
Friday, May 18, 2012


On thing the NRM Government has failed to do among other things is making meaningful planning for the country. As long as the crucial functions of the Government remain State House business, the country will remain in real shit. There is no way a country with planner can say after 10 years when a census was expected that there are no funds. It is untenable, unacceptable and a real scandal. If it were more for a military operation even out of the country, the Government would not fail. Surely, let Government live up to the expectation of modernity. Let's do things not as we individually think but as they should be done. The money needed is not equivalent to the amounts we read about as State House requests for supplementary. is a State House supplementary more important than a scheduled National Census. Surely, when we say Museveni Government is tired and can not leave up to the expectation of the people of Uganda, it is this type of things when summed up that are indicators. Save us the shame and have the Census funded and on schedule. William Kituuka Kiwanuka UGANDA'S 2012 NATIONAL POPULATION CENSUS CANCELED, PUSHED TO 2013 Published: May 17, 2012 Uganda’s population is 34.5 million, according to the 2011 State of the World Population report.The Government of Uganda, through the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) had prepared to conduct the next National Population and Housing Census in August 2012.The program will however not take place according to a high placed official at Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) .Inadequate funding of the process has been blamed for the cancellation of the census. “The reality is that the census will not take place this August. There are challenges with the funding but we are currently in discussion about the funding modalities to see the earliest and best time it will take place,” said a source . For Research ,and any national planning requiring statistics ,government will have to rely of the figures and estimates it obtained in the last census it conducted in September 2002. The census preparatory activities had already began including census mappings but the government is unable to facilitate the exercise as for this year,so the government will soon announce a new date,according to the Bi -weekly paper Observer. Uganda Bureau of Statistics says it needs Shs 140 billion for the census. Earlier this year, Ubos’ Mashate told journalists that by February 2012, Shs 26bn has already been spent on the mapping exercise and mock census UBOS had asked for more Shs27 billion to fund recruitment and training of enumerators, to procure data processing equipment like computers, purchasing vehicles, printing questionnaires and publicity. Shs 76 billion was expected in the next financial year to pay wages and salaries for the 85,000 enumerators that UBOS had planned to employ.

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