
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Museeni's wish to talk to religious leaders and the traditional leaders over unemployment is simply waste of time. He simply needs to sit down with the technical staff in Government and cut on the cost of patronage, the wrong priorities by his Government and the cost of corruption to the country. He also needs to get out of regional conflicts as this is one area where he wastes tax payer monies. Museveni's wish to talk to religious and cultural leaders over unemployment is empty talk. The infrastructure he has created together with its patronage (partly to see him President for life)are part of the reason for the ever increasing unemployment problems the country is faced with. He has created offices that compete with each other like the Chairmen LC V and the RDCs. The best Museveni can do is to give way to a reformist who may cooperate with the people he is talking about to address the mess. It is news to the President that shs 380bn can be spent on foreign treatment! Is this real or fiction? Surely, addressing such Government messes does not call for the meet the President wants to waste tax payer monies. The people Museveni wants to meet were not party to his party's mess of the currency to level of depreciation it stands today. William Kituuka Kiwanuka MUSEVENI PLANS DEBATE TO END UNEMPLOYMENT By Ismail Musa Ladu & James Erik Posted Wednesday, May 2 2012 at 00:00 In Summary Pooling minds. The President said he hopes to bring together leaders from different institutions as the country forges ways to create investment opportunities. President Museveni has promised to host a national conference in the next financial year, where he will exchange views with religious, cultural and labour movement leaders on how to solve the problem of rampant unemployment. Speaking during the Labour Day celebrations in Gulu, the President said people should not waste time talking about anything but how to create investment. “Employment does not come from heaven. And so I need to call a conference in the next financial year to discuss with the bishops, archbishops, cardinals and the sheikhs about where employment comes from,” he said. The conference that will be held over nine days will also prescribe remedies that enhance value for local labour, he said. Between 1992 to-date, the government has created more than 2.7 million jobs. But compared to thousands of graduates churned out from universities and tertiary institutions every year, the job creation rate falls way below requirements. However, he argued that employment is a consequence of investment and without that even prayers will not be of much help. “We should be talking of investment in agriculture, service sector and ICT among others. Because the more investment we have the more jobs and the better we are paid for our services,” Mr Museveni said. He warned against making labour expensive, arguing that it will not help in attracting both local and international investment, adding that infrastructure to attract investment will be fixed, including electricity.

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