
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The big welcome home to Hon. Margaret Zziwa after being elected Speaker of the East African Parliament, and the politics that took place which saw Bulundi give way to Uganda for the position of Speaker seems to point to big things some people are eying in the East African Community. These dreams could easily come true when Uganda Government works well with the Secretary General of the Community, who is more less a Ugandan having had his education in St. Mary's College Kisubi and Makerere University. We wait to see whether this may be opportunity for Museveni to grab chance to eventually contest as 1st President of the Federation. William Kituuka Kiwanuka Dr Richard Sezibera - Secretary General (East African Community) Following his graduation at Makerere University, he worked at Mbuya Hospital in Kampala, Uganda, before transferring to Mbale Regional Referral Hospital in Mbale, Eastern Uganda. Sometime prior to 1994, he joined the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), as a field medical officer. He rose to the rank of Major within the RPF. In July 1994, Dr. Sezibera was appointed Physician to the President of the Republic of Rwanda. In this position, he concurrently served as military aide to the President of Rwanda. In 1995, he became a Member of Parliament. He was elected President of the Parliamentary Commission on Social Affairs, which exercised oversight over the government departments mandated to deal with issues of health. In 1999, he was appointed Ambassador of Rwanda to the United States of America, with concurrent accreditation to Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.[3] In 2008, Dr. Sezibera was appointed Minister of Health in the Rwandan cabinet, a position he held until he was appointed East African Community Secretary General. Hon. Margaret Zziwa - Speaker East African Assembly PRESIDENT MUSEVENI REAFFIRMS NEED FOR EAST AFRICAN POLITICAL FEDERATION President Museveni has reaffirmed the need for the political federation of East Africa as one of the avenues for partner states to equally benefit from integration. Addressing Members of the East African Legislative Assembly at their fifth meeting in Kampala, the Uganda President warned that economic integration alone can create disequilibrium with countries not reaping equal benefits. “To consolidate our integration, we should work for political integration as well. A common market alone can create injustice by making some partner states markets for the others”, he told East African Legislators. President Museveni who hailed the reassembling of the East African Community in 1993 noted that the community cannot be complete without South Sudan and Congo. “The East African region was a trading area long before the British colonialists. By reviving the community we are fulfilling our historical trade links”, he told MPs. The Ugandan President confirmed that Uganda had tremendously benefitted from reintegration with export earnings shooting from 282 million dollars to 8 billion dollars. Rt.Hon. Kadaga Rebecca the Speaker of the Uganda Parliament in her address noted the need to operationalize articles in the treaty for the establishment of the East African Community to enable the region attain political federation. She hailed the East African Parliament for establishing itself as a strong effective regional legislature. Kenyan President H.E.Mwai Kibaki is scheduled to address the East African Assembly at the Uganda Parliament Chambers Wednesday morning.

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