
Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Source: The office of the Clerk to Parliament APPOINTMENT OF THE CLERK TO PARLIAMENT The Clerk to Parliament is appointed by the President of the Republic of Uganda on the advice of the Public Service Commission. Article 87 of the Constitution states that there shall be a public servant designated as Clerk to Parliament, appointed by the President, acting in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission. The Clerk should be non partisan and serves all Members of all political shades equally. The Clerk is the most Senior Officer and head of the Parliamentary Service. Section 10 of the Administration of Parliament Act, 1997 states that: The Clerk shall be the head of the Parliamentary Service and shall be responsible to the Speaker for the general working and efficient conduct of the business of the Service. FUNCTIONS OF THE CLERK TO PARLIAMENT The Clerk to Parliament is the Chief Procedural Advisor to the Speaker, in the Plenary, in the Committees and to Members. The Clerk is responsible for the day to day management of Parliament. The Clerk is responsible for recording proceedings of the House and its Committees. In consultation with the Speaker, the Clerk draws up the Order Paper and also notifies Members of all Sittings. The Clerk administers the oaths to new Members at the beginning of a new Parliament and to witnesses appearing before the Committees. The Clerk is the custodian of all records, documents and all other assets of the institution of Parliament. These include items laid on Table. The Clerk communicates to the stakeholders all decisions and resolutions of Parliament. The Clerk is the Clerk to every Committee of Parliament and may delegate his or her duties to a Deputy Clerk or any Clerk Assistant. The Clerk prepares the assent copies of all Bills passed by Parliament for onward transmission to the President for assent. The Clerk is the Secretary to the Parliamentary Commission (S.3(5) Administration of Parliament Act, 1997). Since this is the governing body of Parliament, he/she provides guidance and participates in the formulation of Budget and other policy matters of Parliament. The Clerk is the Returning Officer for the elections held within Parliament, that is, the elections of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Parliamentary Commissioners, members of Pan African Parliament and Members of the East African Legislative Assembly. The Clerk is the Chairman of the Board of Management, which comprises the Heads of Departments. The Board of Management is the management team of the Parliamentary Service. It is the highest organ within the Service which is responsible for formulation of policy.