
Monday, July 16, 2012


There is no reason why teachers should not put down their tools, given the insensitivity of the NRM Government. At a moment in time when the NRM Government is broke, it is then that they come out to announce a creation of 20 new districts. Surely, the people of Uganda are fed up with a Government which has mastered un- professional management of public affairs. The leadership of Uganda Local Government Association clearly told Government to stop creating districts that is least able to support. I wish to add my voice to ULGA that it is hopeless to create more districts, instead the strategy should be to empower the sub-counties to deliver to the population. Unfortunately, the NRM continue to mismanage the economy which is already in a bad shape. They have refused to own up to their wrongs of making Uganda currency completely useless, instead they are venturing into new areas like looking for money to tap phones. Given all that background, someone in some comfortable office in Kampala is threatening teachers. Is it a crime for one to come and tell you to act when you seem arrogant? Surely, since God is there, He should bail us from the NRM curse. William Kituuka Kiwanuka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEACHERS INSIST ON SIT DOWN STRIKE First published: 20120715 9:50:20 AM EST Ultimate Media Teachers have insisted they will go ahead with their planning strike on 16th and 17th July iver what they term as government failure to answer to their concnerns. The teachers under the umbrella of the Uganda National teachers’ Union (UNATU) the government has failed to implement the salary increase that was agreed upon with teachers when they negotiated with the government to end the August 2011 strike over the same matter. The Coordinator Forum for Education NGOs in Uganda, Fredrick Mwesigye says the strike is a symbolic gesture for teachers to stop pretending to be teaching when many are so demoralized and just appear at schools. Speaking to reporters at Kawempe Muslim Primary School, Mwesigye says the quality of education in public schools has over the years declined compared to that in private schools something that is attributed to less funding to the schools and poor teacher remunerations. He says that the two day strike will help remind government of its obligations to increase funding in public schools to help the learners there attain a better education when teachers are adequately remunerated. The government had yesterday appealed to teachers not to strike as the partial increase budged for in the 2012/2013 budget is set to be operationalised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENT TO CREATE 20 NEW DISTRICTS Publish Date: Jul 13, 2012
Explained: Minister of Lands, Daudi Migereko By Mary Karugaba & Moses Walubiri The creation of new districts will be done in phases up to 2016, according to government. A cabinet minister has said that of the 20 twenty proposed new districts, only two to three districts will be approved this financial year. According to Minister of Lands, Daudi Migereko, cabinet discussed the possibility of creating 20 new districts which will be brought to parliament for approval. Due to financial constraints, Migereko, also Government Chief Whip said, government will not be able to operationalize all the 20 districts at once. "Financial challenges cannot allow all the 20 districts to come into operation at ounce. It will be done in phases up to 2016," Migereko told New Vision. The proposal to create new districts was also on the agenda of the NRM caucus meeting on Tuesday, although, according to a source who preferred anonymity, was never debated. The proposal will first be scrutinized by the Public Service and Local Government committee of parliament, before debate by the entire House. However, the Vice Chair of the committee, Raphael Magyezi, said they are yet to receive the proposal from government. The creation of new districts has proved a touchy issue with both the civil society and some politicians decrying the heavy cost on administration that new districts entail. Many new districts are grossly understaffed, according to Magyezi, with some operating at less than 40 percent staffing. Some of the old districts were divided, creating more than three new ones. During the launch of the second PRDP phase last month, the chairman Uganda Local Government Association Peter Odok W'ceng said Government should not create new districts without resources and staff to run them. He noted that some districts were struggling with service delivery due to poor funding and staffing. Henry Musasizi was happy with the proposed curving up of Kabale, saying "services will be brought nearer to the people." However, Eddie Kwizera (Bufumbira East) opposed the proliferation of districts, noting that they would be a "strain on the national coffers."

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