
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The news of the tragic death of Prof. Saitoti as run on my blog brought in over 1,000 visitors! To me this has been a record high number. It must be equated to news of the death of a sitting President. It is sad that Saitoti is dead given that he still had bigger dreams for his country. My the Almighty God bless his soul in eternity. William Kituuka Kiwanuka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS PRAISE SAITOTI Ms. Margaret saitoti leading the procession during the burial ceremony held at Kitengela. Picture courtesy of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Mwai Kibaki and several top dignitaries joined the family of the late George Saitoti during the burial ceremony of the former internal security minister at his Enkasiti home in Kitengela on Saturday. There was a lot of emotion in the service which was presided over by Cardinal John Njue of the Catholic Church, as final prayers were said before the body was buried. All the top government officials were present during the service including the Prime minister, his two deputies, 20 ministers and 20 assistant ministers. Several diplomats and ministers from foreign governments were also present. Margaret Saitoti, the widow of Prof. Saitoti and her son Zachary said words of farewell and remembered him as a good husband and father. “He was a great dad and gave me much more than I could ever ask for. He made me the man that I am today,” said Zachary. Saitoti died together with his assistant minister Orwa Ojode in a helicopter crash at Ngong forest on his way to Ndhiwa constituency for a fundraiser to build a church. The late Ojode will be buried tomorrow. Prof. Saitoti was fondly remembered as a religious man who always went to church and presided over the construction of several churches in the country. The head of Public Service, Francis Kimemia said that Saitoti was instrumental in contributing towards the construction of over 100 churches when he was alive. Speaker Kenneth Marende remembered Saitoti as a steadfast politician and a great leader who had served the people of Kenya for several years. “Saitoti has been a member of parliament for 29 years and has gone on the record of the house as the longest serving head of government business,” said Marende Former President Moi remembered Saitoti as a capable manager and a confidant who he worked with under his administration. “I had faith in his capabilities, that is why I nominated him to parliament and made him my finance minister. Over time that faith cascaded into trust which influenced my decision to make him my Vice president,” said a visibly sad Moi. Almost everyone who spoke described Saitoti as a selfless leader who put the country first ahead of his own interests. He was also remembered as a man who shunned tribal politics and a friendly down to earth person. Former President of Ghana Jerry Rawlings mourned the loss of one of the best intellectuals in the continent but pointed out that the adversity had brought the best out of the country. “I’ve come to learn that his death has created a spiritual elegance in the country that has brought everyone here together. You should take advantage of it and seize it for the sake of the country’s unity,” Said Rawlings. Prime Minister Raila Odinga said Saitoti worked diligently for the people of Kenya as the minister in charge of security. His sentiments were echoed by several cabinet colleagues including William Ole Ntimama, Charity Ngilu, Sally Kosgei, Amos Kimunya, James Orengo and Kalonzo Musyoka. President Kibaki remembered Saitoti as a principled politician and servant of the people who could have made a good leader for the country. “Everyone has spoken very many good words about the late Hon. Saitoti. If only we meant what we have spoken and walked the talk, we would be honoring him in a big way. Saitoti distinguished himself as a performer and good manager. It was his singular commitment to ensure the security of the people of Kenya at a time when the country was facing very severe security challenges,” said Kibaki. Minister for National Heritage and culture, William Ole Ntimama proposed that a monument be erected in honor of saitoti, alongside those of other Kenyans who are considered national heroes. “I propose that the monument be built in his constituency (Kajiado) so that his people can always remember him for the service he rendered to them,” said Ntimama.

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