54. Vincent Kyamadidi (NRM Rwamparara)
55. Medard Ssegona (DP,Busiro East)
56. Alero Tom Aza (NRM, West Moyo)

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