
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


KCCA set to return Buganda properties Health Centres, schools, and markets on the list
Wednesday, 29 August 2012 00:03 Written by Siraje Lubwama Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has announced that Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) will soon be returning properties worth billions of shillings to Mengo, the seat of Buganda Kingdom. In a four-page letter to the Buganda Katikkiro, Eng. J.B. Walusimbi, dated August 24, 2012, a copy of which The Observer has seen, Lukwago says some of the properties to be handed back include the pieces of land where Makindye and Kawempe division headquarters seat. Lukwago also names the four Health Centres of Kiruddu-Buziga in Makindye, which KCCA recently proposed to be lifted to a referral hospital, that of Kisenyi in Central Division as well as Kitebi and Kawaala. These are some of the 11 Health Centres KCCA is running. “I would wish to unequivocally state, that, going by the cogent documentary evidence on record, it is not in dispute that the said assets, currently occupied by KCCA, do belong to, and indeed should vest in the government of His Majesty the Kabaka of Buganda in accordance with Traditional Rules (Restitution of Assets & Properties) Act Cap. 247,” states Lukwago’s letter, which was copied to both the Attorney General of Central Government and his opposite number in Buganda among others. The markets Lukwago proposes to return to Mengo include Wandegeya and Nakulabye. Lukwago says both markets were confiscated by Central Government in the aftermath of the 1966 crisis. Other markets on the list are Bakuli, Kibuye and Mengo. Lukwago also wants Nabagereka Primary School, Katwe Primary School, Lugala-Kigobe Primary School, all operating under Universal Primary Education, and Kitebi Secondary School to be returned to Mengo. The Lord Mayor says KCCA will convene a special meeting not later than next month to deliberate and pass a resolution “not to whether, but when and how” the said property should be surrendered to Kabaka’s Government. Lukwago further proposes that if the Kabaka consents, KCCA may acquire leasehold interests in some of the aforesaid properties in order to build and modernise the city. Makindye Division had acquired part of the lease on the land where the division is located and where a Shs 1.2bn new office block was constructed a few years back. The division had also applied for lease for Kiruddu-Buziga Health Centre. Whereas it is not yet known how Central Government will react should the Authority pass the resolution to return the said properties, most councillors we talked to said they will give the proposal the green light. “I disagree on some issues with the Lord Mayor, but with this one I have no option but to back him because it has also been my wish for so long,” Bernard Luyiga, a Councillor representing Makerere University, said.

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