
Sunday, May 27, 2012


MUSEVENI PROMOTES 530 Thursday, 24 May 2012 23:50 Written by Zurah Nakabugo
Commissioner of Police Judith Nabakooba
Vincent Ssekate (SP)
Poly Namaye (SP) President Museveni has promoted 530 senior police officers to different ranks between Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) and Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP). The full list of the promotions, released by Inspector General of Police Kale Kayihura, excited many police officers, who can expect a lot of benefits to come with these promotions. “I congratulate all of you on your promotion and urge you to work even harder. By copy of this message the dig shall organize a pipping ceremony for the officers concerned at Police headquarters next week,” he said. Commissioner of Police Judith Nabakooba, the deputy Police Spokesperson, said the promotions were general, normal exercise often made annually. Some of the officers who have been promoted to different ranks couldn’t hide their thrill yesterday. “We are very happy and thank the President for observing our work to the nation which has led us to these promotions,” said one officer, who climbed from assistant superintendent of police to superintendent of police. Among the promoted officers, a big number was promoted from the rank of assistant superintendent of Police to superintendent of Police (273), followed by officers who were promoted from inspector of Police to assistant superintendent of Police (71). Another 54 officers rose from superintendent of Police to senior superintendent of Police, followed by 33 officers who were promoted from Superintendent of Police to Assistant Commissioner of Police. Thirty-three officers climbed from assistant superintendent of Police to senior superintendent of Police. Another 19 officers were promoted from senior superintendent of Police to assistant Commissioner of Police, 10 officers from Inspector of Police to assistant superintendent of Police and nine officers from assistant commissioner of Police to commissioner of Police. Eight officers rose from commissioner of Police to senior commissioner of Police; seven officers from assistant superintendent of Police to assistant commissioner of Police and seven other officers from Inspector of Police to Superintendent of Police. Four officers were promoted from senior superintendent of Police to commissioner and two officers from Commissioner of Police to Assistant Inspector General of Police.

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