
Saturday, August 4, 2012


i find Museveni a funny personality, and it is clear from his succession talk that he has deliberately decided not to create institutions, which goes to confirm what some people have said time and again that NRM is Museveni. Surely, Museveni ought to know by now that he has made gross mistakes in the governance of the country and the best he can do is step down. It is unfortunate to see him continue giving excuses. The NRM organs should be able to arrest the situation, if they don't.. surely, time will tell. What he ought to know is that Ugandans need a change, which change he should give chance. William Kituuka Kiwanuka ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSEVENI SAYS THOSE WHO WANT TO REPLACE HIM OUGHT TO ADOPT HIS IDEOLOGY
My successor ought to adopt my ideology – MuseveniPublish Date: Aug 04, 2012 newvision By Eddie Ssejoba President Yoweri Museveni said he would have retired to his farm already, but when he scrutinizes people who want to take over from him, they all lack focus to drive the ‘vehicle’. This is the first time this term that the President is talking about succession in the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party and the presidency. Museveni was on Thursday evening speaking to the NRM campaign task force for Buganda region (excluding Kampala), headed by NRM vice-chairman Hajji Abdu Nadduli. The meeting took place at State House, Entebbe. More committed secretary general Museveni also said he would soon appoint a substantive full-time party secretary-general because the NRM was losing many by-elections due to lack of a committed secretary general. The current NRM secretary general, Amama Mbabazi, is also the Prime Minister. The President said the confusion and weaknesses exhibited in the by-elections were due to lack of commitment and dedication by the secretary-general, who is too busy to concentrate on party work. “Some just shout Museveni agende (Museveni should go). I would not have any problem with this, if those who want to come after me take my ideology. But when I realise that they lack proper ideology, I hesitate,” he said. He urged party members to always follow a clear ideology and stick to its principles, saying that has been the problem in the NRM. Ideological path He attributed the divisions and in-party fighting to lack of an ideological direction. To illustrate his point, Museveni told the mobilisers to master the four pillars that would guide them in promoting party interests; patriotism, nationalism, Africanism and democracy. These, he said, would bring about social-economic transformation and do away with tribalism and sectarianism. He cited an example of opposition leaders in Bukoto south by-election, who involved the Kabaka to gain political capital, which he said was because they lacked focus. It was in this spirit of Africanism that he vehemently opposed the invasion of Libya that led to the ousting of Col. Muammar Gaddafi and his eventual death. “I had issues with Gaddafi, especially when he wanted to create one government for Africa, which I opposed, but I still did not support an attack on his country. I still maintain my stand on Libya and will stress this to the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.” The invasion, according to Museveni, did not solve anything because the country was still embroiled in political turmoil. On the weaknesses in the party, the President said he was planning to appoint a new full-time secretary general. “My problem is that a secretary general is elected by the National Council, but as of now, I have no funds to call the council. I am trying to organise it next year, but in the meantime, I will appoint a substantive secretary-general, who would use a different name, but who will concentrate on the affairs of the party.” Citing the case in Butambala by-election, Museveni said the NRM was coming out at the last minute to mobilise for support, after losing a court case, which he called a sign of weakness. “We would have started mobilising earlier, if we had a full-time secretary general,” he said. He illustrated his point with the bush war tactics, where he concentrated on fighting, while others like Hajji Moses Kigongo, Eria Kategaya, Jacob Asiimwe and Hajji Nadduli concentrated on political work. He said with over 1,600 sub-counties in the country, the party did not need a part-time secretary-general, who only surfaces at the last minute. In-fighting Museveni, however, cautioned leaders in Butambala against petty divisions and infighting ahead of the coming by-elections. He wondered why leaders like Hajji Moses Kigongo, MP Mariam Nalubega, Kaddunabbi Lubega and Faisal Kikulukunyu were fighting each other. He said he was against people opposing some of the NRM party flag-bearers, saying they were weak in Parliament and unable to debate. He said even if one was a drunkard, as so long as he was able to vote for NRM issues in Parliament, he would not have any problem against him. “The role of our legislators is to mobilise people, vote for our motions in Parliament and sell the party abroad. So, leave these issues of people being promiscuous or drunkards. Even some of our bush fighters were drunkards, but they were good fighters,” he said. Museveni also attributed losses in the by-elections to cheating by the opposition, saying the party had filed cases after losing in Luwero, Bushenyi and Bukoto South and hinted on party members to learn to guard their votes. “For me, I’m not scared about the losses because I know the causes,” he said. Most of the election losers attended the meeting, including Alintuma Nsambu (Bukoto South), Kikulukunyu (Butambala) and Hajji Muyanja Mbabaali (Bukoto South). Other leaders included ministers Maria Mutagamba, Ruth Nankabirwa and James Kakooza, among others. Answering complaints raised by Hajji Nadduli, Museveni said the issue of delayed payments to war veterans was due to lack of enough funds. He said out of a total of sh250b, he secured only 32b last year. He added that the priority was now on power supply and roads, but assured the veterans that they would eventually be paid. Museveni said the Government was focusing on building a strong and trained army, enough supply of power that would boost industries, renovating the existing railway line and constructing a new line to connect South Sudan, promoting education and health. Hajj Nadduli also asked Museveni to return Buganda property because the opposition was riding on the issue. He thanked him for donating sh2b for the reconstruction of Kasubi Tombs and also asked him to reconsider disgruntled and forgotten NRM supporters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I WILL RETIRE AFTER IDENTIFYING SUCCESSOR WITH VISION, SAYS MUSEVENI By Mercy Nalugo Posted Saturday, August 4 2012 at 01:00 Entebbe Two months after he said he would retire when he clocks 75, President Museveni has said he will only quit if he identifies a person who is consistent, focused and with a vision to take the country forward. The President also said he would soon appoint a second secretary general to do mobilisation for the party since the current Secretary General, who also doubles as the Prime Minister, Mr Amama Mbabazi, is serving two portfolios concurrently hence impacting on his performance. Speaking during a meeting with officials of the NRM Buganda region task force that mobilised for his return in 2001, the President said he would have retired to his farm in Rwakitura long ago if he had identified a visionary leader. “There are some people who say Museveni should quit. I would have left long time ago but when you asses them, you wonder which direction they would take the country to,” he said. Without mentioning names, the President said those that have so far expressed interest to take on from him have not proved their worth. Divisions The Buganda region task force chairperson, Mr Abdu Nadduli, led the team that met President Museveni at Entebbe State Lounge to discuss a range of issues that included why the NRM party lost by-elections in Buganda . Share This Story “I don’t even look at someone’s religion or tribe but a good leader must focus on four key ideologies. He must be a nationalist, patriotic and pan African, one that promotes social economic transformation and is democratic,” the President said. He blamed the divisions and infighting within the party on some members that lack focus. Mr Nadduli blamed the losses on the infighting in the party and on some leaders who openly campaigned for the opposition. President Museveni, 68, in May said he will retire at 75 years. But his declaration on Thursday, means he could run for the Presidency in 2016. He has been in power for the last 26 years amidst opposition from critics who say he should retire and give chance to others. President Museveni said he would temporarily appoint someone to help with the party’s mobilisation work. “We want a secretary general with one job but because the secretary general is appointed by the national delegates’ conference, it requires a lot of money,” he said. He said Mr Mbabazi would retain his title as Secretary General but would have someone to assist him. This leaves the deputy secretary general, Dorothy Hyuha’s post in suspense in-case another secretary general is appointed. “We usually do mobilisation very late, for example, for the case of Butambala, the petition has been in court for a long time but the secretary general has been busy and if we had another secretary general, we would be mobilising already,” he said. There have been calls within the party that Mr Mbabazi relinquishes one of his portfolios since he was not getting enough time to do mobilisation work at the secretariat.

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