
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi and Katikiro of Buganda JB Walusimbi (L). PHOTO/Wilfred Sanya newvision By Moses Mulondo The Kabaka of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi, has said the kingdom is ready for dialogue with the Central Government in its quest for federalism and the return of all its properties. Addressing hundreds of his subjects who weathered a downpour yesterday during the 19th coronation anniversary at Sentema in Wakiso district yesterday, the Kabaka discouraged the forceful demand for the kingdom properties, saying a peaceful approach is the best. “There is no country you can fool all the time. A time comes when people’s eyes are opened. We shall continue to pursue dialogue based on truth and justice,” the Kabaka said to a thunderous applause from his excited subjects. He raised concern that whereas the Central Government returned the property of other dispossessed owners like Asians, it has taken long to give the Buganda kingdom all its property. The Asians were chased out of Uganda by then President Idi Amin on August 4, 1972 and their properties were handed out to Ugandans. “How come others were given their property and for us it is not happening. It must be known that we shall never stop to demand for what belongs to us and we shall do so choosing to take the path of negotiations,” he vowed. The Kabaka, who was in a jovial mood and at times breaking into gentle laughter, commended those who participated in the agitation for the restoration of the Buganda Kingdom. “Some of the participants in that struggle even died. Their major benefit for the struggle is embedded in safeguarding the three major pillars of our kingdom: the people, land, and culture,” he explained. Speaker after speaker, including the messages in the songs of school choirs were all blowing the trumpet of federalism, the return of the remaining kingdom property and payment of rent arrears the Central Government owes the Buganda kingdom. The Katikkiro, Engineer John Baptist Walusimbi, said he hopes the Government will by next year have returned all the kingdom’s property and granted it federal status. “There are so many things we have done, but there are also many we have not done because we don’t have the necessary autonomy. We want the federal system so that we can undertake our own development ventures. “For the last 19 years we have been advocating for federalism. We want this to be the last year for demanding for federalism and the return of our property,” Walusimbi said. The theme of the anniversary was strengthening the kingdom in educating its children. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUKENYA DEMANDS ASSETS AS KABAKA CELEBRATES Wednesday, 01 August 2012 00:32 Written by Shifa Mwesigye
The Kabaka waves at subjects upon arrival at the celebration grounds In one of the boldest statements since being dropped from government, former Vice President Gilbert Bukenya has asked the central government to give Buganda her assets, which the kingdom has been demanding for decades. Speaking during celebrations to mark the 19th anniversary of the coronation of Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II at Ssentema in Wakiso district, Bukenya also demanded more respect for his cultural ruler. “We should not disgrace our Kabaka like some leaders have been doing,” Bukenya said amidst ululation. “Our Kabaka should be respected. Buganda properties should be returned to Buganda.” Many assets of the kingdom were seized by the central government when kingdoms were abolished by Dr Milton Obote in 1967. After the restoration of kingdoms by President Yoweri Museveni, some of these assets were returned. The Mengo government is still negotiating for the return of its land occupied by many of the county and sub-county headquarters in central Uganda. Bukenya, who at some point appeared hesitant to complete his speech, was cheered on by fellow MPs Muhammad Nsereko (Kampala Central), Betty Nambooze (Mukono Municipality) and Medard Sseggona (Busiro East) who pointed at his speech and encouraged him to read the salient sections. “They keep telling us to negotiate with government but we already negotiated,” Bukenya said. “Give us our money that accumulated to billions to develop Buganda. Our land should also be returned, our county headquarters should be returned to us.”
Busiiro North MP gilbert Bukenya greets the Kabaka The government owes Mengo about Shs 20 billion in rental arrears. Bukenya, however, was not as vocal on these arrears when he was part of President Museveni’s government. He was dropped in May last year. He was then prosecuted and remanded to Luzira prison, over mismanagement of money meant for hosting the 2007 Commonwealth summit. In June, Bukenya threw the NRM party in panic when he hosted a Buganda meeting at his Entebbe resort, Katomi Kingdom Hotel. Some political watchers have reasoned that now that Bukenya is out of government, he is riding on Buganda nationalism to reposition himself politically as a strong Buganda ally. Besides hosting the celebrations in his constituency, Bukenya printed a banner bearing a portrait of the Kabaka sandwiched between two portraits of his own. He funded and oversaw the erection of the welcoming gate that ushered in Buganda supporters into the grounds. “Even if they continue to tarnish my name and image in the media, I am very strong and everything will come to pass because everything has a beginning and ending,” Bukenya said, a barb apparently aimed at his political rivals. The event was attended by many MPs from Buganda, and dignitaries like Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, Makerere University Acting Vice Chancellor Venansius Baryamureeba, former Katikkiros Dan Muliika and Joseph Ssemwogerere, Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala and Supreme Mufti Zubair Kayongo, among others. When he finally spoke, the Kabaka sent his subjects and their guests wild with ululation and adulation, all of which he took in with regal calm. He said that as the kingdom continued to unite, Buganda should give attention to educating her children so they can compete in the global market. Mutebi said it is time for youth to be groomed into job creators and not job seekers.
Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II cuts cake during the coronation ceremony. “Buganda is built on the foundation of youth but they must be educated because the world is changing. We will not compete if our children are not educated and moving with the pace,” Mutebi said. He said that Buganda would continue to peacefully demand for its assets through negotiations. People braved the heavy downpour that descended on the celebration grounds to witness the ceremony. Members of Parliament and several VIPs – including Baryamureeba – also threw themselves on the muddy ground and prostrated before the Kabaka, in a show of love and respect for the Kabaka. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAGANDA NOT TRIBALISTS, SAYS KABAKA MUTEBI Date: Jul 29, 2012
Kabaka Mutebi looks at a patient at Entebbe Hospital during his tour of town on Friday.Photo: Eddie Ssejjoba By Eddie Ssejjoba The Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II has said that Buganda’s historical relationship with tribes outside the kingdom proves that the monarch has never been discriminative as some critics claim. He explained that since time immemorial, the monarch has had friendly relationships with people from different parts of the country. He cited the example of his forefathers’ links with the people of Karamoja and Lango in Northern Uganda. The King was speaking at Aero Beach after his tour of Entebbe Municipality ahead of his 19th Coronation Anniversary in Busiro County on July 31. Large crowds welcomed the Kabaka including a group of Karamojong Cultural Performers. The proprietor of Aero Beach, Cornelius Lorika Kodet, a Karamojong contributed 10 cows for the Kabaka’s guests, erected a monument of the Kabaka, Nabagereka and Princess Ssangalyambogo. He highlighted the good relationship between Karamoja and the Buganda Monarch and introduced his elder brother, Edward Asiru who worked closely with the Kabaka’s late father, Sir Edward Mutesa II to discuss Uganda’s Independence in the Lancaster Conference in 1961. Asiru said Mutesa II also donated his one-year full salary to Karamoja after he found the area to be so backward and undeveloped and ever since that time, the people of Karamoja have been in love with the Buganda monarch. Engineer Michael Odongo from the Lango Cultural leadership also made revelations of their historical linkage with Buganda and pledged that the people of Lango were willing to help the kingdom build a monument for the late Kabaka, Daniel Mwanga where he was captured by the British colonialists after putting up some resistance. The Kabaka visited Entebbe Hospital where he donated a solar system and walked to a playground where he attended prayers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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